Survived the second one today, port worked well and I wasn’t sick, so definitely an improvement on last time. I still hate the scalp cooling, but since my hair hasn’t yet made up its mind whether to stay or go, I’ll be sticking with it for now.
@flojo Thank you ! Feeling nervous again today because of my reaction to the herceptin jab …
I’m in at 12.45 , keeping busy in the meantime and trying not to stress !
How are you feeling today ?
@mrso2 and @stevie86 how are you both ?
@couchpotato fantastic that you had your chemo without any reactions this time , I was peri menopausal and on hrt , I had to stop the hrt so I’ve had terrible hot flushes and I’m not sure if it’s the chemo side effects , the hrt withdrawal or both !
@flower5 I’m glad your second infusion went ok and was less traumatic than last time x
All ok here, but more importantly, I hope you are home now and ok. I’ve clocked off work for Christmas and I’m taking a deep breath! Take good care. xx
@flojo I bet that’s a relief knowing you are finished for Christmas now xx
I’m home and done … feeling very tired … no reactions this time but the injection was more painful despite the fact she took five mins …
The unit seems crazy today very busy and dragging non stop … it usually feels quite calm but it was noisy and hectic … my nurse said they were short staffed . Pleased to get cycle 2 done and dusted though x
That’s great - one more ticked off the list - really pleased for you. Please take it easy. xx
all fine thank you!! I have my 3rd infusion tomorrow (I had my pre-bloods yesterday) but haven’t heard anything today……. not sure if I should have heard? I did last time to say all was ok but nothing today?? should I call someone or assume it all good for tomorrow?
All ok though, and I’ve been positively ‘normal’…… especially this past week, apart from a few tummy troubles but nothing major. Just literally trying to keep busy and carrying on as normal as poss. I’m really not focusing on it and putting my mind to other things. Been to a lovely Christmas light walk at Webbs at the weekend, so so so nice!! and niece came over for the day today and we made some friends Lego :))
How are you doing?? So you’ve had your second round today?! how did it go?? how have you been feeling?? hoping you’re ok this week especially for Christmas, what are you plans, I know things are slightly different this year but I really hope you get to enjoy it!! :))
Big love!! Xxxxxx
also thanks for checking in, been thinking of you!! ;))
Has everyone always heard about blood results good or bad before next chemo as I haven’t heard anything today?? I had prebloods yesterday…… was fine last time but they took more bloods this time but like I said heard nothing. I guess I’m see when I got tomorrow morning for 3rd chemo, lol.
Thanks in advance!!
arty glad to read you got this round ticked off rest up Shi xx
@stevie86 my hospital don’t routinely tell me , I wa only told yesterday because the nurse rang me about my iron tablets to see if I had enough x
@Shi Thank you two down two to go … I think I’ve got fluid retention though as half a stone has gone on in three weeks which I don’t think is normal … they weigh me and I did mention it but nothing was said … I’m going to bring it up at my next oncology appointment as I look six months pregnant !
Arty1:heart: do ring your number and mention the fluid retention just to be on the safe side do they can monitor you shi xx
@Shi Yes I think I will as I have congenital kidney disease so they should be checking my kidney function really
thanks @arty1 for reassuring me :)) I’m sure they’ll tell me today about my bloods maybe?!
I sent you a reply yesterday before the bloods question as well in case you missed it, easily done on here!? ;))
Getting ready for my 3rd round now!! Whoohooo!
@stevie86 Ooh I havent seen that reply will look now x
No news is good news on the bloods , you’d get a call if the levels were no good . Good luck today ! Xx
Sorry the Herceptin injection was painful. I had a wonderful nurse who did it without any pain after the first few seconds. She injected a small amount and waited 30 seconds for the numbing (local anaesthetic) to kick in and then continued with the 5 minutes really slowly. I to,d every nurse after that to do the same and it was generally pain free.
However we all know we are different and react differently. So fingers crossed next time is better.
@naughty_boob - it did resolve after a min and dgd apologised profusely however unlike last time I’ve no red bullseye there today which is good pre meds all the way before each jab now I think x
Hi Everyone! I’ve got thru my first TC round now-- wasn’t too bad apart from the muscle pain from the Filastrim shots which were horrible. Gearing up for Round 2 on the 27th-- I’ll be celebrating Christmas then straight onto the steroids on boxing day.
Had a handful of hair coming out this morning at +14 days. I’m cold capping so we’ll see how it goes.
haha I meant on this thread🤪 it gets confusing I know. I can send it again if you cant find?! X
@stevie86 ooh I’ll scroll up !! Chemo brain fog had kicked back in although I’ve been to the drs today and walked … and have done done gentle housework … hoping to use up the steroid energy!!
hahaha yessss the steroid energy, use it up and enjoy, lol, glad you’ve got out and about!! does you good :)) alright weather here is so wet and freeeezing!! I’m home now from 3rd infusion!! all went well!!