November 2024 chemo starters

Sorry, @sam3 I misread that completely! The problem is that you don’t know what is normal and what isn’t. It may just be your body repairing or sitting differently after the mastectomy. I had similar surgery in September and I’m still quite sore in general. But hopefully the oncologist can put your mind at rest. Sorry, not been very helpful! X

If you can’t speak to your oncologist or breast team tomorrow, maybe give the BCN nurses a call 0808 800 6000 9-4pm.


Hi @sam3 I remember that we have the same diagnosis including the 4 positive nodes. Did they do a CT when they found out the nodes were involved?

Thank you ladies, I’ve been trying to get hold of the oncologist without success. Hopefully I will see her tomorrow and am praying that the explanation is not as sinister as my mind plays it out! I don’t know if they will offer any scans or if they would be too expensive perhaps. I’d rather get scanned if possible xo

Hi @flower5 :blush: Yes, I had a ct scan and bone scan back in September before surgery- they were both clear. I remember saying to the surgeon in august at the initial appointments that I had a discomfort in the right side and he said it could be stress (as I had just been diagnosed). So it was there before chemo started, however it’s been noticeably worse the last week or two :hear_no_evil:xo

They may be willing to repeat the scan for you or at least rexamine the previous one to give you peace of mind. I am having a second CT at the end of chemo because of some abnormalities that they want to monitor. They were reluctant to do it during chemo, not sure why. x

Hi yes my chemo number 5 is tomorrow & it’s my 2nd round of Docetaxel so I’ll keep you posted on how I feel from that 1 when I’ve had it!! Is your next round next week? X

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Thank you, I’ll ask them today and see what they say. What were the abnormalities they found with you? Xo

Lung nodules and sclerotic lesions on my pelvis, but both surgeon and oncologist seem optimistic that they will be benign with only four positive nodes. I get the impression that a first CT often throws up a few things, so great that yours was clear. x

That’s great you are getting positive messages from them. They did see two cysts on my liver but felt that they were nothing to worry about. I’m trying hard to be optimistic but it’s so hard. Not sure what is the norm with chemo. I think I’m worrying more as the discomfort began before chemo, it just seems to be worse now xo

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Do you suffer with acid reflux? That has caused me rib pain in the past, and I know chemo aggravates it. In any case, I hope you manage to get hold of your oncologist and get some reassurance. x

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Thank you :pray:t2:
I have had some acid reflux now and then but I don’t feel like this is related. I’ll ask about scans but I’m not sure they will agree. At this point I’m willing to go privately for scan if it gives me any peace of mind. Xo


thanks for checking in…… sorry my reply is so late, again haven’t been on here as much like I was at the beginning.

I’m doing well thanks, had my 4th cycle last Friday, so a week now (half way through) and it was my last Docetaxol!! All went well and I’ve felt pretty much normal again, apart from weird mouth this week like always, but that will ease away. I’m still walking an hour everyday, and popping out here and there with a mask on, makes days go a bit quicker and stops me from being so bored. Days are flying by though, can’t be believe we are already middle of Jan! It’s crazy!!

How’s everyone else doing?! I’m not looking forward to starting EC, just because it’s a different drug and scared for reactions but il just deal with it when it comes…… oncologist said I shouldn’t feel too differently on it compared to Docetaxol?! :-/ but trying not to think ahead as two weeks yet.

Big love!! X


Hi all. Hoping everyone is doing well and managing to cope with the side effect. Had my last chemo session on friday so seems im the 1st one here to get to ring the :bell:. Emotional day and 2 of 3 ( surgery & chemo) ticked off. Just waiting to see oncologist for start date for radiotherapy. Hope that you are all feeling better in the hopes the end is nigh . Wishing you all the best of luck x


Well done @hlc :tada::tada::tada::bell::bell::bell::bell:

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oh well done!! I know it’s not all over and you still have the radiation part BUT that’s a big part over and you’ve done it!! go you!! How are you feeling?? how many rounds did you have overall?? hope you’re feeling ok since your last one. Sending all the love and positive vibes!!

I’m doing well, I do have the first week where my mouth is bit weird and I’m only slightly fatigued but not enough to go to sleep in the day, I just sleep well every night. But that’s all lifted now since yesterday, so here’s hoping I have two weeks of feeling normal before the 5th cycle!! I’m starting EC for the next 4 rounds, slightly apprehensive as been on Docetaxol so not sure what the EC will bring as I’ve been surprisingly well on the Docetaxol!?


@stevie86 ive had 12 weekly rounds of paclitaxel + 3 weekly herceptin. To be fair i think ive got of quite lightly compared to some of you. Sleep or lack of it has been the main reason ive felt rubbish ive the obvious taxol rash on my face… thank god for make up. Not lost my hair but it had thinned dramatically. Feel like a ugly duckling most of the time. I had the picc line so haven’t had to suffer being cannulated each week which has been a godsend . Also ive had the bone infusion which i believe i have every 6 months for 3 years and will be starting letrozole soon for 10years …worrying about side effects of that .
Fingers crossed for the EC for you…hopefully youll be lucky cos what ive read most people find doclitaxol hardest .
Have you had or having surgery?


Day 7 after first Docetaxol and Phesgo. Any tips on preventing (for next time) this awful discomfort in my mouth?!

It’s like my mouth is dry and burning and so sore and everything - including water - tastes disgusting! I find mouth stuff gets me down the most. I can cope with the awful flu like aches and pains of day 4-6, but the mouth stuff makes everything miserable.

On EC I had oral thrush but was able to treat that preventatively on subsequent treatments. This is very different to oral thrush. Wondering is there is anything preventative for next time and what I can do right now to bring some relief.


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Hi everyone, i dont really post on here but i do read alot of the threads on here. I was diagnosed with early stage of invasive breast cancer her2+ in july 2024. Had a lumpectomy to remove my 13mm lump and sentinel node biopsy that came back all clear. Ive nearly finished my chemo treatment only 2 sessions left. Had 3 of ec which wasnt as to bad feeling slightly sick and just a bit tired. Had my first of docetaxel and herceptin injection 2nd jan. My oncologist said this is the hardest bit and she wasnt wrong ive never felt so ill and i feel i can handle pain but this one knocked me right of my feet. I ended up in hospital due to a throat infection and my neutrophils were so low. Ive got my next round on Thursday and have to say im dreading it. Ive lost all my hair now and my skin is so dry and ive got lumps on my tongue ive tried the mouth wash they gave me but that doesn’t seem to work. Is there anything else i could try and what would people recommend for my dry skin. Xx

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You may want to join the thread set up over a year ago for HER2 and need some buddies as our treatment lasts longer than chemo alone. It’s a supportive thread with some like me who have finished active treatment now on Letrozole and Zoledronic acid, some having chemo, others on Herceptin/Phesgo/Kadcyla.

@sawabev might be a thread you might want to join/follow as well.
