November 2024 chemo starters

@stevie86 I’m 10 days in from my first EC and have been feeling fantastic for the last two days - better than I was all through paclitaxel. However, I was pretty floored on days 4-7, very tired and achy, just moving from bed to sofa. 3 left (that will be 16 chemos in total).
I have a picc line and am looking forward to it coming out on that last treatment although it’s been great having it for so many treatments and blood tests.


Fantastic, well done @arty1 glad to see we are all slowly getting through this…
Glad to hear people who have changed to EC are doing well, I am already very nervous about it, having my first EC in about 2 weeks time.
Currently doing my filgrastim injections, plus on the Laxido and now also tablets for oral thrush. Feeling a bit grim today. Not helped by the weather, sunshine and blue sky, in Wales… I will have to go for a walk dressed up like for a desert excursion :laughing:


I am really pleased to read some people are reaching the end of their course of chemo. Well done for getting through it. I am not going to complete mine. Too many reactions to it during infusion. Reacting to docetaxol and paclitaxol . The oncologists advice is to move to the hormone therapy and radiotherapy next. As oncotype DX score was low the benefit of chemo is minimal. If lymph’s hadn’t been involved I wouldn’t have been offered it as part of the clean up of any rogue cells. Not sure if to be fearful or thankful that I’ve been taken off it but have moved on allready to goserelin jabs monthly and start letrozole in 3 weeks. Thankful to not be having the side effects of it anymore but fearful that my overall risk has been increased by not completing it. Well done to you all for getting this far and facing everything thrown at you along the way. Xx


I started with EC and the first one floored me in terms of tiredness for a few days but the second and third were very do-able and for most of the time I felt ok. Just a bit tired. I’ve done two of three Docetaxel and found it much harder. So don’t worry too much. We are getting there!


My surgeon said lots of ladies don’t make it to the end of chemo but with the surgery and decent drugs available they still do fine these days. X


@flojo nearly there did you too ! Woohoo!!

@louisea77 I know a few people that haven’t completed their chemo … my friend had multiple reactions to paclitaxel and was stopped in the end … I was out on nab placlitaxel as I’m allergic to castor oil used as a solution in it … but they’ve still had to fill me full of pre meds to get me through … I develop a terrible measles like rash afterwards too… I’ve got to have pre meds for my herceptin too moving forward as I react when I have that too … at the end of the day of it was desperate for you to have chemo they’d try something different … so they obviously feel the hormone treatment is enough x

@couchpotato I’d be lost without laxido … I didn’t take any after cycle 2 and my god at one point I thought I was going to have to phone for an ambulance :rofl:

@brambles1 that’s really good to hear you are feeling great ten days in . I’m feeling pants after chemo last Thursday so just trying to rest … after cycle 3 I was floored for ten days then Turned a corner and felt almost

@stevie86 I’m getting a bit addicted to wigs :rofl:
Glad to hear latest chemo was fuss free and you are feeling ok !

@flower5 that’s great news . Fingers crossed xx


How are we all ? Side effects from this cycle are Blimmin horrific … I’m doing a lot of pathetic moaning :rofl:


I’m suffering a bit after the first docetazel, weird shooting bone pain and sore throat being the main issues, but still prefer it to EC! x


@flower5 fingers crossed that’s the worse it gets , bone pains seem common with taxels… I’m really suffering with that . When did you have your Doxetaxel?

Last Wednesday, but my recovery hasn’t been linear like it was with EC, I seem to be having good days and bad days. The chemo team told me take an antihistamine in addition to painkillers, which helped I think. x

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Hello did any one have a tight chest during treatment ? Ive just had number 4 on friday and my chest is tight ive been checked over by the ambulance team and all good nothing concerning just a slightly faster pulse but i wasnt sure if anyone had any beta blockers or medication they had tried ? Xx

Not here, but it’s one of the symptoms the chemo nurses always ask about, so it must be a thing

Hi @shannon27
I have had 3 rounds of EC & I’m about to have my 3rd round of Docetaxel today & finally ring the bell :bell:
I have had a tight chest with every round of chemo I have had & have felt like my heart rate has been a bit fast at times too.
It lasts for up to a few days each round & I just put it down to the chemo battering the good cells aswell as the bad & my lungs having to work hard to rebuild. I just try not to panic & stay relaxed.
I have also been a bit breathless especially if I go up the stairs & I am usually very fit & active.
I’m glad that you have been checked & hopefully that’s reassured you. It has panicked me at times but I’ve just tried to take my mind off it each time & relax.
How many rounds do you have left? Good luck going forward & hopefully soon this will all be over for you :crossed_fingers:
If you type in the search bar at the top …Tight chest with chemotherapy quite a few ladies have commented with their experience for you to have a read of too!! X


Aw thats amazing last round :partying_face: i hope it goes all well, yes ive had the tight chest for a couple of days this is my 4th round of tchp and im not sure if i should be getting my doses reduced next time or not feel like its taken its toll :relieved: but i shall see how i go i have 2 nore to go, i had my last one friday and still not quite getting there feel like its taken longer to bounce back than the last 2 xx

Have been told by the nurses that the jags can trigger sternum bone pain, so with the doxetaxol it cause just double up and cause it, hoping it wears off xx

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Hi, yes, I have had this for a few days after each round. Oncologist told me to take some ibuprofen, and it does help. Some exercise/going for a walks seems to help too.


Today I finally rang the bell :bell:


Hi all, I started chemotherapy
in November but only just found this platform.
I had a lumpectomy, 4 lymph nodes removed and a reconstruction in October.
I’m 43 and Triple Negative. Clear margins and nodes clear . I’ve just had treatment number 11 of Paclitaxel I’ve got one more next week then onto EC 4 X treatments over eight weeks then Radiotherapy.
It’s a long process and I’ve felt emotions I’ve probably not felt so intensely in my life. It’s so nice to read everyone’s experiences definitely makes this less lonely when you’re wide awake still at stupid hours in the morning :joy: x


Well done! Another milestone reached! :tada::tada::heart:


Hi everyone! I had my last docetaxal today and that’s me done with chemo wooohooo.

Will be happier once the next week is over, but it’s nice to be done with the infusions! I haven’t found docetaxal too bad but the side effects are definetly getting worse with each round.

Onto radiotherapy in March, they’ve prescribed 3x5. Really wish it was only 1x5 but I guess extra is good, but a pain in terms of meeting all the appointments