November diagnosis

hey everyone hope you feeling ok.

jacqui - thats a bit tough if your chemo starts just before xmas. you will have see what they say on wednesday what they think is best, maybe starting just a few days later might be ok with them. i know what mean i hope i get a break for a few days over xmas and new year without any appointments before my rads start. i know the rads will start in new year but will have to have appointment with onc and i heard you have to planning sessions or sumat first with rads. so not sure timing of things. i will be on horomone therapy as well, but not sure if this starts before or after rads or during or what. not sure what else until meeting with onc.

trying to take a day at time not think about weeks ahead as it just stresses me i find, it is difficult though.

Hi Ladies,
I have previously written under ‘new diagnosis’, I was diagnosed 24th November with ductal cancer insitu and invasive cancer and am triple negative.Waiting for date for sentinel biopsy, should be before Christmas and then mastectomy and reconstruction after Christmas. Hoping lymph nodes are clear, they couldnt see any on ultrasound but I have read that is only 70% accurate. I have found the whole thing very stressful, had problems sleeping etc despite having very supportive family.You just never think you will get cancer.
My breast nurse is fantastic and has helped me so much. I am waiting to see her to discuss what type of reconstruction but really don’t know and also to talk about clinical trials I could be involved with.It was good for me to see you are all going through the same. I have been worried it was taking so long but lelly61 and alanaa, you seem to be at the same stage as me.
Big hugs to you all. x

Hi Melinda

I am posting a couple of links to the BCC publications ‘Breast reconstruction’ and ‘Clinical trials’ which you may find useful to read prior to seeing your BCN:

Our helpliners are on hand for you if you wish to talk any aspect through, you can call on 0808 800 6000, Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 9-2

Take care

Good morning, just been reading Shadders story, it could be mine word for word. I’m due to start chemo this week which I’m really scared about but I’m a tough cookie and my best friend’s coming with me - so lucky to have her as she’s been with me all the way.
If it’s any help to anyone I was more than terrified of the op, I’ve never been ill in my life, but it was nowhere near as bad as I’d imagined and now I’m back at work and driving about, ready for the next scary moment.
The speed at which everything has happened has amazed and impressed me, I’ve not had much time to get used to each thing until I’m on to the next, still it’s better to be getting on with things - waiting and worrying are some of the worst things.
Good luck to us all this week, we’re stronger than we think.
Chrissie x

hi chrissie welcome to our november thread.

i know what you mean about everything the speed of things happening - i have been exactly the same. appointments coming thru all time for stuff. its good that things are moving fast and treatment underway. but it is tiring both mentally and physically and theres no let with up with stuff - but like i said its good to get things asap.

keep in touch and us updated with your chemo treatment.


Hi Ladies
Sounds like we are all making progress one way or another as we edge closer to xmas.
Melinda & Alaana, you seem to be in a similar place to me so would be great to hear how you get on. I had another ultrasound last week on my lymph nodes which seemed clear but am still naturally anxious about the SNB on the 22nd. Just want to get it over with, get the results and then get date and treatment finalised for mx & recon.
Appointments do take up a lot of time and help distract you to a point but very difficult to concentrate on work - thank heavens for a great boss…
I am thinking and praying for you all. At least we can share our inner thoughts and get that vital support from each other and help each other through this challenging time.
Big hugs to all x

Morning ladies, the wobble I had over having my hair cut seems to have passed. I’ve got my pre assessment appt this afternoon, one step closer to starting treatment. I will have my fist dose of chemo on monday 19th. Hope you are doing ok xx

Pleased you are feeling more positive now you have a plan and are ready to start treatment.
Keep in touch and fingers crossed for you
L x

Many thanks. This site has helped me through some dark times, I’m sure you know its good to know we are not alone xx

Joining in here …was diagnosed initially ultra sound 24 Nov, confirmed by biopsy - done on 2 Dec - results 9 Dec - a very long week.
Have my pre-op appointment 6 Jan where i think im going to be told that they will just remove the lump as it is only 8mm in size and then radiotherapy - but wont know exactly what they want to do til then. I’m in France so things are done differently here but I am being treated at one of the top clinics in the country (allegedly) so feeling confidently anxious or anxiously confident!
best wishes to everyone on this thread…

Welcome to the thread Mary though obviously sorry you are in the same situation. Try and relax and make the most of xmas and new year and very best wishes for the op.

Shadders, thx for starting the Nov DX thread and there was me thinking I was special and unique;-) but sadly it seems to be quite a few of us…Debbie, TTMouse, Alanaa, Lelly, Chrissie, Lindyloo, Christine, Mary, Melinda,…hugs to you all and hope you don’t mind me joining your thread.

Mary, just read your post and i think I’m just ahead of you. DX 17th Nov with 8mm DCIS in right, calcification in left so had lumpectomy last Thursday with 3 nodes and various other lumps removed from both. Post op recovery all going ok and defo not as bad as I thought it would be. Results and treatment plan this Friday and a bit freaked about the SNB results but am doing OK. Don’t think they can much beyond what you already know until they test post op so like Lelly suggests best to try and enjoy Christmas. Best wishes Zax

hi zax welcome to the november ladies thread. you were dx same day as me 17th nov - a day we wont forget in a hurry.

i had my lumpectomy in left breast on 30th nov and also the SNB.

seen consultant surgeon last week but havent met onc yet. that might be next week. radiotherapy will be after xmas. i am still be bruised/sore but its not too bad.

please do keep in touch with your progress and hopefully you will find the support and advice on here a great help.

take care

TTM xxx

hi ladies sorry to hear that you have join us but this site is very supporive and there are lots of lovely ladies on here, i myself was dx with ibc last sept 2010, had chemo first followed by mx then 15 rad plus herceptin for a year, i had a few complications alot of anxiety, but now i am cancer free, and living life to the full, it is a long journey but you will get through this good luck ladies with your treatment plans. x x

Hi ladies,

just wanted to send love & hugs to you all as this was me this time last year.

I had my Op Xmas Eve, grade 3 invasive ductal, WLE/SNB I then started chemo in Feb & finished in June, Rads through July & am now 12 months on & am considered NED :slight_smile:

It has probably been 1 of the toughest years of my life but it truly was doable, 6 months ago i had no hair & today i am off for my 3rd post chemo cut & colour, life truly does start to get back to normal.

Love to you all


Thx Sarah, Lollypop et al, it’s good to hear positive outcomes and NED is the aim! No Evidence of Disease if I’m getting my forum lingo right.

Woke up early this morning in a bit of a quandary. Any of you November Ladies still struggling to accept it’s happening? I mean I know my DX, I cry and get scared,  I’ve discussed treatment options,  I’ve told people, I educate myself about the disease, I’ve had surgery and lets not forget the endless waiting…all those things I do but I feel like I am walking beside myself…not like an out of body experience or anything but like it’s not really happening to me.  Even when someone is sticking yet another needle in your boob!

I can’t work out if I am being very self-aware, utterly naive or its a coping strategy and the flood gates will open one day.  I think I’m more scared of falling apart and not being able to cope than operations and treatments.  

Sorry for waffling and hope everyone is doing OK this morning…hugs…Zax

BTW TTMouse I totally got my dates mixed up, my Dx was actually confirmed on 22nd Nov…not that it really matters.  I think 17th was when they started ringing the alarm bells.

Zax - I can really empathise with you and seem in a similar place. I have not shed a tear or got angry since my dx end Nov. When I talk about it, I don’t think I am talking about myself, it is not real for me. My GP is concerned that I am in denial and that it will really hit me soon, probably when I have my SNB next week.
I am always the strong one for family and friends but probably need to let myself go now.
As you say, we all have different coping mechanisms, perhaps this is how we will get through this ?
Big hugs to all
L x

Good evening Lelly and Zak

I am feeling the same as the two of you in regards to the diagnosis and am glad that I am not the odd one out in this. This community here is just amazing and I am ever so glad I got involved with it as I find it awful hard to talk to anybody at present and thank my lucky stars for my lazy cat to keep me company and sane.

Hope all of you ladies have a pleasant evening and chin up - we will all beat this in our own little ways.

Hugs from Alanaa

Posted on behalf of new user lynzi

Hi all

i was diagnosed on 25th Nov to the suprise of my GP and Breast Consultant. Had WLE & SNB on 30th Nov now at home recovering very well. meeting with my Oncologist tomorrow with regards to discussing chemo and radio due to start after xmas some time.

talk about one big blur!!!

Hi all,
Had first chemo today, not as bad as I’d imagined but I do have vivid imagination and the waiting was the worst bit.
Pink wee was a bit of a shock, it was so pink.
I’ve booked the short haircut for christmas Eve so I’ll have have a new look for Christmas and next year I’m going blonde,(I’ve got the wig).
I’ve got a three week break now, but I’ll be thinking of you all and I hope your imaginings are worse than reality too.
Hope we all have a nice break for Christmas and be ready to continue the fight against this hideous disease, and win.
Love Chrissie x