November diagnosis

Hi Lynzi, sorry to see you join but hope we can help each other through, I’m also recovering from WLE and SNB. Not got there myself yet but once you have your treatment plan the blur slows.

Chrissie, so glad to hear the imagination was worse than reality. bring on the blonde. Didn’t know pink wee was a side effect, I had green sick and blue wee post op which I found hilarious for some reason. But then I have to say humour has been a great way to deal with this s***y situation. During my first biopsy the nurse told me the biopsy needle would sound like a staple…but what I actually heard was ‘sound like a steak knife’!!!

I should get my results from SNB and WLE op tomorrow so will hopefully get no more bad news and a treatment plan.

BTW Lelly…re being in denial. Try thinking what advice you would give someone in your position…and then take it yourself. We all rubbish at taking our own advice but often give really good support to others. Also I think the flood gates did open today…just a little:-)

Hope all the other Nov Ladies are doing ok

Zax - so true about not being able to take own advice but learning fast…

Fingers crossed for your results tomorrow

Hugs to all xx

Hi Lynzi and Zax, good luck with you results today. Not knowing is such an awful time, but once you get the results things move quickly, and knowing what’s coming although scary is a bit of a relief as at least you will be further down the line to beating this crap disease.
Four weeks ago I was having my op, now I’ve already had my first chemo, which wasn’t as scary as I’d imagined; it was all over quickly and painlessly.
Once again good luck for today.
Love Chrissie x

Hi everyone

Chrissie, glad to hear the first chemo went well, those imagination demons are a bugger!

Finally results day arrived and went to a consultation where we actually discussed good news for once…what a novelty that was! Results overall were positive, IDC Grade 2 confirmed in right and calcium deposits confirmed as pre-cancerous in left (bummer) but clear margins and nodes (whoop whoop) Had glass of fizz to celebtate the small win. Defo rads and tam but also may still need chemo (not so whoop whoop) but what ever it takes…

Had my first experience of ‘well you must be cured’ in response to my results which although I suspected would happen makes it no easier to hear. Should be going into work next week so no doubt that will bring some interesting comments and situations.

Hope everyone is doing OK, Lynzi how did the op go? Lelly, when is your SNB op this week?

Love Zax

Hi Zax
Very pleased to hear that things are progressing well and that the results were positive, glad you had a glass of fizz as every small win is a big bonus :slight_smile:
When do you start rads ? Assume they will wait for the results from that before deciding on chemo ? More waiting but, as you say, whatever it takes…
Have my SNB on thursday (2 days before daughter’s 16th birthday) and going to some great friends for xmas so will be very well looked after. No follow up dates yet which is a bit frustrating - I know it is xmas but would hope to have a date for the follow-up meeting and a proposed date for mx - will contact my BCN today to see if she knows anything. Think the waiting id definitely the worst…

Big hugs to all
L xx

hi zax

good your next treatment is being put into progress.

when will you know about chemo, do you know what decides whether you need or not??

how are you other ladies doing? shadders not heard from you for a few days - hows progress with the chemo?

big hugs to you all

TTM xxx

Hello everyone,

i’m almost back to normal after the op now (WLE & SNB), woke up a couple of nights ago with a sharp burning pain in my arm…think i’d somehow pulled it without realising. scars are healing really well.

had good news with the histology results. they were happy to confirm they’d successfully removed the cancer with clear margins and couldn’t find evidence of it in my blood cells. also the 4 lymph nodes that were removed came back clear which was such a relief!! the only ‘bad’ thing was that mine can’t be controlled by hormones.

i met with my oncologist on 15th Dec. she confirmed i will be having TAC chemo without the C in 6 installments, every 3 weeks for 18w then once that is out of the way i will have 3 weeks of Rads.

hope you are all doing well :slight_smile:

Lynzi xx

Hi Ladies,
Everything seems to be going so slowly for me.I can’t believe its 7 week since I went to my Gp. I have had so far a biopsy of lump,a week for the results then a biopsy of calcuim deposits, another week for resuts, they are cancerous. then yesterday had my SN biopsy.
So now waiting for 2 weeks for the results then will get a date for mastectomy and reconstruction.

I really want to know more about the back flap from woman who have had it done. I will have to search on here. I can go on a clinical trial about quality of life after mastectomy and reconstruction. I want to make sure its right for me.

I do feel emotionally much better since had SN biopsy may be its because things are starting to happen now. I have been a wreck since diagnosis and feeling guilty as not been to work and perhaps should save my sick time for post surgery. I really couldn’t work though.
Nice to get this off my chest, enjoy reading about you all.
Is anyone Triple negative? that does stress me a bit.

Big hugs to all

Totally agree…I am actually BORED of waiting!!!

Thx all for the kind comments about my results. Wont know what the score is till I see the Onc which may be next week or more likely next year now. Oh brilliant more waiting!!!

Jayne, can’t help on the triple neg but I think the forum jargon for the back flap maybe DIEP flap and I’ve seen it mentioned loads. Hope this helps you find out more…

Time to go try and count some sheep. Hope this s****y situation is not putting too much of a downer on the Christmas spirit…can’t believe it this weekend. Why does waiting for something take so long but the good bits never come quick enough???

Hugs to all…Zax

PS Lelly good luck with the SNB on Thursday…be thinking of you.

Sorry Jayne, think I may have got the jargon wrong. Might be LD flap and not DIEP…hugs Zax

Hi everyone and it’s great?!? to see so many new people here. Sorry I’ve not been here much but Christmas at school then Christmas at home took over for a while.I had my pre assessment appointment last week and they agreed to put my date for chemo back until 9th Jan. [Thanks for thinking of me TTM] Chemo nurse said that the 20th was a bit early as it wouldn’t have been 6 weeks after my op by then. Got a feeling they had targets to meet. Just had my last scan yesterday so am all ready for the 9th.

Zac I felt exactly the same as if it was happening to someone in a story not me but since my pre assessment apt the floodgates have oppened and I have been crying at anything vaguely emotional. I started crying as the opening credits rolled for ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ and didn’t stop till it finished. Cried when I heard a lttle girl having her blood test as I was waiting for mine. Cried when I opened a card from a little girl and she’d written her own writing in it. Cried buckets when watching ‘This is England 88’. Don’t know if anyone else saw it but what a fantastic series! I feel so much better now.

More scared than I thought I would be about losing my hair. Have a hairdressers apt on Sat and will go really short. Don’t know if it will suit me. I love the pixie cuts but I have a big head and face so…

I had a phone call from someone who has been through chemo and it really helped me. She had a similar dx to me and similar chemo. Breat Cancer Care put me in touch with her and she’s going to ring back when I’ve had my 1st treatment.

hi shadders
Just want to wish you luck. It will be ok. Try to keep positive. don,t worry about the crying days they are normal.

Please all of you believe me that the waiting is the worst but it will end. You will get through this
Maj x

Thank you Maj. x

hi shadders nice to hear from you. hope your happy with the chemo start date. i know you were shocked at the prospect of starting before xmas and i suppose you had got yourself ready for that - but now you can a little break over xmas period and hopefully have a nice time and then you will be fully ready for starting in the new year. hope your hair appointment goes well on saturday, i am sure your hairdresser will do a great job for you. xxx

i have been quite tearful on and off last few days as well. i think its because anything else that crops up which i would normally have just dealt with (little things usaual stuff) just seems too much to deal with and i get upset. i think things have just caught up with me. at start first week or so i was crying all the time, then havent been so much. but i think its just hit me again. it seems weird that it is xmas day on sunday, i keep forgetting what day/date it is as every day seems the same, and i just wait for the next appointment to go to for something or other. sorry for waffling ladies.

hope your hair appointment goes well on saturday, i am sure your hairdresser will do a great job.

big hugs to you all


Good morning ladies

got my results yesterday and was gutted when told that I have to have my left breast removed beginning of January and reconstruction 6 or 7 months later. Felt better after a good cry last night and will do some baking today to get into the festive spirit as my oldest girl and my son are coming home for the holiday.
Any tips re nightwear and bra for the stay in hospital as I normally only sleep in a t-shirt ( not to mention that I hate bras at the best of times) and don’t think that is suitable for the hospital.

Hi Ann how are you getting on and nice to see shadders posted a message too.

Wishing you all a nice day


Alanaa, really sorry to hear the results weren’t better, I doubt there is much I can write that will help other than saying we’ll be here to help where we can. Give that lazy cat of yours a bug hug…sure that will help too! Tips on nightwear…button tops so no lifting over the head needed, found the M&S staff really helpful about bras but you may need a bigger store to get a full range.

Seems like all us November Ladies are ramping up the water works except maybe Lelly but she might just let go of the flood gates next week after her op tomorrow. I’m catching you up TTT, started welling up at adverts now!

Shadders, nice to hear from you. Got This is England 88 recorded, top series but am still a bit freaked by the last one…particularly ‘that’ scene so might wait a while before I watch it. Not sure how long your hair is but a lady on another thread donated her hair to the Little Princess charity who use human hair to make wigs for kids who have lost theirs through illness. She said it made cutting her hair much more bearable. It does have to be over 7inches in length thou…

Hope everyone is doing ok and I’ll be raising a virtual glass of something to us all at the weekend. Right, I’m off to watch the Disney channel to see if I can finish off that man sized box of tissues! lots of love Zax

Alaana, so sorry to hear your news but hopefully it will help a bit now that you at least know what you are dealing with, that is what I found. I also have to have my left breast removed mid jan but believe I will have immediate reconstruction. It is devastating but I am just keen to get rid of the “gremlin”.
Ref nightwear, I have bought some zipped short sleeve terry nighties from QVC and tried one out for my SNB yesterday. It was great, easy to get on and easy for the nurses to open and access the wound. Also nice and light as hospital rooms are so warm.
Please try and be positive and focus on the holidays.

Hope all our lovely ladies are doing well. Had my SNB yesterday, didn’t agree with the anaesthetic but everything else ok and better than I thought. Also pleased to have my mx date. Floodgates did open a little and think they will more now which w
I am sure will help.

Big hugs an love to all xx

Just a quick message to wish all you lovely ladies as happy a Christmas as possible. We will all get through this, especially with the invaluable support we can provide each other.
Take care and loads of gentle hugs xxx

Hi ladies
Haven’t been on here for quite awhile and I am amazed at how our little group has grown.Although I haven’t been at work time has whizzed by, going into school to watch various plays, concerts etc( It was nice to see them from the front for once , instead of from behind the curtain!)
I went back for my results after my surgery and had a bit of a shock. They had discovered cancerous cells in my sentinel node when it had been removed ( hadnt shown before). I though I d be moving onto the next stage, but no , now I have to go back in for more surgery. (A full auxillary clearance) I was offered the 22nd dec, but decided to wait til 5th jan, so that i could atleast enjoy christmas. I have booked a special holiday in june for my 50th, but this is looking more and more as if i’ll have to cancell it :frowning:
Shadders regarding school , my head and I discussed telling the parents the truth ( because of gossip) but in the end it was taken out of my hands and a letter was sent saying i had to have an op so wouldnt be in school before christmas and that it might result in more treatment after. I assume they would be able to read into it,what was going on.
Alanna regarding hospital , I took in pj’s front opening, but in the end ,ended up just wearing the hospital gown as i had some weeping and didnt want to ruin my clothes!! lol As it was I was only in for 1 day. I also had a front opening bra which i got from john lewis I think MandS are better.

Take care everone. I hope you’ve all had a lovely Christmas xxx

Got my threads confused and aswered your post Zax on Jan chemo. Anyway thanks for the info on donating hair but have already had it cut. My hair wasn’t 7inches long though so I don’t think I could have donated it. Also it was highlighted, I don’t know if that makes a difference. I love my new hair by the way and everyone says it suits me. Unfortunately I haven’t got very long with it! I think Ill have it in the same style when it grows again.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas
Love to you all, Jacqui x
PS Tax definately make sure you are ready for the new This Is England. I was still crying the next day!