November diagnosis

hi ladies,

hope you are all doing ok.

alana, snowing! hope it doesn’t here. your fat cat will keep you warm and snuggly. i have 2 kittys, and one of them likes to hog the fire. hope you are not too sore?

i am waiting for further wle unfortunately. want to get to next step.

zax, hope the tamoxifen is going ok, keep me posted. i am assuming mine starts once surgery is done.

hugs to all

TTM xxx


I am not sore at all just have a bit of fluid gathering so will phone the doc tomorrow to see what the crack is. Fat cat is happy just cuddling up with me whenever I am not on the move (which is rather often at present, but she is now 12 so coming to the point of being a recycled teenager like most of us.

Hope all you ladies are doing okay - looks as if I am burning the midnight oil once again. Feeling rather tired but just can’t get to sleep so no doubt will watch some tennis. Fingers crossed it will stop snowing so my tv signal will feel inclinde to work again. I love living in the country but it does have it’s drawbacks.

Alanaa xx

hi ladies, bit quiet on here last few days.

hope everyone is doing ok.

alana - hows fluid build up, did get it sorted. hope your managing some rest.

ruth13 - hows the chemo treating you?

zax - whats the news on the tamoxifen front, hope you havent gone awol with the kitchen knife.

had my pre-op today ready for further sugery :frowning: just wanna get to next step and speak with onc about next treatments - will be scared stiff when i do. already know tamoxifen as estrogen positive.

lots of hugs to you all

TTM xxx

Hi everyone,

TTM- Chemo going OK, x2 FECC down, one to go then start Tac. Can’t say it is the way I would chose to spend four months of my life, but it is the means to and end. i have x2 cats too, they have been great company since diagnosis in November.
I found all the waiting the most difficult.I only had x1 WLE before surgeon said I needed MTX next.God it is an awful time. However, on the positive side I didn’t find either op too bad, chemo worse!

Zax- hope the rads sterting is Ok. As I had a total MTX I’m missing that one, but get the chemo instead. also have to start tamoxifen after chemo too. Not looking forward to becoming menopausal and all the SE, hopefully I find it not too bad like you.

Alana- hope your fluid has settled. I had loads of seromal leakage after both WLE and MTX , but it eventually settled down. Even needed MTX wound resuturing under local anaesthetic but it was OK as mostly numb! Only just over 1 month ago but almost seems months ago.

Take care,

Fiona x

Good evening to you all

Had my check up today and had 800mls of fluid drained off and the stitch taken out. Feeling fine and no pain at all during or after the procedure.
Thank goodness will get my results on Monday so the waiting is nearly over.
Feeling rather tired now so hope that I will manage to have a good nights sleep.

Love to you all from Alanaa

Hi Ladies, please to report not gone crazy-ape-bonk with a drill set and knife yet! Just been juggling work etc and generally pretending for a week or two that none of this is reeeeelly happening to me! And then I started rads today finally so can’t pretend any more:-(

Rads compared to what you ladies are having to endure is a walk in the park so I won’t go on about them too much but if there is anything you need to know then I am your November Ladies Rads Expert…well not expert as such!

As for tamoxifen, no real SE’s yet. Do feel more sensitive to temp changes especially heat but can’t say I have experienced a full on tropical moment. Yoga was exhausting this week, what with the usual butt clenching (we ALL know it happens) and repeatedly taking my top off, top on, top off etc my teacher thought I had invented a new pose! Maybe the ‘is it me or is it hot in here downward dog’??

Fiona, I have to say the idea of being menopausal has hit me like an emotional steam train and together with the rads I have been turning on the old water works again. Still we have to take solace in the fact we have come this far since November and we are all hanging in there…

Hugs to you all, I hope the other Nov Ladies are OK? Zax

Alaana, will keep everything crossed for Mon…

Hi All
haven’t been on for a while I finally have a start date for my chemo, the 31st jan. Strangely as an ‘emotional’ person i have taken this calmly. I’m sure when the day comes i will be a complete wreck!
I’ve been told i should be able to work but to see how I go. Its funny how different people are told different things. I work in a reception class and I know of people who have been told not to work as they work in schools.
Thinking of you all
Gill xx

Hi Gill,

I have to be honest I have had x2 FECC now and I think you will find it difficult to work. Chemo is Okish, but you can feel quite nauseated for the first week, then pretty tired the second week and you are also adviced to avoid people with infections day 7-14, difficult with snotty children!!

I work with people who could be infected and was adviced not to work.

Good luck, it is better once started.


Hi All,
Haven’t been on here for a while as Knackerd by eve when I tend to post.
I am day 16 post 1st chemo and feel good apart from a massive ulcer on tongue. Hair is falling out rapidly now.
Gill I work in nursery and was told absolutely not to work or even visit on my good days as too much of a risk. I have to say I think I would have found it a struggle in the 1st week as was nauseous but could have worked this week and last week.
Zax- keep wanting to call you Tax, pleased that you have not gone crazy and raided the knife drawer. Is your OH still nervous? I am not looking forward to 5 years of those pills. Made me laugh about the yoga and the buttock clenching. It would be worse on chemo let me tell you. mind you it could be all the biscuits and chocolate I keep stuffing my face with at the mo. How is the radiotherapy going?

Good luck to all of you with your various treatments and will try and post more. [Hangs head in shame.]
Love jacqui x

hi everyone,

hope you are doing ok with various treatments.

i had my further wle on wednesday. a bit sore/tender but ok i think. think a bit of bruising is starting to come out.

hi shadders - nice to hear from you. sounds like you are doing really well coping with the chemo.

zax- you’ve started your rads, how is it going. i will pm you over weekend.

alanaa - lots of hugs for monday.

fiona - glad the chemo is going ok, sounds like your also coping really well. thats what you have to keep thinking 2 down already, soon it will be another one down.
i hope your cats are looking after you well. they are entertaining arent they and a good stress ball i think. mine are still young 1 yr and are still quite manic at times. i think they never grow out of their wacky half hour a day though. there not scaling curtains now so thats good!

mgsm - how are your feeling read your post on other thread. lots of hugs to you.

lots of hugs to everyone TTM xxx

Just a quick note to say hello as I should be fast asleep by now!

Alanaa, hopefully out of the blasted waiting room tomorrow! Be thinking of you. And Gill, next step this week on the journey. Hope all goes OK for you too.

Nothing to report on the rads front really. Got a full weeks worth next week, had three zaps so far. Same goes for tamoxifen, although I definitely am hotter or more sensitive to temperature changes, I haven’t had night sweats or tropical moments. Probably a bit soon for anything to be happening anyway.

I do seem to have one weird SE though. I have an overwhelming urge to de-clutter! Kitchen cupboards, clothes, shoes…everything! Unfortunately the only thing I achieved is to empty out loads of cupboards and drawers all over the house and not finish any of it. It’s chaos! I feel like a demented energiser bunny!

Best try to go get some sleep now, keep strong. Hugs Zax

Hi ladies,

how are we all doing? i’m due to start 2nd chemo tomorrow. feeling great at the moment although it’s been a bit of a struggle. not got much hair left but seem to be coping well for the moment, although i’m sure it’ll hit me at some point.

hope you are all doing as well as can be xxxx

Good evening to you all

Zak will be joining you on the Rads journey. Got my results today and since one of the 2 nodes removed had cells in them I have to get rads once my wound is healed. Does look as if I don’t have to go down the dreaded chemo road so that is great. Have app with Radiologist in 2 weeks to get treatment plan sorted. Still going up and down to Aberdeen once or twice a week to get fluid removed. They got another 800mls today and am sure it will be the same on Friday.
We are clocking up the miles on the car at the moment. So far we have been to Aberdeen 5 times over the last 2 weeks for one check up or another (round trip of 110 miles each time). I have no pain with the fluid or anywhere else for that matter, just sound like a waterbed when I move to much about.
Going to have a cosy evening in front of the fire with fat cat and a book. It is rather cold here so the fire is just lovely. My neighbour humped me logs and coal in earlier so well sorted for the next couple of days.

Hugs to you all from Alanaa and Cat

hi alanaa,

glad you got your next stage of treatment confirmed. what a long journey you have it must tiring. will you have to travel that far for your radiotherapy as well? hope the fluid subsides soon so you wont have that journey to do at least.

hope the cat is still talking to you after leaving him alone for the night.

keep warm. its also turned a bit colder here where i am. the cats are hogging the fire as usual.

Lynzi84 - glad you are coping so far with the chemo, hope the side effects arent too harsh for you. take care of yourself. x

TTM xxx

Hello TTM

yes have to travel to Aberdeen for Rads as well once they will start. My middle daughter is such a treasure. She has taken me for most of my appointments as she is the only one of my 3 kids near to me. The other two are studying in Glasgow, so not just round the corner. I do feel for Laura as she drives to Aberdeen to the hospital for work 3 or sometimes 4 days a week (she is a nurse there)and now takes me on her days off for my check ups and fluid removal etc. I am so lucky that my BCN and my Prof. are just lovely and liase with Laura re appointment times.
My cat is delighted that I am home again as I stayed at my daughters last night. I made sure she was cosy in the living room and placed a hot water bottle behind her blanket to keep her warm during the night. Don’t laugh, she is getting on a bit (like myself) and is used to have the heat from the open fire at night when we cuddle on the sofa. After all it is rather cold here at the moment and there is nothing as bad as a cat that is in the huffs.

Love to you all from Alanaa and Coco

Welcome on board Alanaa, glad your results didn’t throw any new nasties your way. Keep up with the exercises, they will help when you have to position your arms for treatment. Ask away if you have any questions…

Lynzi, nice to hear from you and to hear all is going as well as can be expected. I know what you mean about waiting for it to hit…sometimes I think I have gone through the worst emotionally and other days I feel like I am back at square one.

Hugs to all, Zax

well that’s my 2nd dose of chemo done and dusted, 1/3’d of the way through :slight_smile:

Zax - certainly agree it’s crazy. suppose we’re just to take every day as it comes.


Hi all, good to see you are all doing ok.

I had my 2nd dose of chemo on Monday and not feeling too bad. Hair started to fall out so I shaved it off. Kids not too keen but I’m sure they’ll get used to baldy me.

Glad the rads and tamoxifen not too bad Zax.

Alanna hang on in there, you sound so calm I think I would be going mad can’t a distict nurse come out to you. In some hospitals they put a drain in and keep you in till they know it’s healed. Anyway I’m sure my rant is not helping so good luck and hope it heals quickly.

Night all going to cosy up with a book now too.

Love to you all, Jacqui x

Hi Shadders

had the drains in for 10 days and my Prof said they don’t leave them in longer in case of infection. I am not to bad generally just not sure yet what to do when the rads will start as I have to go for 3 weeks, Monday to Friday and not sure if I am going to stay or go home or what. Have to cross that bridge when I come to it. 110 miles for a 10 minute appointment each day. Oh well has to be done.
Since the scar is not healed there is no rush in getting travel arrangements etc. sorted. Knew it would take a bit longer to heal due to the immune suppresives I am taking.

Having a cosy evening with fat cat as I am for some reasons rather knackered over the last few days. Feeling fine just tired.

Love to you all from Alanaa and Cat

Hello to all of you

gosh it is getting rather quiet on this thread at present. Hope you are all doing okay.

Hug from Alanaa and Cat