November diagnosis

It is a little quiet on the Nov thread - but the Jan surgery thread is buzzing!
I’m waiting for my wounds to heal before i can start rads too…nuisance isnt it?
Mary M

Was diagnosed November 26th after having a spot on my skin under my arm removed. Mammograms did not pick anything up for the past 10 years. Cancer could have been there from 2 to 10 years. I have stage 4 lobular breast cancer. Started tamoxifen Dec. 28th. Had a lumpectomy Jan. 13, 2012. Had a bone marrow biopsy done Jan. 19th and I have cancer in the bone marrow in my pervic area. No chemo no radiation just put me on tamoxifen. Tamoxifen seems to be working according to the blood tests doctor is monitoring. This is such a horrible thing to deal with. Glad to know that there is a place I can come to correspond with my sisters in this fight.

Hello to you Pat

a warm welcome to our little November group. I am sure you will find that this site is just wonderfull and you are in the right place to find all the answers for your questions and some laughter too.

November ladies sending you all a gentle hug

Alanaa and Cat xx

Hello Nov Ladies and Alanaa’s cat! I guess we are all of on different threads depending on our treatments and November sure seems a long time ago.

Hello to you as well Pat, sorry you have to join but as Alanaa says this forum is a life line. I have no idea how I would have managed without it. I also started tamoxifen on 12th Jan so been nearly a month and with no major side effects to speak of and am halfway through my rads treatment.

BTW Alanaa, did you see the thread about pets behaviour before and after DX? Have you been getting extra attention from Fat Cat! I tried to get a sympathy kitten for Christmas from the OH but got a kindle instead…its not very cuddly;-).

Love to all…Zax

Havent posted on here for a while, but i do read most days, but have also joined the february thread. Ive had my 1st chemo and am now day 8 ( i think). Feel good today and ive put that down to the extra blood i had to have on monday as i was quite aneamic.
I’ve been waiting for all sorts to kick in , but so far so good., everything is still intact.
I think im now more nervous of round 2 because i know how im going to feel in the days after.

Gill x

Pinky (Pat)
Join us on the January Surgery Buddies thread too!
Lots of hugs available.

Mary M

Hi Ladies

Sorry I’m joining this discussion a little late, had an IT fail and have only just managed to register and get to use the forums!

I too was diagnosed in November (8th). I had a WLE and SLN biopsy in December (on my birthday) followed by axillary clearance in January. Thankfully none but the SLN showed any trace of disease. I was so relieved I almost hugged my surgeon but didn’t think he’d appreciate it even though I’ve known him for 15 years.

Had my first cycle of TAC chemo last week and am now beginning to feel human again.

It’s been interesting to read everyone’s stories and their thoughts and feelings on their diagnoses. Being several months down the line now I’m feeling much calmer and more positive about the whole thing but certainly went through some dark times and strange, scary emotions.

How is everyone coping with chemo? I was very tired for a few days but haven’t suffered much with nausea - the anti-emetics seem to have worked. My taste buds have altered and I’m struggling to find anything palateable to drink which is causing a problem in that I need to drink plenty of fluid to counteract constipation :o(

Hope all my November dx “sisters” are well and coping with the various demands of treatment

Sending you all love and hugs

Emma xx