Hi Sahhs sorry about your diagnosis. You must be devastated. There is a young BC network which you could access if you want. x
Hi all, sorry ladies what day are you on past your first treatment, just trying to work out where I am in relation to you all, so I can look forward to the impending baldness. My crown feels really tender to touch and I must admit, I have also had a little tug, my head hair still feels firmly stuck in place, however, down below a different story, every time I go to the loo there’s an avalanche (sorry).
Jayne x
Hi Jayne, I’m day 19. I think it generally starts to go between 14 and 17. Curiously, in my case, lady garden has thinned but then stopped shedding! X
Hi everyone
Ive been following this thread for a while but not posted yet. Due to start FEC x 3 followed by T x 3 this Friday and I’ve found more info on here than anywhere else, you are all great and will help me get through whatever side effects come my way. Was diagnosed last month (the day before my 46th birthday - thanks a bunch ?) with a grade 3 ductal tumour but my nodes were all clear thankfully.
I had a holiday already booked so hospital have put off starting so I could still go and enjoy myself, just returned yesterday then went to hairdressers this morning to get my long straight hair all chopped off to a short bob, can’t believe how scared I was, especially when I know what I’m just about to start, however, it’s done and I actually quite like it, hopefully I’ll get more than a couple of weeks out of it. I’m planning on cold capping hopefully this’ll work for me.
ive got a heart scan booked for tomorrow then an apt with onc nurse on Wednesday, I’m assuming this is to check bloods and stuff before chemo day on Friday.
Thanks again it’s for all your tips and encouragement, there’s so much info landed on you at the hospital that you don’t always take it all in, so to have all your se talked about her is comforting
Keep up the great work
Evening all and welcome Sahhs and Audrey. Sorry you have had to join us but we do have some laughs as well as discussing serious stuff.
Jayne, I’m a day behind you I think. I keep imagining that my head is tingling but I’ve never been sure it’s a result of the chemo or simply the fact that I’ve been restricting washing it and the scalp is just a bit grotty. The next few days will tell I’m sure. Lady garden is still intact as are annoying hairs that have been sprouting up on my chin this last year or two - I bet the latter hang on throughout!
A friend of mine is getting married on Saturday and I’m thinking I might pop along to the town hall to wish him well even though I’ll probably not be up to making the party. As this is likely to be around the time hair will start shedding I’m concerned I might leave an alternative trail of human confetti.
With regards to hair washing, I must admit I have washed it everyday as I normally would and so far it does not appear to have sped anything up. I need to wash mine daily, it gets greasy and itchy which would probably cause more problems with the loss.
Its just a waiting game.
Anyway off off out to my friends tonight for a girly night, won’t be a late one though, don’t do rock n roll anymore lol.
jayne x
Hi everyone, welcome to everyone new.
Xylogal I found tangfastics good for metallic taste, they didn’t taste tangy but took the taste away.
Jojo and Ele J I’m a day in front of you both so FEC 2 tomorrow . Hair thinning fast and bald patches , felt like a monkey in the shower. Love the tip of a hairnet to reduce the fallout. ?
I can thoroughly recommend annabandana for quality of products and delivery.
Im very apprehensive about tomorrow,I don’t know if knowing what to expect is worse than the Unknown. I’ve been told that side effects may get worse with each cycle.
Good luck to everyone having treatment this week . Sending hugs xxxx
Good luck tomorrow Babygirl. I have the same worry about it getting worse each time but the reality is probably that some things will be better even if some are worse, and either way, you know you can do it, and it’ll be one more out the way! We’ll be thinking of you xxx
Ele J and JoJo good luck for Wednesday . I don’t think ill be up to posting tomorrow so I’ll look forward to hearing your news later this week .xxxx
Good luck tomorrow Babygirl. This time tomorrow you will be one step closer to the finish line. x
All the best for tomorrow BabyGirl. Fingers crossed your SEs aren’t too bad x
Hi everyone, please excuse me if I am posting this completely wrong but I have never joined a forum before, but then I have never been in this position before either. I started my chemo last Friday and being able to read how others have coped has really helped me. Just wanted to say thank you all and big hugs.
Take care Laine
Welcome Audrey and Sahhs, and good luck baby girl. We’ll be thinking of you.
Well day 12 and nothing to report. I’ve had a little tug and hair seems to be holding fast for now. I ordered a few things from Anabandana yesterday in preparation.
I have my look good feel better session today. They had a cancellation when I called yesterday so jumped at the chance, otherwise they wouldn’t have been able to fit me in until December. Very excited about a goodie bag!!!
the one thing I am struggling with is a dry mouth. It gets bone dry over night and even drinking water doesn’t really help as it is so temporary. I’ve just ordered a moisturising mouth spray so I’ll see if that helps. Last night would have been my first solid night’s sleep in a while if it hadn’t been for needing to drink, fill up my water bottle and wee!
have a good day all
Emma D
…and welcome Laine!!! Our posts crossed in the ether. No excuses necessary my dear. Dive on in…you’re very welcome.
Hi Ratti, unlikely you’ll stay overnight for chemo but you never know. Ask for the strongest anti sickness meds too.
Hi Bazza
How’s Nikki doing? Xx
Hi all, just seen oncologist…they had already added Emend to my prescription following an earlier conversation with chemo unit so hopefully will avoid my previous experience. Jojo did you already let them know that you had the same? Fingers crossed for tomorrow!
He also talked to me about a trial for low dose aspirin as early studies indicate it reduces recurrence…especially in inflammatory BC. Sounds v promising, just have to decide whether to participate (and risk being in the 1/3 of participants who get the placebo) or just independently take regular low dose (selfish but sure!). Difficult one.
Beautiful sunny Autumn morning here in Brighton, hope everyone is having a good day X
Having my first FEC today - the cold cap machine is whirring away as I type. Anyone else having their first today and would like to be my chemo twin? Husband is driving me nuts - he’s panicking and I feel fine. Might throw him out with my credit card in a moment!
Well done Emma, you are doing great! Maybe see if they have a spare cold cap for your hubby…brain freeze might calm him down?! X
Morning everyone.
Well done Emma S - for getting treatment started and coping with your hubby :smileyvery-happy: May all of your side-effects be minor.
I’ve not had a Picc line as all the way through treatement so far everyone tells me how great my veins are - maybe that will change after all this!
Welcome to the thread Laine. Some lovely folks on here.
Emma D, will be interested to hear how you get on with the mouth spray. The dry mouth thing is driving me mad as well.
Right off to see the oncologist for mid-FEC 1 review. Have a good day all. xxxx