October 2015 Chemotherapy starters - please join!

Sounds like you’re doing well though Liz, and if you know you have periods of feeling relatively normal during your 24 weeks hopefully you can do nice things during that and focus less on the end date. The whole ‘patience’ thing has been the absolute hardest thing for me at every step in this process!! Xxx

Hi ladies,


day two of FEC 1 - starting to get acid reflux - did anyone take the bog standard antacids? Still on the Domperidone (sounds like champagne) and Dexamethasone - only had two Emend (weep) - wondered if I could take good old Gaviscon?


hope you’re all okay and taking each day as it comes - we are all so strong xxxx


Emma S xxx

Oh and I’ve uploaded an image, but it says awaiting moderator… Hey Mrs/Mr Moderator, can I have my image please? Xxxx

Hi Emma S,


I had quite bad acid reflux too and was very burpy. Onc has prescribed omeprazole for next cycle. I found a small glass of milk helped and also that Alpro almond milk was very good too. I don’t like the taste of the latter neat but have cartons in to mix with fruit and veg for smoothies so would have swallow a very swift small glass of it just before going to bed and it helped.


Hope it eases off soon and you get a good night’s sleep.


Perhaps the moderators consider your picture particularly saucy :smileylol:







I’m going for my first treatment tomorrow morning and have started getting serious jitters now, I’ve also got the beginnings of a cold, foes anyone know if that’ll be ok, will the rest ring still go ahead, my temps fine ?





Bloody predictive text, that was supposed to say will the treatment still go ahead…

Hi Audrey, I woke up on the day of my second chemo with what felt like the beginnings of a cold…mild sore throat, slight chesty feeling…but all quite mild and temp ok. I phoned the unit before I went it and they said my bloods (taken previous day) were ok and they were happy to go ahead if I was. They also checked my temp again in there and it was fine. So we went ahead, and lo and behold, sore throat etc has disappeared anyway, so I wonder if it was really stress or tiredness!

For you as it’s your first I imagine they will be even more fine to go ahead, as your immune system will still be at full strength.

Best of luck - when you get this close you just want to get on with it.

Let us know how you go - I’m now two down and it’s all fine!

Ele xx

Hi Emma S, I found a few foods make things worse with the reflux. I have to avoid all pastry as you produce more acid to help digest it, also have problem with yoghurt and strangely, rice. Makes a chinese or indian meal very interesting. Bought large bottle of gaviscon and drinking it like water. Will be getting Omeprazole dose increased as that does help. Best bit of advice I got was don’t lie down after a meal. Hope the reflux eases soon. I feel your pain!! x



My first chemo was on the 9th October and 2nd will be on the 30th.  I am having 3 lots of FEC and 3 lots of T taking treatment upto February.  My Mammogram was clear in March I found a soft lump under my arm in the April/May but sadly  ingnored it due to clear mammogram and also my 88 year old mother was having a health scare regarding her heart so was not really concentrating on me and then my sister came over from New Zealand and new grandson arrvied in so it got a bit forgotten!! 


I went for my HRT checkup in August and mentioned my lump and here I am about 8 weeks later.  Still a bit surreal and my hair has already started to fall out after just one session, I was hoping to keep it a bit longer. 


I felt awful for two days and do not really remember much and I also had injections for 5 days two days after chemo given by the district nurse to increase my white blood cells to fight infection, this was decided before I started chemo and will continue after each session.  I found I was feeling fine when I got up but felt like I had flu after the injections and on the 5th day my bones really ached.  The last 3 days I have not been too bad but I am finding these bouts of tiredness hard to deal with and also not being at work.  But other than that I am ok and have a good support network with family and friends.  Lots of little treats which is nice.  We are telling the Grandchildren on Monday which is half term, not really looking forward to that. 

Tonight we celebrated my fathers 90th Birthday at an indian restaurant which was great but now I am awake at silly oclock which is becoming a habit lol.


Any advise would be great (does anyone have any diet tips)

Oh my cancer is Grade 3 and aggressive and hormone receptive (sorry have not got my notes to hand for actual wording) but my CT and Bone Scans were clear so they decided Chemo first as they believe that as the lump which I still cannot feel is fast growing then there will be cells that they cannot see so Chemo to kill everything and to also shrink the lump, I will then have all my lymph nodes removed from under my left arm and maybe remove breast and radiotherapy. 


I am 59, 60 in March and married. Have 3 children and 4 grandchildren.


Anyone any advise on which is the best place to go on the internet for head wear/wigs.  There are so many many to choose from.


I will try and upload a photo tomorrow.  Also as new to this how to I find these threads again, I am a little confused :slight_smile:


Thanks for listening.




Welcome To our little gang Dilys though so sorry you have had to join us. Yes, surreal is the perfect word for this whole experience, I think none of us can quite believe we’re here, even though we are often very practical and just get on with it (with a bit of black humour thrown in!)

Well done for getting through your first chemo and hopefully the second will be a bit easier as you learn how best to deal with side effects. There’s tons of advice further down this thread on how to deal with various things, for tiredness the official advice is to try and get a little gentle exercise when you can (just a short walk for fresh air really) and then rest/sleep as much as you need…just try and listen to your body and go with what it needs really.

You’ll find this thread again by starting at the forum home page, clicking on ‘Going through treatmentment’ then on ‘chemotherapy monthly threads’ then on ‘October 2015 Chemotherapy starters - please join’ (this last bit may move up and down the list of other monthly threads depending on how recently someone’s posted).

Well done for finding us and hope you find it helpful (and hope you’re now back asleep while I’m awake!)

Ele X

Hi Dilys, I have been having the injections after each chemo and this time I have been crying with the pain in my bones. Please speak to your oncology nurses at your chemo unit because they can tell you what pain relief and how much you can have. I was allowed 1gramme of Paracetamol and it got rid of it. It is only now starting to throb, hence on here. I have another injection today and will take another paracetamol if needed. I had a clear mammo in Dec. and found the lump in July. Best advice I can give is take everything they give you and tell them if something is not helping. Meds can be changed easily. Listen to your body and rest. xx

Thanks Peggycat and Suzy for your advice - good nights sleep, although I keep waking up at 04:10 - leave it an hour, have an anti sickness pill, seems the best thing to do… ?

Hi all,


Dilys, once you’ve got back on the thread you can book mark it by clicking thread options at the top and then you can navigate directly to it from your bookmarks, top right.


With regards to headwear I found annbandana very good, reasonably priced and delivered quickly.


i have now attempted twice over the last week to have a little glass of wine in the evening, but both times it has given me an excruciating headache, has anyone else experienced this?, I’ll stick to my flavoured fizzy water.


Hair now coming out a bit quicker, not in clumps yet, but all over, please stay a bit longer, or until my holiday is over.


have a good day all Jayne xx

Day 15 and still no hair loss.  Don’t want to get hopeful just yet…


Welcome Dilys. I had my first FEC on the 9th as well.  Sorry you’ve had to join us but you are very welcome.


the mouth spray helps a little, but doesn’t taste very nice.  I think I can tolerate it for a good night’s sleep.  I’ve had to use the mouth wash in earnest as I’ve got a few sore patches.  My mouth seems to be my biggest remaining side effect.


Emma D

No news from Jojo yet?

Jojo hope you’re doing ok. Sending you big hugs and wishing you strength xxx

Welcome Dilys. I think that makes four of us here who started on the 9th. Hopefully we won’t face any obstacles on the way like pesky low white blood counts and we can all finish on the same day.


Audrey, hope all goes okay today - let us know how you get on.


Jayne, I have had a few glasses of wine this week and have been okay. I have read that teetotalers tend to suffer more from nausea than people who like the odd tipple and my chemo nurse agreed with this. Perhaps our livers are better trained to deal with the chemicals thrown at it! Hope you get over it.


Tired today. Have been doing a few hours of work from home this week and think I might have overdone it yesterday. Also have a small mouth ulcer which is long and thin although not terribly painful. Don’t think I’ve lost any hair overnight but it’s dark and dingy here today and I’ve not opened the blinds so I may be in for a shock later. But if I can’t see it, it’s not happening, right?


Hope you are doing okay Jojo.


Happy Friday. xxxx

Morning Ladies

just found the October thread, prompted by Chris, thank you.  Started FEC100 15thOctober, so one week on and doing ok with just some minor niggles. Diagnosed 8 Sep, partial mastectomy and SNB, clear margins and lymph nodes clear. grade 2 tumour 2.5cms. In the grey area for chemo but decided it would be foolish not to go ahead. I’m 49, with two girls both at uni, I live in Hillsborough, NI. Totally wiped out days 4-5 but able to function again.  Dreading losing my hair which has surprised me to have such fear about it. Not using a cold cap, as I was advised it just postpones the inevitable. Hope we all have a good weekend.  Julie

Welcome Julie and well done for getting through your first one…sounds like you are doing well!

Ruth, make sure you take it easy today…snuggle on the sofa with some nice snacks and drinks and banish all thoughts of work!!

Ele xx

Thanks Ele, PJs still on and advice being taken. :smileyhappy:


And welcome to the gang Julie.

Welcome Julie.  


Definitely take it easy If you’ve been doing too much PC.


Update on the hair situation…following a trip to the loo I can report that the pixie dust sprinkle has begun.  Eek.