October 2023 chemo starters

I am feeling a bit rough today after my second round of Abraxane on Thursday. I did go out orienteering yesterday, though not at my normal speed. It was nice to get out into the sunshine. That may in part be contributing to how I feel today.

I have been lucky enough not to be too affected by this so have gone to work most days. I avoid the staff room if it is busy. I work in a school so try not to be in the corridors at lesson changeover and I have worn a mask when having to go into a roomful of students. I have also mostly gone about my business in shops etc., but worn a mask and tried to keep my distance as much as possible.

You also asked about getting a line fitted @Tabby-Lou. I am just having the chemo via a cannula as I am only having a few sessions (three or four). I did consider getting a line fitted when I thought it was going to be going on for several months. I can advantages and disadvantages of both.

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Thanks for responding! Wow that is admirable that you went out orienteering, well done you! Iā€™m going to head out today and do some normal things like visit my sister and get out of the house! I keep thinking that pre-Covid Iā€™m sure people didnā€™t hide away? I am currently working from home which is a bit of a bummer as I miss that social side but I work in retail so a shop at this time of year I feel is a definate no no!
I am going to do some normal Xmas things with my children, I think your right, just be sensible and avoid super busy places and wear a mask if itā€™s too much!
Good luck with your treatment x x


Hi TabbyLou, I had a port fitted so I did not need a cannula in my hand or a needle in a vein in my arm. It was inserted in the May when my chemo started and came out at in November when chemo ended. My oncologist suggested it. I did not want it at first but was really glad I had it otherwise the needles would really have messed up my vein. Like you I have a fear of needles and blood. Obviously it is completely your choice, but whatever you choose good luck. Thinking of you.

Thank you, I think Iā€™m going to go for the port to be honest. Iā€™m going to give the nurses a call to chat about it and get it sorted before next week :grimacing:

Hi Tabby-Lou. I too got a port fitted last week after two difficult chemo sessions as Iā€™ve very small arm veins and the MRI/CT/Nuclear Med imaging constrasts before chemo didnā€™t go in very easily either. A PICC line would have interferred with playing the cello so I rejected that option and held out for a port even though I had to wait over 3 weeks to have it done. I was a bit sore for a few days and itā€™s yet to be used, but Iā€™m sure it was the right option for me. No hassle about showering etc and itā€™s very neat.
Iā€™m a week on from my second Docetaxel and move onto EC at the end of January. If itā€™s any consolation, Docetaxel hasnā€™t given me any nausea at all, so if you are moving onto that after EC you might feel a bit less queasy.
I had to go into central London last week when I was feeling distinctly ropey. I wore a mask on the tube but was still a bit anxious about infection risk from the crowds. I probably wouldnā€™t do that this week when neutrophils are estimated to be lower. Fortunately I work from home, but today I spent rather more time taking advantage of cyber Monday and got some online gift shopping done from the sofa!


Hi all , hope everyone doing ok . Had my third Docetaxal today. This went ok , no delays or complications. Have had a a bit of a time of it this last week . Had to go to hospital with severe sickness and diarrhoea and a raised temperature. I read today that thereā€™s a lot of norovirus about causing people to go to hospital so Iā€™m wondering if it was that! I went Christmas shopping on day 10 after my last chemo , probably not a good idea! Online for me from now on!

Then four days later my heart was racing for 36 hours.mad high at 140 bpm. So scary . Ended up in hospital as temp was high . But they donā€™t think itā€™s chemo related . Need to get that looked at but want me to carry on with chemo as it takes precedence . :woman_shrugging:t3:

So how have reduced my dose to 75%. Fingers crossed for a better time and less side effects :crossed_fingers:t2:

Big hugs to everyone. We are getting through and ticking them off xxx


Ooh sounds like a bit of a rough time again, albeit with issues unrelated to the chemo. That heart thing especially. Have you got to have any investigations done?


Yes they are going to fit me with Heart tracer to wear at home for a few days . I canā€™t help thinking it is related to chemo , maybe not the drug but something Iā€™m doing differently , maybe food :woman_shrugging:t3:. I dunno, Iā€™m tee total and hardly any caffeine . But maybe too much sugar when Iā€™m not used to it . But heart racing for a prolonged period surely wouldnā€™t be caused by that!

Anyway fingers crossed itā€™s temporary :crossed_fingers:t2:


Hi @copperycat and everyone!
Have you asked them to check bloods and hemoglobin. Had same issue mine dropped ton81 and supposed to be between 100 and 120. Deffo was the chemo for me and needed a transfusion 2 bags. Felt much better afterwards.


I hope they get to the bottom of whatever is causing the heart problems @copperycat.

I started the week with thinning hair, but still able to style it to look normal. By Wednesday the top was obviously very thin so I was wearing a hat/bandana out in public. On Thursday evening my husband cut my hair with the clippers to a number 2 (6mm). Everyone at work agreed it looked much better. A couple of students complimented my hat. Another couple saw me without my hat, and didnā€™t seem too bothered by it. Itā€™s too cold to go out in public hatless, so I am ok for a while


Hi @pinklilli3s yes I remember you had the to have the fusion. So glad it sorted it out for you . Theyā€™ve checked my bloods and say itā€™s not chemo related. Canā€™t help think it is somehow , but not sure . Maybe diet related or something ? Iā€™m not eating as well as I usually do and eating far too much sweet things . Odd for me as I donā€™t have a sweet tooth! Any way I have an appointment for a heart tracer thing to be fitted on the 19th. Have to wear it for 24 hours . So will see :crossed_fingers:t2:


Getting compliments is great. Must suit you! Itā€™s so hard isnā€™t it, finding a way through this . Glad youā€™ve found something that works for you xx

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Hi ladies, copperycat I hope they get to the bottom of things for you. Racing heartbeat like that must feel very tiring and concerning.

I ended up in hospital yesterday, as on the day after my first EC, I started having palpitations when lying on my back and left side. Rang the hosp and they suggested popping in for an ECG. Got home about 6 hours later after two ecgs and a chest x-ray. Initially, they thought it possible the Picc line may be tickling the part of the heart where the impulse is generated, when lying down in certain positions. They pulled the Picc line out 2cm more so itā€™s further away and hoped that would do the trick but it didnā€™t.

One of the ECGs showed ventricular ectopy but they ran it past the cardiology team who werenā€™t too concerned and were happy to let me home. I have to call back if it gets worse or any new symptoms.

I think Iā€™ll call my oncologistā€™s secretary tomorrow to see if one of his team can call me on Tuesday clinic to chat through, as they will know more about the chemo drugs and their impact etc.

What does the tracer involve copperycat?


That sounds a traumatic experience @daffodil1 . Hope they get to the bottom of it soon.I think The tracer is like a wearable ECG and it traces the heart as you wear it . Over 24 hours hopefully would find any abnormalities. Not sure I can cope with any more just now :grimacing:

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Hi All,
Next dose of EC on Friday and then il be halfway through! Been suffering this weekend with the WORST mouth ulcers Iā€™ve ever had. My lip is so swollen and I have struggled to eat and talk much to my husbands delight :rofl:
Oncology follow up tomorrow so Iā€™m mention it and see what else I can get to try and make it bearable, I really hate ulcers!!! Can anyone on Docetaxel tell me if mouth ulcers are a symptom as that will be my next 3 rounds?
Also Mother Nature decided to grace me with her presence 8 weeks laterā€¦.here was me thinking that was the one positive to chemo, that she would bugger off :rofl:


Hi @Tabby-Lou , Iā€™m on Dosetaxal, and the mouth ulcers have been hard going! after first chemo they gave me Benzydamine mouthwash, which helped a bit but on 2nd chemo, i got a crack down the centre of my tongue which made it hard to eat. This time (3rd chemo) , they have given me Caphosol, but not needed it as mouth not bad yet, and also they reduced my dose to 75% so hopefully, fingers crossed I wont need it. Iā€™ve been brushing my teeth 4 times a day trying to keep it at bay. Fingers crossed you donā€™t get it on Docetaxal :crossed_fingers:


Ouch that sounds painful! Iā€™ve got my fingers crossed that doesnā€™t happen, thanks for letting me know! I have a follow up today so hoping I get something to help! Good luck with your next round x


Keep us posted and hope youā€™ll be fine!

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I was supposed to go to the local MacMillan centre for a wig consultation this morning. I should have left work slightly earlier than I did. It took longer to scrape the car and defrost it than I anticipated, then I got stuck in traffic. In the end I turned around and came home. I have rearranged the appointment for next week


And the cr*p just continues.

Before I started chemo I had a CT scan. This showed ā€œsomethingā€ on one of my lungs. They thought this might be an infection so I had a repeat CT scan the other week. My oncologist just called to say the shadow is still there so I have been referred to the lung team for their opinion.