October 2023 chemo starters

I wish Yiu all the very best and I hope they can sort this as well :pray::pray::pray:


Scientistamafia :heart: do ring the number on here and speak to a nurse they could guide you to questions you may want to ask and also help answer and questions you have now before your appointment :heart: sending :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Hi, just an update, saw the team on Monday about my ulcers etc and itā€™s been decided that my next round will be delayed by a week and the dose will be lowered to help with the side effects. It will also allow me a bit of extra time to recover. I have mixed feelings about it but at the same time I also feel relieved as I really donā€™t feel as though I was ready for that 3rd round. They gave me some new stuff for my mouth which has really helpedā€¦.gel clair, if your suffering with mouth soreness and ulcers then ask for them, they are fab, even though itā€™s like gargling with snail slimeā€¦ā€¦really selling them arenā€™t I :rofl:
Iā€™ve also decided to have the port so am waiting for that to be booked in too!


The port been life saving for me. I did it under local but wished I went under GA. Up to you and how sensitive you are šŸ©·


@scientistamafier so sorry you have to deal with this. I hope they sort it out for you. I had something similar when they sent me for a CT scan before my mastectomy. It showed a lesion on my spine. They canā€™t be sure if itā€™s benign or not ( medium to low risk). They said they will do another scan on my back once chemo has finished to check if it has changed any . If it has, itā€™s a sign itā€™s malignant. Scan is set for 28th, so itā€™ll be an anxious start to the new year! Hope it turns out to be nothing serious for both of us . Big hugs, itā€™s such a rollercoaster xxxx


Sending you good wishes for your scan


I spoke to my oncologist this afternoon. My scan was discussed at the MDT meeting and the lesion is very small and was found to be ā€œindeterminateā€ in nature. The recommendation is for another scan in August.


Thatā€™s good news that the lesion is indeterminate- is it? Hopefully it is.
I think that waiting for eight months for another scan is a bit long I would try to ask anything between four to six just to be on a safe side
I donā€™t want to worry you obviously but if I think back about my tnbc they said it had been growing for 12 months and if it scan had been in place like a mammography it would have been picked up. Sadly they donā€™t those for young women here and no one medically train check your boobs I just just got v lucky and grateful to have found the lump.
Try to stay positive and keep going. Weā€™re amazing humans going through what we are going šŸ©·


:heart:pinklilli concentrate on your Christmas markets when are you off :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Hi scientist, how are you doing, waiting for information is always difficult. Thinking of you x

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Hi @scientistamafier thatā€™s a worry for you not having a definitive answer. Iā€™m in the same boat. They said the lesion in my spine has a medium to low risk of being metastatic 50-25%. Having my follow up MRI on 28th after my last chemo, and going by past scans itā€™ll be two or more weeks before I get the results. Although Iā€™m not sure what happens if itā€™s still inconclusive. Hoping for positive news xxx

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I have a few other niggles that are playing on my mind a little bit. I have finished work for the Christmas holidays so I am going to try and get them sorted.

Just before I started chemo I noticed my areola was itchy and a bit weepy. Since it had been moved as part of my surgery I thought it was the wound perhaps not healing. I went to the wound clinic in the breast surgery ward and the nurse said it was just a patch of eczema and to use some moisturiser on it. I have been putting E45 cream on it but it is still there. Sometimes it is really itchy. And now I think there is a lump on my neck. Probably catastrophising everything and it will turn out to be eczema and a pulled muscle!


I have also noticed the start of some peripheral neuropathy. I mentioned it to my oncologist last week. He said that this dose should go ahead as normal as my symptoms are really mild. I am wondering if there is anything I can do to prevent things getting worse. I have tried searching on here but havenā€™t found anything about this, just people saying they have it and the onco stopped chemo or reduced the dose.


:heart: you could ring the number on here and speak to a nurse to discuss, also do raise your concerns again with your onc, he needs to be transparent with you about neuropathy vs having full chemo dose rather than reduced dose :heart: you do whatā€™s right for you, everything is your decision :heart: :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

Hi all, so I reached my halfway point yesterday! :tada: just 3 rounds to goā€¦.docetaxyl next (not sure Iā€™ve spelt that right)!
I was scheduled to have a Tivvad port fitted but freaked and couldnā€™t do it so had a canula by ultrasound because of my piddly veins. Might have to look at the picc or persevere if theyā€™re happy for me too carry on canulating!
Hope your all doing as well as can be x x


@Tabby-Lou Half way! :partying_face:hope all goes well with the Docetaxel :hugs:


@scientistamafier yes itā€™s hard not to worry about everything we feel, especially during chemo when we need to be vigilant. Hope you get some answers and some respite soon xx

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Scientist, hope youā€™re doing OK. Having new symptoms to worry about is encompassing isnā€™t it?

Hi all, howā€™s everyone doing in the slide into Christmas ? Had my last chemo yesterday :partying_face:. Glad itā€™s done but Iā€™ve a way to go yet., have to go through the next few weeks of SaEā€™s!

Met my oncologist this week and he has set my radiotherapy for 22 Jan. 5 doses over 5 days. Not much of a break after the chemo but will be glad to get that over with. Also have my MRI next Thursday to check my spine. Onco said he would be in touch in the new year with the results but he may need to discuss with the MDT before getting back to me . Prepared for whatever it will be , hoping for good news! But as with this whole process wouldnā€™t be surprised if itā€™s inconclusive!
Hope we all have as good a festive break as we can manage. And try not to put pressure on ourselves to have the perfect Christmas , whatever that is! Take all offers of help and also ask for help if needed! :christmas_tree:xx


:partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::heart:Copperycat well done finishing chemo :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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