October 2023 chemo starters

Hey, no I,m not French, I live in Scotland but I’m originally from Ireland. My brother moved to France about 20 years ago to be with his partner who is French.

I’m sorry your partner works away sometimes, that must be tough. Good you have supportive friends. I have friends but not close ones so at the moment I rely on my husband and daughter to be my support. They are great but it must be hard in them too!

Sorry just being lazy saying SE - I meant side effects. Nausea must be hard to navigate, yes eating what you feel like makes perfect sense! Is it sweet or savoury you crave , or both! I’m usually a savoury person but who knows what may happen!

That’s good you get some relief from cbd. I’ve not tried it but hear it’s good. Wouldn’t know where to start though!

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Steroid induced shopping is a thing? Oh I’d better hide my credit cards ha!

My wig came today, hmmm… . Not sure but it’s ok! Tinselly one sounds brilliant !:heart:


Started CBD oil when pms got really bad in v late30s. Then gone of the taste it’s quite woody and I smoke a little bit. It calms me down, no thc and helps my body relaxing. The gcsf injection was the most painful all day and night yesterday like my bones were about to shatter in bits. Never experienced anything like this but apparently means it’s working. Was up 5.30 trying to hum to the lion king and very gentle stretches to calm myself down and visualising that I stampede the cancer when it got to that bit ( oh yeah we stayed up for 1.5h I did the whole album nearly before going back to bed!!!):joy:
Scar of port is sore and got it checked via emergency llhelp line they said to leave it and let it air. I have a half button up a shirt and let it run under my arm :joy:
I varie from sweet to salty with a tendency for over savoury. I’d say prepare yourself to eat a lot smaller portions but more often and snack along the way to keep your blood sugar levels. I’ve been craving sunflower seeds and almonds. toast and jam seems to be the favourite atm which Is something I never it!!! My taste buds change throughout the week depending on the meds I am on. However nauseas still think we’re friends, we’re not! And am currently sitting in garden whislt partner cook lunch!!! :kissing_heart::kissing_heart:


Feel free to share if you feel like it, no pressure. I haven’t bought one yet. I think I meet the nurse tomorrow during blood test and will talk about it 🩵🩷🩵


That’s so interesting about the cbd, I’ll look into it. Not sure I could smoke it but Maybe get oil or something ?

Sorry about the pain from injections . Does pain relief help? Or did they give you some meds?
Love the idea of you stampeding the cancer, so useful I think to have positive visualisation! Glad you have lovely weather and the garden. It has been torrential rain here all day yesterday and today and all the roads and fields near here are flooded!

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Before I got cancer and the first try on of the wig yesterday! Mixed reactions from the family😅. I think they thought it made me look older. I don’t mind , maybe if I take time and style it more ha. And I can always get another one for a change.


:heart:still beautiful :heart: don’t forget your local Macmillan’s at your trusts have pre loved wigs too for a donation you can have a look there :heart: Epsom salt baths helped a lot of us with the bone pain from injections might be worth a try :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Thanks Shi! I am still healing from the port and can’t bathe!
@copperycat very beautiful! You could try oil but may be put off by taste. Sorry about the weather it’s been really hot here. I managed a short walk with my partner xx


Sorry you are unable to bathe the Epsom salt baths was just a tip that’s been passed down the threads over the years that a lot of us found helped. Also when the chemo drys your skin out another useful tip that a lot of us found helped quench the skin on hands and feet well is udderly smooth with extra urea from Amazon :heart:again just a tip everyone finds their own way and what works for them :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Well done managing short walk :+1: :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Thank you! Can’t wait for baths! Thanks on tip on cream🩵. Made a note of it. Currently wrapping my feet in socks with cream on them at night but it was sweaty one last night 🩵🩷🩵

Managed a short walk in the field and to see the horses. Got lots of ponies cuddles and my heart feels full :unicorn:🩵


That’s so good to hear you’ve been out and about and even got pony cuddles🥰Horses are lovely, and calming and I love their smell, I find it soothing

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I always say that God made the noses of the horses so smooth so we kiss them for ever and ever :unicorn::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::kissing_heart: Pony cuddles to everyone, this is Squirrel in the picture it really cheered me up, ready for my next session tomorrow Paclitaxel


What a beauty! Good luck for tomorrow , hope it goes as well as can be :heart:

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Thank you :pray::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:🩷🩷🩷

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First session this afternoon. Still worrying about what to wear and what to take. My husband just rolls his eyes.

I swing from being sure everything will be a breeze to floods of tears. Very apprehensive about the whole thing (had a very peculiar dream about it this morning). I hope that I will be better once the first session is over and I know more about it.


If you are doing the cold cap I would say take a few layers with you, I was definitely underdressed when I first went in for my first session. I live on my own and I ask my friend to take me and she kindly stayed with me for the first two three hours which I realised was immensely needed and I was very grateful for it as it was a great distraction to be able to talk to her when my body was shivering. I was wired from the steroids post chemo and had all sorts of side effects but the hospital was great at dealing with them when I told them . I hope your first chemo goes as well as it can and this week being the second week is actually a lot better for me. rest up when you can, eat what you can, drink plenty of water and I wish you all the very best for the next few days🩷🩷🩷 Gwen

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Hey, I hope all went as well as possible today. I’m same as you ,I start next week. Expecting the worst but hoping for the best .

Big hugs , xxx

I wish I had understood quite how long I would have to wait after turning up for my appointment. We got there just before 1pm, but I didn’t go in until just after 3.
I was connected up to the cold cap and had a cannula fitted. Then the nurse realised I was to have Herceptin so we had to wait for over an hour for this to come from the pharmacy. I was getting hotter and hotter with the cap on my head and had a bit of an emotional break down.

Eventually I was connect to the chiller and had the first flush through. However after the Paclitaxel was started I had a hideous reaction. I went numb, giddy, hot and flushed. I thought I was going to be sick, then decided it was a chest pain. I couldn’t decide whether to lean forward, curl up, stand up, lie back. Shudder just to remember it.

My neighbour called for help. They nurses quickly came and stopped the drugs, asked about my symptoms, started me on oxygen, checked my blood pressure and pulse rate. Apparently I had gone bright red. The registrar was called. He asked for an ecg - thankfully normal. I fairly quickly recovered.

The next step is to speak with the consultant next week. The nurses said he will probably want me to start earlier in the day and have it at a slower pace.