October 2023 chemo starters

Sorry you had a reaction but glad you recovered from it. The cold cap process is very long… Before and after infusion chilling.
I seem to be fortunate that in the private medical sector the nurses hook me as soon as I arrive during the IV pre meds, steroids and anti allergic. A 3 infusions day could be from 10am to 2.30/3, saying that the one infusion this week took 10 to 2pm cause I vomited from the cold cap and I wasn’t even hooked up to anything yet, they needed to check w doc it was ok to continue, plus needed more anti sickness. I ended doozing off. Hope you’re feeling not too rough after that first one and your family and friends are supportive :blush:🩷

:heart: reactions can happen and it can be :flushed: your team have seen it all before but it makes you want to run for the hills, I know I did when it happened to me. I did finish my 6 chemos your team will sort it :heart: sorry you had that happen :muscle: you got this :muscle::heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Glad to hear that it went well for you afterwards. It was very scary. I am meeting with my consultant on Tuesday to discuss a new plan.

@pinklilli3s the problem for me with the cold cap was getting hooked up as soon as I sat in the chair, and then waiting nearly two hours before they switched the machine on. They hadn’t realised I needed herceptin so they had to order it from the pharmacy and wait for it to be delivered. For my next dose I shall be sure to tell them as soon as I book in.

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I hope your appointment with consultant goes well and I would mention the cold cap issue. Sounds a bit disorganised. You shouldn’t have to wait. I hope it goes well next time.
Blood test tomorrow and some sort of exercise class apparently l. I am hoping to hear about counselling. Then treatment Tuesday Paclitaxel.


Hi Everyone,

I started Chemo Monday 9th October, I was given EC I’m on this for 3 rounds and then I will be moving onto weekly Paclitaxel & 3 weekly Herceptin injections. I knew there would be side affects but I really wasn’t prepared for how exhausted I felt, no amount of rest of sleep would shift it, today is day 8 post chemo and I’m just starting to feel a bit more like myself.

Hope everyone else is doing ok.

Lisa xx


Hi Lisa,

The chemo nurse told me it takes about ten days for the body to get over each session. I am supposed to be having Paclitaxel weekly so I asked how that was supposed to work for me but she couldn’t answer that! Hopefully you are now over the worst for this round of treatment.

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I met with the consultant today. We discussed my reaction to the small amount of Paclitaxel I received last week. Since I didn’t get a rash, start wheezing or feel breathless or get a swollen tongue he feels that I can carry on with the same drug. I will have more steroids and more antihistamine beforehand and the drip will run more slowly. Fingers crossed that this will be sufficient to stop the reaction.



Thank you for your reply I do think I’m over the worst of it now ( Fingers crossed) i just keep having a bit of a racing heart but I feel I may be experiencing anxiety.

I have my follow up with oncology today so will mention it!

Hope your’e feeling ok


Hi all, hope everyone is doing ok . I’m due to start chemo tomorrow 4 rounds of TC (docetaxel (also called Taxotere) and cyclophosphamide every 3 weeks .

I’m so nervous! I can’t have anyone in with me as the unit is too small which makes it worse I think .

I’m a bit confused about drinking water before hand. Is 2 litres the recommended intake and is that daily? How much should I drink before I go and should I eat anything ( it’s first thing in the morning ) ? Any advice would be great fully received! I could
Ring the nurses but it seems so trivial , I don’t want to take up their time just for that. Save it for when I really need more important advice !

I’ve taken my first lot of steroids this morning. So far so good :crossed_fingers:t2:

Also been shopping today - yes I do think I needed that new jacket and hope its not steroid impulse buy!

Best of luck to us all , hope we can virtual hand hold through this . Big hugs xxx


Copperycat :heart: it’s 2-3 let’s during the day fluids, follow your instructions from your team on your antisickness meds and steroids and eat what you fancy :heart: but I know I’ve never touched tomato soup again :face_with_peeking_eye: I had one after my first chemo and it tasted weird and still can’t eat it :face_with_peeking_eye: be ready to bounce off the walls with the steroids watch the video for an fab tgat jennifer Saunders and Joanna L did with the pet shop boys, that’s how steroids can make you feel in early stages of chemo :heart: do everything your way and what’s right for you :muscle::heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Thanks so much Shi for the info. Think I’ll try for 500 ml first thing before I go and eat some toast to take the steroids with. Then take a Chilly bottle with another 500 ml so should have a litre done by midday. Off to watch Ab Fab girls you recommended :grinning:xx ps I love tomato soup too​:heart:

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You’ll be ticking first one off :heart: if your antisickness meds don’t work do ring your team they will tweak your meds till they hit right combination don’t struggle through thinking oh this is chemo :heart: hopefully you’ll find that everyone chats away passing on tips and things, luckily that’s how it was in trust where I had my chemo :heart: everyone no matter what type of cancer they had or at what stage there were everyone looked after each other and tried to help each other :heart: and you’ve got the forum you can message on while having infusion too :two_women_holding_hands: bcn has got you :heart: be kind to yourself and do it your way :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


So had my first infusion of TC today - Doxetaxel first. Unfortunately had a reaction within minutes, in my kidneys. Ooh not fun! they said 1 in 5 women can have a reaction, I was just unlucky. Three nurses all over it and had me sorted in no time . Gave me Peritin and waited an hour and went again, this time was ok. But was there from 9.30 - 3.30 rather than the three hours they initially thought.

Home now, tired but have had supper and feel not too bad. See how I go tomorrow, Steroids seem to be keeping me going. I only had 1 hours sleep last night zzzz!

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Copperycat :heart:sorry to read you had reaction to docetaxol, I had reaction on my 2nd one. Your team have seen it all before and will know what to do, it has happened to a lot over the years, abraxane might be offered and others have been fine on that when switched, I opted for another fec. Do keep check on yourself and anything do ring your rapid response number straight away, drink 2-3L of water and if you get hurricane bum from docetaxol (lots of us did) up your carbs and Imodium were what a lot used but always contact your team to ensure you don’t get dehydrated :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Thanks Shi, yes have had about 3 litres of fluid today . Feel a bit bloated . But the team were great. And they did say it’s usually a reaction on the 2nd dose but I was unlucky. But they hope by giving me the Peritin first next time might help :crossed_fingers:t2:

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My body doesn’t like Paclitaxel. I had extra steroids, extra antihistamines and a 90% dose given more slowly than last week. I still had a reaction - strange sensation in my chest and then my face went numb. As soon as the drip was stopped everything went back to normal, although they thought my blood pressure was slightly high. (I think I will use a home tester so I have some values in mind)

The registrar suggested they might restart with an even slower drip (four hours rather than two) but the consultant said no to that. I am speaking to the consultant on Tuesday to find out the new plan. It might be nab-Paclitaxel.

Third time lucky


So sorry to hear that. Very frustrating, hope your oncologist meeting goes well on Tuesday, and you get sorted. Big hugs xx

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I had a reaction this week too on paclitaxel week 3. Thought my I would stop breathing, flushed , feeling fait.Nurses tended to me really quick, stopped , waited 20/30min and rechallenged at a much slower pace. Those are"normal" reactions apparently. Bit tired on Wednesday but still managed to go out and ride this week and rested also plenty xxx


Hi @copperycat and thanks for asking the questions re fluids that I was wondering too. Hope you are doing OK after your scary reaction. Also good to know someone else who is starting off with Docetaxel because everywhere I read about people starting with EC and moving onto T for later cycles rather than the other way around. I start chemo next Monday 30th so quite late to this October party that no one wanted to be invited to. Greetings to you all. I’m Stage 3 HER2+ and ER+ (5/8) It’s all happened extremely fast as my initial GP visit was only 3 weeks ago. A lot to process mentally. I’ve just been for another round of biopsies today for a clinical trial so feeling a bit sore this evening. MRI, bone scan and echocardiogram coming up in the next couple of days. Not really concerned about the hair loss - have v short hair already- but do worry about neuropathy that might impact my cello playing. I really wanted to keep that going because surgery after chemo will curtail that for a while.


Hi @sopranosam . Welcome , sorry we find ourselves here but really appreciate all the support of everyone. That is fast getting started , which must be overwhelming but also a relief not to have to wait and that the doctors are on it. Hope the scans go well this week. I have lobular BC stage 2 HER2+ ER+ 8/8 - had a 6cm tumour . 7 weeks post mastectomy and right side breast reduction. on 1st round chemo of 4 . Have cut my hair short ready for the fall out - planning to buzz cut soon. Its a big deal for me as I feel my hair is part of my identity. I’m always dying it bright colours and cutting it short with undercuts etc. However I have always wondered how a buzz cut would feel, so I’m going to find out!

I know what you mean about Cello playing , I’m also worried about neuropathy as I’m a painter and can’t imagine not being able to hold a brush or a pen! Fingers crossed for any changes being temporary for our artistic abilities xxx

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