October 2023 chemo starters

Another forum member few years back had good results with prunes for botty block, have you tried few strong coffees too? Or orange juice? Keep trying everything, I did when it happened to me caused by the steroids, thought I was going to have to scrape myself off tge ceiling when I did manage to go. Get some anosol bum cream ready too :heart: horses are amazing :heart: I had 4 sessions at spirit and soul horse therapy after treatment it’s run by Sarah who is a tnbc survivor herself and at the time Macmillan funded the 4 sessions (not sure if they still do) but was part of putting the jigsaw puzzle of me back together post treatment :heart: there is something magical the connection between a horse and us :heart: enjoy this :sun_with_face:that’s around today :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Thanks a lot Shi. I don’t drink coffee, I used to drink decaf but it upsets my stomach now. I have prune and figues and dried mango which in paclitaxel week do the trick w psyllium husk just not this week of 3 infusions! I have prune and god the taste is awful… I drink fresh orange and lemon juice w ginger. It helps a bit. I think once I’ll find a combination of laxatives that works I’ll feel more relaxed. Still very much trial error as on cycle 2 :woman_shrugging: xxx


You will find what works :heart: I know us on Oct17 gang celebrated when we’d got things moving, it might sound odd to celebrate but we did, it was such a relief, hope you get some relief soon :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Those struggling with constipation have my sympathy. It may be too late to try a stomach massage this time round. I have used this technique since reading about it in a baby massage book when my daughter was born 25 years ago.

You move your hand around your belly button going from your right hand side to your left (is that clockwise?). I do a mix of long sweeping circles followed by tight circles that also go around the belly button. The baby massage technique also had some leg movements at the end.


Does anyone know if chemotherapy suites are open on Sundays? I have a blood test booked for tomorrow morning and my blood form hasn’t arrived in the post. The surgery has said that I can get the details emailed to them, but leaving it to first thing tomorrow seems very last minute.

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You can ring your rapid response number and speak to one of your team :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

Do you think it’s okay to call that number?

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Funny you say that I’ve been recycling my neck massage as belly massager! Body is so much in pain from gscsf injection any pressure or movement resonate in my body. Even in regular paracetamol. Hopefully it will calm down tomorrow. First cycle I had a slightly better Monday. Ready for next one

@Shi I’ve had some tiny bowel movements this morning!! But it’s been 2 or 3 days and I still feel fuulll and crampy. The meal time seem to come round very quick :grimacing: xx



so the cold hasn’t affected my white blood cell count so chemo can still go ahead even with me having a cold, I guess it all depends on how it affects you. xx


When I looked through the paperwork to find the emergency number I also found the opening times of the chemo suite (weekdays only). I rang the emergency number and spoke to someone. He thinks the phlebotomist will know what bloods need taking without the form, but he gave me a list to tell her. Saved me driving across to the hospital hopefully.


Great that it can go ahead. As you say I don’t know how much a cold affects your white blood cells.

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Good to know as it’s all these other things we don’t know ! Glad you can crack on xxx

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I found The gscfc injections side effects so hard! Not even co-codemol would help. They gave me Oramorph for the pain- not sure if that’s something you could ask about if they haven’t given it already ? Issue is it has constipation as a side effect :woozy_face:

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:crossed_fingers:it saves faffing for you :heart: glad you rang your unit, at my trust it was drummed into us anything ring them :heart: and I’m sure other trusts are hopefully like this too :heart: it sounds like your is from your post :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

I don’t think I could take any more constipation!!! I think I might have turned a corner this afternoon. I didn’t take the cyclisine this evening and I feels like a cloud lifted of my head. Had a short walk leaning ony partner walking slower than if I reversed, and bath. Just took it easy but my brain seems to have reunited in the world of living and I took some Gaviscon which seems to help. Great cause blood tests are Tomorrow and back in Tuesday for paclitaxel :joy: Flipping joke !!! xx


Awww glad the playlist is coming in useful @pinklilli3s :mirror_ball::heart:

October loves, I have pulled together a couple of playlists for the September crew of all our favourite tracks that are getting us through. Like you, some of us have found walking/dancing/getting out into fresh air a good way of dealing with side effects and have helped our mental health.

Thought I’d share the playlists here too in case you want a bop! :blush:

Lots of love, Anne xxx


Annemanc :heart: you are a superstar for doing this for everyone :heart: music definitely helped our oct17 gang :heart: and all of you inputting like you are helps all of you so much :heart: kylie spinning around was a regular one for us during chemo :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Fabulous choices @annemanc! Thanks so much for sharing. I’m going away for a wee holiday tomorrow and will have these belting in the car :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Enjoy @copperycat ! :blush: They feel like my soundtrack to a strange few months. Have also massively got into Aretha Franklin (thanks @naughty_boob :heart:) xxx


I had a meeting with my consultant today. I thought I was going so he could tell me about the alternative to Paclitaxel that I was going to have. However he just wanted to discuss how my reaction is quite common and the advice is to carry on with the treatment. The alternative should only be given when the allergic reaction is severe, meaning shortness of breath or swelling of the tongue, etc.

I just broke down and said that I can’t face it again. Maybe reaction wasn’t that severe but how can they know it won’t become a problem? Having had it happen twice I just couldn’t handle the stress.

Anyway he then said they would give me the alternative stuff (Abraxane). Part of me feels a bit guilty, but I just know that I couldn’t do it again.