October 2023 chemo starters

:heart: you did what was right for you :heart: I know after reaction to 2nd docetaxol I was not having another one so my onc offered abraxane or another fec, so I took another fec. A reaction is no picnic and remember your giving abraxane a go so well done you :heart: I’ve known others have abraxane and no problem with it so hope this helps :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Thanks Shi. That helps me feel a bit better.

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I’ve had a second reaction this week after having one two weeks ago but being fine last week. Go and figure. I am awaiting to hear from consultant on new meds. You got to do what feels right for you :blush:
@Shi glad to hear you had no reaction from abraxane. Hope I’ll be fine too and treatment can be resumed xx


Pinklilli :heart:it’s was others that had abraxane and had no reaction :heart: I had 3 fec, 2 docetaxol and then another fec and I was tnbc. I know treatments are tailored to you specifically so your oncologist knows what to do :heart: mine said about abraxane or I could have another fec, so I had another fec. Reactions are common and teams have seen it all before and know what to do. But when it happens to you, you want to jump out the chair run for the hills and keep going till you reach Australia, we’ll that’s how I felt before my oncologist said they were not giving me another docetaxol :heart: :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Well, everything went ok this afternoon with the Abraxane. No cold cap with this one so done so much quicker.

Currently buzzing with relief and the steroids! I expect I will crash at some point


Hi @scientistamafier are you saying that you don’t need the cold cap w Abraxane?
I am due to change over next week to it as I had two reactions w Paclitaxel. I cold cap on paclitaxel so that would be a silver lining if I didn’t have to on abraxane.

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I asked about a cold cap and the nurse just said they don’t do that for Abraxane. I got the impression it was perhaps hospital policy rather than no one offers cold cap. Perhaps see what information you can find about it. You could perhaps call your chemo suite and ask what their policy is?


I checked today as well and they said they don’t do cold capping. Nor cold sleeves hands and feet. That it’s not needed :woman_shrugging: I said they must be a catch? I’dike to find out about the side effects, the real ones, not on paper.
How did you get on with it? I am due to start Abraxane Tuesday.

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The doctor said that the side effects are similar to regular Paclitaxel. It is basically the same drug just mixed differently so the body absorbs it more slowly I think.

So far I have been fine, with the only thing of note being heartburn/wind - although that could also be from the herceptin injection I had.


The heartburn and the winds are awful. Thank you. Glad it’s better for you. The consultation with the oncologist is also Tuesday he’s been on holiday and then straight after treatment starts. I didn’t want to delay treatment another week, loosing two in total


Hi all , hope your weekends are going as well as can be.

I’m away for a week in the highlands of Scotland . It’s lovely to have a change of scene and a lot of the SE ‘s have won off. Except my hair started to fall out yesterday. Had to get my daughter to buzz cut it. Feel very sad , but I’m sure I’ll get used to it.
I’ve ordered some hat hair! It’s a fringe and sides that you can see when wearing a hat :sweat_smile: I thought it would be better than wearing a wig under a hat - too itchy!

Feeling anxious for 2nd round of Doxetaxal on Thursday. At least I know more what to expect this time.

Good luck ladies for the coming week , big hugs xxx


Sorry to hear your hair started falling, I cold cap on paclitaxel and it seems to work but since I had 2 reactions on it I am moved to Abraxane and apparently no cold cap so I hope I don’t loose them but if so I’ll shave it like you. I tried various wigs and didn’t find any I like so maybe the hat wigs is the way forward.
Enjoy your lovely break in Scotland! xxx


Thanks @pinklilli3s . Yes I’m not coping with the hair loss at all. Very emotional.

Sorry you can’t Cold cap on the other chemo . I wonder why that is . Must just be different chemos? Doxetaxal is very harsh I’m given to believe. Both nurse and oncologist said my hair would be gone within 10-14 days and it was.

Tried going out for dinner with my wig last night but wished I hadn’t. Felt very self conscious and couldn’t wait to leave . I won’t be doing that again anytime soon ! Think I need to find a better way , having more confidence in scarves etc . If anyone has any suggestions I’d love to hear them xxx


@copperycat sorry to hear about your hair loss. I hope you find a way to feel happy and confident in your appearance going forward.

You mentioned wearing a wig but feeling self conscious. What I noticed after my mastectomy (I chose no reconstruction) is that people are so much more self absorbed than we appreciate. You feel perhaps that everyone is looking and judging. In reality that more than likely haven’t noticed anything unusual about your appearance. I realised that I was almost watching people to see if they noticed, and then of course you catch their attention. If (and I appreciate it’s a big if) you can carry on as normal then people will treat you normally. Does that make sense?

Anyway, lucky you having a little holiday in Scotland.


I have just been reading through the various sheets of paper I had from the hospital about chemotherapy side effects and how to get some help. At the moment I am just slightly uncomfortable with aching legs. The paperwork just talks about asking you doctor or nurse without specifying how to do this. I don’t want to wait for my next session, which will be near the end of the month.

Can I just take some paracetamol or do I need to check in with someone? It seems a bit extreme to ring the “emergency line”, but is that the place to call regardless of the urgency of my query?

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I can only imagine. I was saying I’d shave my head but now that my hair seem to hang on, sort of although shading a LOT recently.
They said they just don’t do because apparently no hair loss. I doubt but I hope they right. Am triple negative BC.
I bought a couple of beanies that hair care recommended and a silk pillow case. I wear the beanie when I ride and tbh I don’t go out much. Only today aiming to go for a walk w my partner and enjoy some quality time no feeling rubbish simply because I didn’t the drug cause had reaction :woman_shrugging:

Big hugs xxx


Hi Scientist I think paracetamol is fine. After the gcsf injection am so in pain I take 2 X3 a day. I’d say ring them if unsure as maybe some of your meds contain paracetamol already? That’s why they are there for, to help xxx


Hi @scientistamafier

I was given a card with three numbers on to call about anything to do with chemo. First was the chemo unit, 8.30-4.30pm.mon-fri, 2 nd number was for anything 4.30-6pm. Mon- fri. And the 3rd was outside these hours and weekends And emergencies. Was told to call about anything no matter how small.

I had pain after the gcsf injection and they advised taking paracetamol regularly together with ibuprofen. Although about a week on from first chemo I developed a pain so severe these did not help, and they gave me Oromorph but only to take sparingly as required.

I’d maybe call and check but I think it’s ok for paracetamol . Hope you get some relief soon xx

Also I know what you mean about others not really noticing. I had a mastectomy and am flat , and I often go out without my softie or anything and no one seems to notice or care! I need to get that confidence up with my lack of hair now. I really wish I was a person who could just go out there and not give a hoot ( I usually am but this feels different!) hopefully I’ll find my confidence again :crossed_fingers:t2:xxx

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Thanks @pinklilli3s ,

So glad to hear you’ve held on to you hair, it makes all the difference. Mine came out in huge clumps so had to buzz it. I have a sleep beanie and also a silk pillow case, they are brilliant. And also have a couple of beanies that are lined so they feel very soft to wear. So going outside I don’t mind , as you can’t really tell. But I felt I couldn’t sit inside a restaurant and wear one of them hence the wig outing :sweat_smile:
Glad you are getting out and about for walks, I find it makes all the difference xxx


It’s only cause this week I didn’t get the meds cause had reaction! When I am down am proper down and sleep a lot and the gscsf are almost worse than the chemo but yes when I can go out I try to make most of it. I went for a walk w partner yesterday and there were a lot hills. My heart was racing and skipping a beat and I had to stop multiple times especially up hill. It’s so infuriating and I got frustrated and ended breaking down cause I couldn’t so a small hill without stopping or sitting down and insult to injury got taken over by a much older woman than me at top of one hill (winter hill in Maidenhead) on way back :sob::joy: (just turned 43 !) !!! Anyway I did it 7.5k but I think next time I’ll turn round sooner I was knackered!!!:see_no_evil: