October 2023 chemo starters

@copperycat me again! :joy::heart: Just spotted your post about the pain at bottom on spine. Iā€™ve had EXACT same SE from docetaxel last night and the night before. So on days 5 and6. Weird pulsating pain about 2am. I took my temp and then some paracetamol which sorted it.

Sorry youā€™ve had it too but it is a relief to hear you had same thingā€¦ guessing itā€™s the injections. I was ok w injections on EC but read that your body reacts differently to them on docetaxel.

Sending love my SE twin! :joy: xxxx


@annemanc So relieved to hear itā€™s not just me ! That pain actually scares me coz itā€™s the same one when I took the reaction to my first dose. And at its worst is unbearable so they gave me Oromorph for it , worth bearing in mind if it gets out of hand for you too.

How many rounds of Docetaxal are you having? Iā€™m on 2 of 4, so half way. Canā€™t wait to be done as we all will be! Xxx


3 rounds, 2 more to go. Good to know about oramorph. Paracetamol seemed to knock it on head for me so far :crossed_fingers: xxx


The thing is I really havenā€™t had too many side effects. Apart from the leg pain and indigestion, both of which have gone away, I only had one day of extreme tiredness. I might be jinxing myself by saying this, of course.

Since I have generally felt well I donā€™t feel I should be at home. I would feel I had to hide away being ā€œillā€ if I wasnā€™t going in to work.


Sorry everyone else is suffering from various side effects.
Sending hugs and love to you all


:heart:pinklilli3s hope your blood transfusion has gone ok today :heart: hopefully your Bowles settle soon, have you tried strong coffee, few cups might help. I tried everything when the steroids blocked my bum, I found starting senokot on the Sunday after infusion on a Thursday did trick during fec, then docetaxol it went into hurricane bum and I was running quicker than Usain Bolt to the loo :roll_eyes: Iā€™m keeping everything crossed for you that you get some relief soon :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


It went ok thank you. Usain bolt made me laugh. If I get the old farts am lucky atm! I normally drink 3 movicol by lunch and have phyllium husk w me but was at hospital pretty much all day so didnā€™t get to finish movicol and didnā€™t take phyllium husk which set me back!
My thyroid is also playing up apparently so being referred to endocrinologists, I seem to be hypo thyroid :woman_shrugging:


Glad your blood transfusion has gone well :heart: are you home and resting now :crossed_fingers::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Went out for a walk to see the /my horse (s) in a muddy field. My mum wasnā€™t best pleased but she knows me too well, knew I had something up my sleeves and itā€™s good memories. Went for a hot chocolate so made up for it and took her to Windsor farm, she loves their apple pie. A good day overall w more bowel movements during the day even though am constipated those evenings
Started shading my hair quite a lot after washing it this time but so far still on, back if hewd coming off and feels itchy which I realised is not a good sign


:heart: being near your horse is soothing for the soul pinklilli :heart: hope you managed it again today too :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Fairly sure my hair is going to fall out. I do try not to touch it, but it itches quite a bit. Each time I give in and scratch two r three hairs come out.

Trying to decide what to do for the best. Just let it all come out as it wants. Or get it cut really short first. Any advice?

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:heart: decision is yours, itā€™s hard but you must do what is right for you :heart: I buzzed mine to a grade 2 at the time as soon as I got home as I had just come out of casa nhs after infection on first chemo and hair had started shedding in there, so for me it gave me control over when I lost it and it also was easier to deal with when it all went, still hard as had gone from waist length to a bob pre chemo and donated hair to little princes trust, then bob to grade 2 to none, but it did give me control over it. I would suggest getting your makeup on if you do buzz it off :heart: I didnā€™t put mine on and instead of looking like sinead Oā€™Connor I looked like an action man. Sending much :heart: and do look deep into your eyes, you are still you and still there :heart: might look a little different for the time being but you are still fabulous you :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


@scientistamafier sorry this is happening to you. Itā€™s a horrible feeling. On the online look good feel
Better workshop I did mid week they covered this and I learned so much. Would recommend it . Mine had already started to come out and I just cut mine short, then when it really started in big handfuls, I buzzed it to a number 2. It has now more or less all come out and Iā€™m fairly hair free on most of my head. I agree with @Shi about the make up ( just a little when going out obvs) . With a hat or scarf, I feel fine and look like me, if that makes sense . Iā€™m plucking courage up to brave going out bald , but itā€™s winter and itā€™s cold anyway!

The workshop has advice on when to cut/shave , how to do it, and also covered caring for your scalp and preparing for new growth .

Best of luck with it, so hard xxx



Hi All,

First post here, I had my second round on epirubicin on Friday and going through the motions of nausea and general tiredness whilst trying to have some sort of normality for my children, although I think I spent most of yesterday snoozing!
I hate the way it makes me feel and although I am cold capping my hair is coming out thick and fast now! Good job I have a lot of it.
Just taken my cocktail of drugs and washing it down with toast. The diet is fairly carb loaded the first week if the last round is anything to go by! Most food tastes gross doesnā€™t it! Best of luck to you all x


I just had a look at booking an on line workshop but they said there is no availability at the moment for the hair loss/hair care workshop.
I totally understand the advice about wearing make up. I have been addressed as ā€œsirā€ by someone in a shop before. But if you knew me you would understand that the idea of me putting on make up before leaving the house is a bit laughable. I only wear make up on special nights out, and even then Iā€™m not convinced I do a good job. I am not sure I know how to do a daytime ā€œlookā€.


Welcome to the group Tabby-Lou

As you will see from my messages I am also starting to lose my hair. I also have quite a lot of hair so hoping it wonā€™t look too bad for another week.

What age are your children? It must be hard managing fatigue while having to look after youngsters.

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:heart: the look good feel better session you can book through your macmillan covers skincare too :heart: you can always go to boots a lot of the assistants on the counters do the look good feel better sessions so if you ask they will happily give you few pointers of how to do a natural look tgsts right for you and just gives you bit of pep without you feeling uncomfortable by wearing make up tgst your not used to :heart: whatever you do your still amazing you as you know and a lot of the time when people give the head tilting pity look itā€™s because they really donā€™t know what to say, they donā€™t mean anything by it, they just honestly donā€™t :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

I plan to ask in the Macmillan centre when I am in the hospital on Thursday.

I wish the chemo suite had a buzzer system like some restaurants do. You know, check in with reception, collect a buzzer and then be free to wander around the building. The chemo suite is on the first floor. The Macmillan centre and coffee shop are on the ground floor. They never like to say youā€™ve got a good hour to wait before you will be called in so everyone sits in the waiting area and grumbles about the delays.

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:heart: in the waiting area in the trust I was at there could be delays too but mostly people got chatting to each other and shared tips and tricks and also looked out for those who looked new to chemo and got gently talking to them to help them :heart: you do it your own way every does :heart: everyone goes to their own drum beat through this whatever you need to do for you to help get you through :heart:there are no right or wrongs you get through doing whatever it is you need to do and do still take joy in things :heart: it can strip you right back this process and you might need to dig deep and focus :heart: remember BCN, your team, Macmillan and so many other support networks are around whenever you need :heart: :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Am in the same place where every time I itch loads fall out this week. I try to hydrate my scalp but have a feeling that I need to prepare myself for it falling out :frowning:

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