October 2023 chemo starters

You should be very proud doing 7.5k! Many people who aren’t going through what you are couldnt do that, you are doing so well. Keep
Doing it your way, getting rest when you can and doing other things whe you can. Big hugs xxx


Thanks for the advice about taking paracetamol. I am not taking any other meds so have taken some paracetamol for the aches. It is bearable but it definitely would have kept me awake.

I am in work today just taking things steady. I work as a science technician in a school, but don’t have to be out and about amongst the student population thankfully.


Thanks @copperycat 🩷
@scientistamafier very brave to be working especially shortly after treatment. I couldn’t. I work in HR which means looking after people and my patience on meds is very thin and also not sleeping, being in pain, etc weekly chemo is tough so I only work when I can. I am aware am very lucky as work has been really supportive. Have worked many hours/days over time in the past so guess am "collecting " now. I can’t wait to be able to do some work though on a more regular basis :pray:


I was persuaded to call my chemo helpline to discuss the various side effects I have been having - mainly the aching legs. I have been told to try a warm bath, and to keep taking the paracetamol.

I haven’t slept a whole night through since Thursday and felt quite tired today. I came home from work today as I felt very tired after a lunch. I feel better after a nap, some hot chocolate and a biscuit! The chemo nurse did suggest that I take the rest of the week off work.


Hi. Sorry to hear that the hair is going big time. I’m probably a week behind you on the Doxetaxel (and Phesgo) so I guess it is only a matter of time for me. Ten days ago my first session went OK with no dramas. A few pins and needles in my hands at the time which was worrying, but I plunged them in iced water when I got home and that seemed to stop it.
I gave a lunchtime concert on Sunday (singing)… bad idea in restropect. Only 45 mins long but I was desperate to sit down midway through. The audience were appreciative so it couldn’t have been too awful!
I too got some bone pain (jaw mostly - probably overuse!) with the g-csf injections. My most annoying side effect is sinus congestion/headaches/nosebeed. I called my BCN to see if Loratadine (anti-histamine) might help. Not only did she tell me to go ahead for the sinus problems, but that she understood it helps with g-csf pain too. So next cycle I’ll certainly take some on the days I give myself the injections. Maybe worth checking with your team?
Keep smiling everyone.


Interesting on the anti histamine! I will ask. I got jaw pain the previous gscsf injection too and I was really?!
Someone was having issue w a cough…I stubble across something on This Morning show on an Instagram clip saying that cough could be cause reflux which is not surprising in our case given that the meds affect all our digestive system


So interesting about the anti histamine! I have a runny nose in one nostril , so weird. I’m wondering if it is the nostril hair has gone.

I’m in just now getting my second Chemo. Giving me anti Histamine and pain relief before they start because of the reaction last time. My chemo hasn’t been delivered at the hospital yet! There’s been a mix up and it’s not been ordered. They are making it and having it taxied across!

@scientistamafier sorry you’re feeling so tired. Hopefully you’ll turn a corner soon. Maybe best to have time off from work, give your body time to recover,

Big hugs everyone xxx


These medication mix ups are so annoying aren’t they. Last week when I was in someone was kicking off because they had been on the bed for an hour waiting for their meds, only to be told it was still defrosting! As she had been called in an hour after her appointment time she was really annoyed.

I am feeling better today. Just need to accept that not really having any side effects does not mean that I can carry on regardless.


3am and can’t sleep ha! Steroids still working. Finished them yesterday and had the #gsfh injection so I imagine it’ll all kick off later today like it did last time. At least I feel better prepared for what to expect this time. Doxetaxal proving to be fairly rough!

On Thursday Chemo eventually arrived about 1pm and I got away at 4 pm having been there since 10 am. No reaction this time, they gave me the hydrocortisone and Peritin in advance. Also gave me different anti- sickness tablets as last time didn’t work the best. And a mouthwash to help with ulcers.

My last round of chemo is 21 Dec, wonder if I can ask for a break for Christmas?:mrs_claus:

Have booked on a couple of Look Good Feel Good courses for hair loss and also skincare. Maybe give a wee boost.

Hope everyone doing ok. Trying to get a walk every day, if possible, really think it helps if we can :hugs:


Here’s a random question that people might know the answer to. When I was supposed to be having weekly Paclitaxel I booked a weekly appointment with the phlebotomist at my GP surgery to have my bloods done. Now I am having Abraxane every three weeks I assumed I would just have blood taken every three weeks (as in a couple of days before each session).

I was given a blood form last time I was in hospital which I put in a safe place ready for my next phlebotomy appointment. However another form arrived in the post this morning. Am I supposed to still having weekly bloods even though I am going three weekly for chemo?


Am having weekly chemo but I imagine they want to check your bloods to make sure you didn’t pick any infection and your core organs are still fine. I would phone the chemo nurse or helpline to find out xxx

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I’ve asked for a break and they were fine xx


Hey, the group has gone quiet! How are you all doing? This is my ‘good’ week before next chemo so I’m busy doing boring stuff (bloods, hair shaving off, car MOT, supermarket, tax return…) but playing cello with a small ensemble tonight which will be a good distraction. Hope you all have something nice to do this week too. Good wishes.


Hi @sopranosam , glad to hear you are having a good week, enjoy! Its a pleasure doing boring stuff now right? need to do my tax return too :frowning:

I am one week on from 2nd chemo ( every three weeks) and seemed to be doing ok, better than last time, until 2 days ago when i woke up with the same excruciating pain in my lower spine that i got last time. so ive been holed up on the sofa for two days. also my tongue is really sore! i had ulcers last time but not this time its mainly my tongue, gums and jaw are sore. i have a mouthwash they gave me ( like the stuff in the dentist yuk!) . Also no appetite, and everything I eat tastes horrible . except strawberry tarts! and good old Mr T’s sold out :cry:

I did the Look Good Feel Good online course for scalp and hair loss. Found it so informative, and lots of good recommendations for inexpensive remedies to help look after your head and prepare for new growth. Can really recommend it. btw there were about 60 lovely ladies on the Zoom and all in various hats, scarves, little hair , no hair etc , and it felt comfortable!

@pinklilli3s how are you doing? I know you are on weekly chemo, hope it went ok this week and coping as well as can be.

Didn’t manage a walk yesterday due to the pain in my back but fingers crossed i can get out today.

Hope everyone heading into the weekend as best they can :hugs:

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I am doing ok now. Back in work this week after a couple of days at home. Trying to pace myself better and have done some work from home so I can just sit at the computer.

Just beginning to think my hair might be starting to shed. Trying very hard to stop prodding my scalp and running my fingers through my hair to see if more comes out.

Next session a week today.


@scientistamafier glad to hear you are doing ok. I am in awe of you working . I have taken some time away during chemo as my head is all over the place , and glad I did as couldnt cope with the SE’s and work. Financially though it’s a challenge.as I’m self employed, no work no money. Hope to get back to it in Jan though.

Hope the hair shedding holds off for you. My crown was very tender and sore that’s when i knew it was imminent xxx


Hi @copperycat this week has been hard it’s my tough week. I’ve posted an update on 5he September chemo :blush: mum is around and she’s trying to adjust and I’ve needed a transfusion, currently at hospital for it. Feeling very sick overall this week :nauseated_face: I am trying to do everything I can to avoid being constipated but steroids don’t help. One more day of steroids. Had gcsf injection too and following advise shared on this forum, taking loratidine. Don’t want to jinx it and will report back later this week if it helped or not.

Sorry to hear about pain in your spine. You should speak to nurses if you haven’t already xxxx


Pinklilli3s :heart:for blood transfusion, try and rest a bit are they tweaking your meds at all to help with the :nauseated_face: and also have they prescribed something to help with botty block caused by steroids, worth mentioning if you haven’t already :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

Oh I’m so sorry you’ve had a transfusion! Gosh that must be scary . I’ve seen your update now , that’s horrible for you. Hope it starts you on the road to recovery :hugs:

Nurses told me that pain in my spine is the injection. Just need to keep a close eye on my temp :crossed_fingers:t2:xxx


Thanks Coppery cat. I’ve had a bag and start to feel better, like a black cloud lifted over me. Glad that pain in spine is “nothing serious” dear lord though.

Botty block @Shi I’ve tried everything :sob::grimacing: I am taking senna and may increase to two tablets, got movicol…
I am talking to doctor about the sickness feeling. It’s constant this week and cyclisine not really working or if I take it it sends me to bed and I can’t move which doesn’t help bowel movements! Hopefully it’s just this week :pray: Abraxane has some nasty shivering and sickness feeling though
Thanks on advice for resting I probably would have wanted to go out for fresh air and do stuff but will keep an eye on how am feeling ans try not to over do it xxx