October 2024 chemo starters

This topic is for anyone starting chemo in October 2024 to share thoughts and feelings in a supportive environment.

You can find more info on chemo on our pages: Chemotherapy for breast cancer | Breast Cancer Now


Hello :slight_smile:

I found out today I’ll be starting chemo on the 4th, pic line inserted the day before. I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for this to start (mastectomy and lymph nodes clearance 6th August) but I’m also completely dreading it and emotional most of the time. I still can’t believe this is happening but hoping once it starts it won’t be as bad as my fears…

Anyone else starting this month? I’m EC then Docetaxel, 3 rounds of each…followed by radiotherapy, abemaciclib (crikey) and zoladex any day now to suppress my ovaries as I’m only 39.

Sending love to everyone out there!


Darling girl!! I’m here!!! Starting on the 7th of October. Axillary clearance 12th August, like you the wait has been interminable! PICC line the same day. Four rounds EC, four Paclitaxel, then mastectomy ( my third surgery!!!), then radio, Abemaciclib, endocrine therapy and Zoladex. It’s so much isn’t it. I’ve just turned 60. I really feel for you - you are so young. I have lobular breast cancer, grade 2. Been on this rollercoaster since May!!! xx


Hi Phebe I am having the same treatment as you 4 x EC every 3 weeks and then 4 docetaxel every 3 weeks followed by radiotherapy and zometa. My 1st chemo was 11th sept like you was petrified and got myself so worked up when nurse collected me just cried and told her it was my first time felt very weak. Husband was allowed to be with for my first which helped. I can honestly say it wasn’t as bad as I had envisaged. Even when they put cannula in didn’t hurt apparently I have good veins ! Had cold cap as well and after first 10 mins was quite bearable just put blanket on me. Lovely lady came round and had tea and sandwich and biscuits! I am a very emotional person and have a long way to go like you. Just want to get my 2nd one out the way now and cope with whatever that throws at me. You will get through this xx


Evening all,

After thinking that I’d be starting chemo in September, I’ve finally had confirmation that I’ll be starting on Monday 7th.

I’m having 4 EC followed by 4 Paclitaxel, every 2 weeks…
I was diagnosed in March. Have had two surgeries, the last being an axillary node clearance on 23rd July. So am glad to finally be cracking on with treatment.

We’ve got this ladies x


Hi Tracey - exactly the same as me although you’ve had to wait longer. Where are you? And are you cold-capping? So many questions :rofl::rofl: xx


Hello ladies. I’m also starting chemo on 4th October. I’m having 4 rounds of EC then radiotherapy and whatever medication thereafter, it’s yet to be decided. I’m definitely going to try the cold cap and hopefully I can withstand it. I’ve been on this journey since February having had a lumpectomy, then a re-excision of the margins then a mastectomy and reconstruction with lymph nodes removed. As worried as I am about chemo I’m also grateful to be hopefully nearing the finish line now. Good luck! xxx


Hi ladies, jumping on here from the August starters group. Just wanted to say that it’s not as bad as I thought and that you can do it!

I’m about to have 3rd EC and I’m doing ok. You get so many meds to prevent the side effects and they work!

After the EC infusion, side effects begin slowly and gradually, but they will affect everyone differently. For me, i feel sleepy, a bit dizzy and achey. My hair has fallen out. But generally not too bad. By 8th day after chemo, i feel well.

I just wanted to say good luck to you all. If you have any questions, take a look at the august and September groups for tips and advice.

Wishing you all the best. X


Thank you for taking the time and trouble to let us know that - I think we’re all looking for a bit of reassurance so it’s really encouraging to hear you are coping so well. Really kind. Hope it continues to go well for you - lots of love xx


Hi everyone,

Thanks for posting here. New to this community and wishing all October starters well. I will be starting Chemo on 8.10, and meet nurses for planning on 3rd.

Getting increasingly worried and emotional.

Mine is a 6 3 weeks cycle preventative TC regime to lower my Prosigna test intermediate reoccurrence risk.
My treatment was delayed sadly due to NHS pressures and chemo is following my mid-June surgery (therapeutic Mammoplasty) with clear lymphnodes and 5 mm margins and will be followed by radiotherapy and second symmetrising surgery. I was put on Letrozole in early September for some protection after I complained about treatment delay. Waited until 2.9 for my first Post-surgery Oncology appointment- nerv-wracking as my surgery was on 11 June and Prosigna test available since early August.

Had a week away in the sunshine recently to brace myself but finding it tricky. Will try cool-cap as terrified of loosing my hair (one of few things I really like about myself). Hope we will be all ok and get through this as well as possible. Love to all :two_hearts::sunny:


Hi I started my chemo treatment on the 11th September. I had a considerable delay starting my chemo and got myself so worked up. My op was on the 13th June a little after yours. They removed a grade 3 44mm tumour and complete node clearance 23/26 lymph nodes cancerous. I asked if I could start a hormone tablet due to delay but was told I needed to have the chemo and radiotherapy first. My first chemo treatment wasn’t half as bad as I thought it would be. My 2nd is next Wed 2/10. Having cold cap and not to bad after initial shock of how cold it was. day 15 my hair has slightly started to shed. Good luck with everything :heart:


Hi everyone,
I will be starting chemo on the 11th after lumpectomy and ALND for grade 3 invasive DC early August. I’ve been keeping fairly active, walking and cycling, and am dreading the fatigue and other side effects of chemo. Does anyone know whether, during the weeks between treatment, we can get out and (gently) exercise with others or have to keep fairly apart to avoid infections?


Thanks Jules,
Sorry to hear that your treatment was delayed too. But glad your chemo started now and that it hasn’t been as bad as anticipated in terms of side effects. My tumor was also quite large sadly, 42 mm… grade 2. My new oncologist said it is good that my surgeon was able to prescribe me Letrozole to be taken up to the Chemo and then after Chemo again as it gives some protection. One can feel pretty helpless when treatment gets delayed. So glad I am starting and feeling reassured by your kind words. Hope your second cycle will go well (or as well as can be). Cool cap sounds good too… as it would be nice to keep some hair. Much love and a sunny weekend, Rose x


Hi Sundowner - funnily enough I’ve just been reading an old post exactly about that! I think the answer is yes, if you feel able to, exercise away. I don’t think it’s harmful - quite the opposite - just listen to your body and do what feels right. I’ve been out on my bike today for the first tin ages (2 surgeries!!), and it was great. I’m really hoping to carry on with that and my walking through chemo. I really, really don’t want to pile on loads of weight, or become too unfit, so it’s really important to me to try and keep going. Let’s hope we can xx


Thanks Birdie28 for your supportive comments. Similarly, I want to try to keep doing what I can to stay active so that after the next 6-8 months of treatment I’ll be ready for the world!
I’ve been reading posts from the August and September Chemo starters and there have been loads of helpful ideas to get us through the coming ordeal with positivity and mutual support. We are women and we rock!


Morning Birdie,
I’m in Essex… what about you?
I’m not going to cold cap. Instead I’ve spent a small fortune on all kinds of headwear :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
It has seemed a long wait to get to this point hasn’t it…
I was diagnosed in March with no lymph node involvement. But following my surgery in May, a bilateral mammoplasty, my cancer was found to be multi focal, with the biggest being 70mm, grade 3 and with lymph node involvement.
So I then had a axillary node clearance and I’m here ready to crack on.
I’m 44 years old so pre-menopausal so they are still deciding which hormone therapy I’ll be put on after x

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Ladies, I’ve still been running between surgeries and was told it was beneficial to help keep my bones strong etc.
I’ll aim to keep as active as I can during treatment depending on how I feel xx


Hi Tracey - I’m in Devon but my mum was born in Romford so I’m part Essex girl! The lymph node involvement bit terrified me, I won’t lie, but I’m ok with it now. I’ve had two surgeries so far, and have to have a mastectomy after chemo but I’m ok with that too - case of having to be really! I have lobular cancer - never even heard of it prior to all this and I work in health care!!! Lovely to make your acquaintance - even under these circumstances!! xx

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We certainly do Sundowner! Good to have the support of such lovely people xx

Which hospital are you at?