October 2024 chemo starters

Thank you so much for making me feel less alone. Well done for seeing the GP, I think lack of sleep is absolute torture. Hope today is a good day for all :slight_smile: x

Weā€™re here to help each other feel less alone, my second cycle has me so much more anxious, had a decent nights sleep last night, but just done my pegfilgrastim injection, so now worried about the side effects, had bad pains last time. And i havent even got to day 4/5 yet which saw me end up in hospital last time. Just feeling weepy, but i know, i know weā€™ll get through it. Stay strong :hugs:


Howā€™s everyone doing? Iā€™ve had paclitaxel 6/12 today. Got delayed by the cyber attack on Wirral hospitals but fortunately went ahead same day rather than tomorrow.

Although I had my bloods done yesterday they were lost in the chaos and I had to go over and have them done again this morning then get fast tracked. So glad I wasnā€™t cancelled.

Liver still rumbling and hasnā€™t read the handbook!

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Hi everyone, I am now on Cycle 2 of EC chemotherapy and itā€™s going so much better. Iā€™ve been given the Filgrastim injections this time, not last time, and itā€™s made such a difference. In October, after first chemotherapy treatment, I had chest infection, then Neutropenic Sepsis and was 9 days in hospital, so not a good start. If all goes well, I have treatment every 3 week for 6 cycles. Itā€™s a tough process but good to see how others are doing. First time I was on combined EC chemotherapy, now just dropped down to one drug to see if I can tolerate it better. Hope everyone has as good weekend as possible x

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Iā€™m so pleased that cycle 2 seems to be a lot better for you. It sounds awful what you have gone through with cycle 1 with the chest infection & your hospital stay with the neutropenic sepsis. I am due to have my 3rd cycle of EC on Thursday!! Blood test Tuesday then my last EC on Thursday :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers: then I move onto 3 rounds of Docetaxyl. Iā€™ve had the filgrastim injections both rounds so far & on day 5 of my last lot of infections I was in so much pain with my back & pelvis I was climbing the walls. It only lasted 1 night though thankfully. Everyone is different so hopefully youā€™ll be fine.

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Thanks for your message. Yeah, it has been difficult. Fortunately, I havenā€™t had much pain after the injectionsā€¦2 more days to go. Just hoping my lungs hold up and I can make it to round 3. Iā€™ve got 6 rounds of EC, so 4 to go. I hope all goes well for you with the next drug xx

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Hi lovely ladies

You are all going through so much, and it brings back some of my treatment side-effects (only 3mths post chemo).

Reading about many of you having pains from the filgastim injections - I read about people taking antihistamines for them, so I asked my GP for fexofenadine and that helped a treat. I also had chlorphenamine (a different antihistamine) for rashes I developed some evenings, and as it has sleep-inducing side-effects that sometimes helped me at nights.

Someone mentioned having low blood pressure whilst on EC - I even passed out one evening sitting at the table eating my meal. My husband hadnā€™t a clue what to do or who to call! :sweat_smile: Nurses didnā€™t seem too bothered as long as my systolic number didnā€™t drop below 100. It was very disconcerting though.

Wishing you all strength to survive on your chemo journeys. Iā€™m glad youā€™re able to share your struggles - I always felt I was more ill and miserable than anyone else on my monthā€™s chemo thread, so only lurked and never posted. :melting_face:


Thanks for the encouraging comments. I also get low blood pressure some days and low temperature so am constantly trying to ensure Iā€™m not too cold or too hot, and have very low energy. Iā€™ve found having water with electrolytes helps a lot but just seems this is all part of the side effects. This is Cycle 2 for me, 4 more to go. Hanging on in there! :blush:

Hey Tracy

Hope you donā€™t mind me reaching out. Iā€™m in the same boat as you but waiting for CT and bone scan before they can schedule ALNC. Iā€™m so scared. Did you have scans and how you feeling after ALNC?

Hope youā€™re doing well :smiling_face:

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Hi Jnra,

I had a CT scan after my first surgery as they discovered I had a positive lymph node. The CT scan showed something on my liver so I then had an MRI. Thankfully it turned out to be ā€œnormalā€ liver changes and nothing to worry about. But itā€™s a scary, scary time.
I had my Node clearance back in July. If Iā€™m totally honest, I found it harder recovery wise than my bilateral mammoplasty. I got an infected seroma, which needed draining and I still havenā€™t regained full feeling under my arm. But, saying that, Iā€™m still glad I had the op as they discovered a further positive node.
When is your scan scheduled?
Sending lots of love xx

Thanks for coming back to me and good to know youā€™re on the road to recovery.

I had my CT scan last Monday and havenā€™t got an appointment for bone scan yet as long waiting list. Absolute nightmare as they refuse to see me in clinic again Iā€™ve had both so Iā€™m just left imagining the worst. Itā€™s so hard :disappointed_relieved:

I share your pain! Weā€™re on the same chemo regime. On all 3 of my cycles of EC I have woken with an agonising spasm of pain in my back after the 5th filgastrim injection. I have found taking cocodamol plus lying on my back very still for an hour or so seems to help.
Really hoping the next 3 cycles on the D drug are different!

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Thankyou for your reply & the tips on what works for you I will definitely be giving that a try! Iā€™m 1/2 way through now the same as you :grinning: so that feels like a good milestone! Iā€™m hoping that I can tolerate the Docetaxyl ok which I should have been starting on Boxing Day but they have moved me to the day after due to lower staffing levels etc. good luck with the rest of your treatments to!! X

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Have you started your Docetaxyl now? How are you finding that in comparison to the EC? I think you are a bit ahead of me so itā€™s nice just to get your take on it all x

Hello my friend!
Iā€™m a little ahead of you. Provided my bloods are ok tomorrow, I will start the docetaxyl on Thursday. There is a slightly different steroid regime this time with 4 tablets just on Wed, Thurs and Fri, so Iā€™m wondering if Iā€™ll start to feel awful for the weekend instead of Monday-nobody knows!! Still have the dreaded injections to look forward to!
Am hoping it will be better but will let you know how it goes.
Hope youā€™re feeling ok now and managing to do some nice things.

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Thankyou :grinning: yes Iā€™ve been given my steroids in preparation for Docetaxyl to take on Boxing Day but Iā€™ve been given 8 to take?? 4 tablets twice a day (day before my treatment) then they will give me the rest of my meds when I go for chemo. Those dreaded injections :weary: I wonā€™t miss them at all or the heartburn :heart_on_fire:. Iā€™ve felt a bit fatigued today probably the crash from finishing my steroids yesterday! Really hope the new 1 is kind to you :crossed_fingers:please keep me updated with how itā€™s going of you can. Thankyou x good luck with your bloods tomorrow & best of luck Thursday :grinning:

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Just catching up and thought Iā€™d say hi. I had my first Docetaxel today. I had one Dexamethasone tablet twice a day for yesterday, today and tomorrow. Each tablet is 8mg so maybe yours are a different strength if you have 4 tablets twice a day. My total is 16mg per day. They advised taking the second dose around lunchtime as later can mess with your sleep. Mine had to be later yesterday as I was waiting for blood results to confirm I was definitely getting treatment and I hardly slept a wink :confused: but that may have partly been nerves about switching to Docetaxel. Hope you get on ok with yours. Probably quite nice having it after Christmas. Iā€™m waiting to see what side effects appear and Iā€™ve no idea how Iā€™ll be feeling on Christmas Day.


Hi Just thought I would check in to see how you have been feeling after your 1st round of Docetaxel? Youā€™re right my steroids are only 2mg which is why Iā€™m having 8 in total a day . I go for my 1st round of docetaxel on Friday this week as long as my bloods are ok tomorrow :crossed_fingers: hope you are feeling ok for Christmas :christmas_tree: x

Thanks @shelbylou81 . Iā€™m doing ok. No nausea with Docetaxel and Iā€™m not sure if there would be heartburn as Iā€™m just taking the stomach tablet every day regardless. The main thing is pains in my lower back, legs and feet. It reminds me of the bad period pains I used to get as a teenager. I just want to jiggle my legs all the time and canā€™t sit still. Hot water bottles are helping and Iā€™m actually waiting on a call back from the helpline for advice about pain relief. I did feel a little better this morning than yesterday, so Iā€™m hoping thatā€™s me coming out the other side of it now. I hope your bloods are ok to go ahead on Fri and that you have a nice Christmas :christmas_tree:

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Itā€™s nice to hear that you are doing well. Hope you manage to get on top of the back pain & your team get back to you soon!! Have a lovely Christmas x

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