October 2024 chemo starters

@birdie28 i feel your pain. Im on my day 2 and know all the side effects are going to hit very soon. Im using everything ive learnt about what to do and what to avoid for me, so fingers crossed x ive phoned the onc team after each cycle and theyve been very helpful, and reassuring, i was afraid to take painkillers in case itmasked high temp, but they said to go for it. Ive also been given some levomepromazine to take this time to help with nausea, but will also just knock me out. Ivenever taken any recreational drugs, but i so wanted something, anything to take away the awfulness.
NYE was my last docetaxel, i dont feel like celebrating that just yet. I thought i might hold onto eyebrows and lashes, looks like no such luck, looking pretty sparse now, but hey the only places im going in jan/feb is the hospital fornext steps of radiotherapy :woman_shrugging:
Try to stay positive everyone, its seriously tough, but so are we :muscle:


I agree chemo pain is on a whole new level! Much worse than childbirth as it goes on for days, itā€™s unpredictable and scary as weā€™re dealing with it at home not surrounded by a full medical team!
I too was concerned about masking a temperature with meds but Iā€™m going to make sure for however many days it is, I will take painkillers regularly and not wait until the agony strikes.
Next round of docetaxel is on Monday for me, then 1 more cycle before radiotherapy.
Our bodies are doing a truly remarkable job right now, keep strong :muscle: everyone, together weā€™ve can beat this.


Good morning all
Stupidly forgot to take my last steroid dose with my lunch yesterday, so had to have it in the evening and have been wide awake from 4:30!!
Donā€™t do this folks!
Fortunately the dog is happy to snuggle with me on the sofa watching Emily in Paris at any hour!!

Hope you are ok? Youā€™re not on your own!!! Iā€™ve done this before where I have forgot in the afternoon then had to take it late at night!! I donā€™t sleep properly when Iā€™m on the steroids anyway no matter what time I seem to take them :weary:. Hope you get some rest today :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:!! X

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Glad Iā€™m not alone in my forgetfulness! How do bodybuilders manage to take steroids or are they not on the strong stuff we get?!
Feeling ok so far from 5th chemo on Monday-kick off likely to hit in the next few days!
Hoping for a better sleep tonight.
When is your next chemo?

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Iā€™m having chemo number 5 next Thursday! 16th Jan & then my last chemo is scheduled for 6th Feb if all goes to plan! When is your last chemo? X

Hi all I live in New Zealand and found this forum to engage in the wealth of knowledge available. Thank you for sharing your experiences. I started TCHP for stage 3 Her2+ breast cancer in one breast 31/10/2024. Pre cancerous calcifications were found and 2 axillary lymph nodes are involved.
I am currently on round 4 and finding the fatigue quite hard going this week, day 6. On the matter of salivary glands and chemo mouth taste what tops are available to make food and fluids more palatable. I havenā€™t had any nausea however I seem to rely on Ondansetron these days to keep the body capable of even looking at food. Any bright ideas would be welcome please.


@shelbylou81 Thatā€™s the exact same dates as me! I wouldā€™ve been due to have cycle 5 today but there was a delay due to the Christmas hols. Iā€™d rather get it over with but Iā€™m trying to just enjoy the extra week of feeling good :blush:

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Enjoy having those extra days of feeling good before your next round!
My last chemo is 27th Jan and Iā€™m so looking forward to ringing that end of chemo bell!
I find what I can taste varies hugely from day to day-some foods and drinks are overwhelming, others taste weird or flavourless! Iā€™ve found using bamboo cutlery useful.


Hi @glowinthedark5 Iā€™ve found fresh pineapple helps my mouth. Also sucking or chewing fruity sweets or mints. Did they give you mouthwash? There are different types to try if itā€™s not helping. Keep taking the ondansetron if itā€™s helping the nausea. I had a lot of heartburn but the Dr gave me lansoprazole which helped a lot. My nurses advised me to just eat whatever I felt like because they really donā€™t want us losing weight. Unfortunately Iā€™m gaining weight but Iā€™m trying not to worry too much about that til this is all over


:heart: weā€™ve had and have people from all over the world join the forum, sorry you find yourself here :heart: :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

Hi October starters. Itā€™s good to hear how everyone is getting on at the start of 2025. Iā€™ve just made it through week 1 of Round 4 of my chemo treatment and itā€™s been so tough -breathing difficulties, low blood pressure, not sleeping, pain, etcā€¦all the usual stuff we have to cope with. I live in southeast England and itā€™s been so cold here, Iā€™m daydreaming about going on holiday after treatment - gives me something to look forward to. I have 2 more cycles of treatment to go now and itā€™s not getting any easier - however, I find it does help to know what to expect and how to deal with side effects as best as possible. I sometimes feel we should all go on a course before starting treatment, as it is all so new at the start - so much to learn about - and we often become experts afterwards :joy:


How is everyone doing? My last chemo is on Friday, I canā€™t quite believe it. I imagine many of us are nearing the end of this phase. Will find out more about radiotherapy today, and then starting abemaciclib eeeek. Desperate to book a holiday as we missed the chance last year, has anyone else been able to do this or plan something fun? Not sure when Iā€™ll be allowed! Sending love. X


Ahh that must feel so good that the end of chemo is literally a couple of days away! Iā€™m having cycle 5 out of 6 tomorrow!! My last 1 is scheduled for the 6th Feb all being well with my bloods!! I had 3 rounds of EC then Iā€™ve moved onto 3 rounds of Docetaxel, of which I am having cycle 2 of that tomorrow morning! After that Iā€™m having 9 sessions of radiotherapy then Iā€™ll be going on tamoxifen for however long they decide. I have a feeling it will be 10 years due to only being 43 & pre menopausal!! Anyway good luck for your final chemo Friday! Make sure you ring that bell & treat yourself to something really nice! You definitely earned it x


Sorry to hear that you have been struggling with side effects that arenā€™t nice! Itā€™s certainly not a walk in the park is it? What chemo regime are you on? Iā€™m having chemo number 5 of 6 tomorrow! I am 3 rounds of EC followed by 3 Docetaxel! Keep getting through the cycles & ticking them off each time, thatā€™s the only way Iā€™ve managed to get through this by thinking thatā€™s another 1 done!! I hope it gets easier side effect wise for you! I find the filgrastim injections hard work too & the awful heartburn :heart_on_fire: plus the fatigue! Also bad constipation whilst on the EC but thatā€™s not bad now Iā€™m on Docetaxel. The joint & muscle pain has been worse on the Docetaxel & Iā€™ve got a permanent salt taste in my mouth :weary:. Iā€™ve found the fatigue worse to but not sure if thatā€™s just because the chemo is more cumulative now??? Canā€™t wait to get tomorrow ticked off so I can officially say 1 more to go :grinning: x

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@shelbylou81 Yeah, we are all suffering from the side effects and there are so many! Itā€™s hard to explain to family and friends what itā€™s like, even though they try to understand. I feel that Iā€™ve been poisoned, but willingly, and as you say we must keep marking off milestones and focusing on end result! I completed 3 rounds just after Xmas and celebrated the midway mark. Iā€™ve had my 4th treatment so 2 more to go. I have a 3 week cycle, is it the same for you? I imagine Iā€™m a bit behind due to hospital stay after my 1st treatment. I had EC but now Iā€™m just on E as my body canā€™t cope with both. Like you, Iā€™m counting the days till itā€™s over and if all goes well, Iā€™m planning a holiday in the Spring. Right now the idea of traveling seems too much but I hope to have more energy by then. I live in the UK and itā€™s been so cold here, I really want to go somewhere warmer for a holiday. I find itā€™s good to plan things, keeps me focused on the future :blush:



Hope all goes well for your last treatment - you must be so looking forward to it and enjoying a holiday afterwards. I spend a lot of time looking for ideas about where to go - keeps me happy :smiling_face:. I hope Iā€™ll be well enough to travel afterwards, right now it seems impossible to go very far as my fatigue is so bad. However, after my last treatment, I did manage a few days staying with my kids in London, we did short trips out and I had to sit down a lot but it was so much fun and gave me a real boost. Now, Iā€™m back to being indoors, resting most of the time but so glad I have those memories. Hope you ar able have a great holiday soon!


Hi, Iā€™m also on round 4 and the fatigue has been awful for me every time! I know some people are able to exercise and work but the treatment wipes me out, especially for the first 10 days. Fortunately, I have been able to take time off work, reduce hours etc. I spend a lot of time resting which can be frustrating but try to accept it now. I understand the food issues and also suffer from digestive problems. I eat a lot of soups, purĆ©es and no spices. Also, protein shakes with added fruits, avocado etc. Last treatment I had sores on my digestive tract and couldnā€™t swallow without pain so could only drink fluids for a few days. Something else that really helps is called Slippery Elm- I believe itā€™s a Native American remedy - my mother used to give it to me for upset stomach when I was a child. I mix the pure powder with hot milk and add honey for a drink. I also buy it already mixed with some flour and cook it, simmer with milk. It becomes like a baby food purĆ©e - I add fruit and yogurt and have this for breakfast most daysā€¦I find it very soothing for my stomach. Anyway, these are some things that have helped me and might be useful for you too. By the way, one of my kids was in New Zealand for several months last year and loved it- you live in a beautiful country! Iā€™m in UK, which is also very beautiful but we donā€™t have many areas left without towns, except in the North, and I live in the South which is overpopulated. At least Iā€™m by the sea, which is lovely when I have the energy to walk. All the best :blush:

How did you get on today @shelbylou81? I had my 5th cycle (2nd Docetaxel) this morning. All went smoothly and Iā€™m home on the sofa. Itā€™s my husbandā€™s birthday today though so I might try to bake a wee cake later before he gets home from work.

I know what you mean about the effects being cumulative. I definitely found the Docetaxel harder than the EC. I had such bad pains for about 4 days. Theyā€™ve given me cocodamol home with me this time, and also Nystatin for my tongue as it had a white coating for a few days last time. Iā€™d used bicarbonate of soda solution and a soft toothbrush which helped, but theyā€™ve said to use the Nystatin this time. I get bad heartburn too but itā€™s been much better since they gave me lansoprazole to take daily. Did you get any medication for it?

My next cycle is booked for 6th Feb same as you. Iā€™ve been told 15 radiotherapy but havenā€™t got any appointment for the planning yet.

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Hello so glad your chemo went well today & itā€™s so nice knowing that we only have 1 more to go :raised_hands:. Mine also went well & Iā€™m back home & going to chill as I didnā€™t get any sleep last night due to the steroids. I didnā€™t ask for any medication for my heartburn Iā€™ve just been using over the counter meds! I had my treatment dose reduced to 75% again today as my ALT levels in my liver were still slightly out!! My last treatment is also the 6th Feb the same as you :grinning:.
I was originally told 15 sessions of radiotherapy but then got told I was actually having 9 sessions instead, I feel it will be a lot easier than chemo :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers: so we should be ok with that. Then I will go onto tamoxifen for 10 years due to being pre menopausal & 43!!! Are you going on tamoxifen aswell? X

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