Hi @shelbylou81 I’m doing ok thanks. Quite tired today but I think I overdid things yesterday. I was feeling better and decided to do some baking as well as a few messages in the town. Ended up walking over 9000 steps so my legs were like lead this morning! Sorry to hear you’re struggling about your hair. Mine has definitely started coming back but it’s verrrry slow! I’m using Weleda hair tonic which is supposed to help I think my radiotherapy will start on Thurs but I haven’t actually got the official letter yet. I know a guy in the dept and he said I’m booked in for 27th but I’m not sure til I get the letter. My face is also still a little bit red but the cream I got from the Dr seems to be helping. I really wish my eyelashes would return as my eyes just water all the time and it’s so annoying. Sometimes if I lean forward to do something, I literally can’t see as they just fill with water. My eyebrows have completely disappeared bar about 3 hairs. On the bright side, my 7 year old son told me today that my attempt at drawing them on was very realistic
He even wanted me to draw him an extra set so he could have 4! I didn’t do it though
Hi @shelbylou81
Glad to hear you’re coming out of your final chemo now.
I’m slowly starting to feel more like myself! My stamina is definitely improving, as I’m not getting breathless walking up hills, my taste is gradually returning and I can think more clearly too which is a real bonus!
My hair is growing but it’s very baby fine and uneven-not too bad on sides but very sparse on top. I’m using a silicone scalp massager and slapping loads of the rosemary hair tonic on twice a day which feels lovely and tingly so maybe it’s doing something.
My fingernails look weird with a lot of white spreading from the tips. I keep trimming them and putting nail strengthener on but I’m worried about covering them with anything else incase it makes them even worse!
I have put on a stack of weight-about a stone all on my middle which I really want to shift asap but I think it’s going to take some time and I’m not ready to rejoin my gym yet.
Radiotherapy starts for me on 5th March for 15 days. We’re making the most of having an appointment free week next week and going away for 4 days-we’re not going far but feel the need of a change of scenery and some good dog walking.
@pink66 I can resonate with you.
Finished chemo on 7 Jan and my nails are gradually growing out but they look shocking. My hair is just about growing but absolutely baby fine m. I have been putting in the Weleda tonic too maybe not twice a day everyday though
I still have terribly dry eyes and they stream a lot.
I had a mastectomy two weeks ago so waiting on my results to see if I need radiotherapy (it’s probable though)
But in the bright side on the other side of chemo
Good luck with your radiotherapy xx
Ahh that’s good that you have mastered the art of drawing your eyebrows on sometimes mine go good other times not so good
. My eyebrows are exactly the same as yours just a few stay hairs. My eyelashes are starting to come back but they are still very short at the min! Be Interesting to see where we are at in a couple of weeks with regards to the hair growth etc x
Hi glad to hear that your taste is starting to come back & you’re not as brain fogged. I’m the same as you. I was so happy when I could start to taste food again, I really missed being able to enjoy food! I’ve put so much weight on through treatment, I put over 2 stone on! Mine is all round the middle & I hated looking at my face when on the Steroids to it looked so round! I’m trying now to make a conscious effort to try to get the weight back off! I went on a long walk with the dogs yesterday & I wasn’t feeling as breathless as the weeks before so that’s a positive! Let’s hope the hair keeps growing & the weight keeps coming off x
That’s great you’re getting a few days away. My radiotherapy is due to start exactly 3 weeks post chemo so no time for a break. I’ll be glad to get started and get it over with though. My hair is definitely growing more at the sides. I was talking to someone who’s about a month ahead of me finishing chemo and she said the top was the last part to come in but it’s reasonably thick now, so we just need to be patient! I’m using the hair tonic twice daily too. I don’t think I’ve put on loads of weight, maybe half a stone, but I’ve definitely lost muscle on my legs and arms, and my resting heart rate is way higher than pre-chemo. I’m hoping it’ll improve as I increase my walking in the next few weeks. We’ve been through the mill and it’ll take time to feel normal again…if we ever will. Not sure what’s available in your area but I found out I can get 12 weeks free gym membership at my local leisure centre through the Macmillan Move More scheme. There’s a page on the Macmillan website where you put in your postcode to see what’s available near you. I’ve also got access to a weekly Pilates class. I think I’ll wait til after radiotherapy to start.
@galdiolus @pod123 @shelbylou81
So good to be able to compare post chemo notes with you all!
I’ve managed to retain a few eyebrows and I think I’m getting a bit better at pencilling in the gaps! My eyelashes are sparse but I think the eyelash serum I’ve been using for a few weeks is making a difference as I have some teeny lashes and a few longer ones now!
It is nice knowing that we can all compare notes! Yes I’m the same as you some of my eyelashes are coming back but not much change to the eyebrows yet .
I’m still finding the pain in my joints a bit of a struggle & feeling fatigued still but definitely improving. I went for a walk the other day & actually wasn’t breathless . Feeling a little less bloated already so I’m
hoping to start shedding some pounds now . Hope you are feeling ok x
Hope everyone is doing well.
Just checking in to say that I’ve my last chemo of 16 tomorrow. EC #4.
Ahh I’m so happy for you that it’s your last chemo tomorrow I’m nearly 4 weeks post chemo now & I’m starting to feel better each day! Definitely treat yourself to something nice when you feel up to it! Are you having radiotherapy next? X
So happy for you!! It’s a milestone for sure. X
Thanks - hoping I get no call to cancel due to bloods in the next hour or so! No radio for me as I had a mastectomy last Sept (after a lumpectomy and then an extra margin clearance). On to letrozole for me.
I think some of my lashes might be growing back - I have a few extra short teeny lashes. Has anyone else had this before they finished chemo?
Hope your chemo went ahead and that the side effects are minimal for your last cycle. My hair started growing back during chemo, round about the same time my eyebrows completely left the building! I guess they’re in different growth cycles. Not many eyelashes back yet (4 weeks post) but my eyes are watering a lot less which is great
All done and riding the steroids!
My sons and eldest’s girlfriend came to the bell ring, which was lovely as my husband and I were very emotional. The lovely staff team lined up and clapped us out - it was great to say a quick thankyou in person. I left the biggest box of Guylian I could buy (1kg!) and a card.
I’m going to keep on top of the tablets for the next week. Fingers crossed for a decent recovery on this last one.
Sending love to all those still in the midst of treatment.
Good to read how everyone’s progressing and this sunshine is a real tonic too!
I had my first radiotherapy yesterday-it was ok but very strange to be lying stripped to the waist, all on your own with your thoughts while the machine moves around you for 10 mins. Feeling less nervous now I know what to expect.
I’ve found a few good low impact workouts for breast cancer survivors on YouTube I’ve enjoyed doing-got to get those pounds shifted!
Hi everyone, I finished my last chemotherapy session end of February - had 6 sessions. I’ve found this last one very hard, I know that the chemicals build up but I had a lot more pain and even new side effects, such as an awful rash on my scalp. I’m still recovering but going to scan end of month so hopefully it’s all been worth it! It’s been interesting to read posts about weight gain- I’m the same and I keep thinking the scales must be broken . I’ve already had radiotherapy beforehand so now my oncologist said I will have a 3 month break from any treatment and then they will do more tests and decide on next steps, maybe back on tablets. Is anyone else in this situation with their treatment? Anyway, I’m also planning some holidays - can’t wait! Sending hugs to everyone
The last one does seem to be the gift that keeps on giving. I don’t know if our bodies realise “that’s it for chemo” and take a harder hit from the build up.
I’m starting letrozole in a couple of weeks but glad of a short break before then. Like others, I’ll need gradually to work on waistline as well as building muscle strength back up.
How are you getting on with radiotherapy?
I’m up to session 6 later and so far have felt tender at times in breast area but not suffered with tiredness, although I was told it can strike half way through or even a week after treatment has finished! Not something to look forward to!!
I’m feeling pretty good but my thumb nails are now in a shocking state. The top layer is almost breaking away-I’m applying cuticle oil like it’s just been invented and bought some gel finger protectors to stop my nails getting ripped off! Grateful to at least have thin half nails growing underneath. The docetaxel definitely reached my fingertips.