Hope your bloods are ok and you both get to have your final chemo on Thursday and ring that bell!
I’m keeping everything crossed for you both.
Thankyou so much
Is your chemo going ahead tomorrow @shelbylou81 ? Mine is, and I’m more excited about the fact that they’ll remove the PICC line straight afterwards!
Yes my chemo is going ahead!
Ahh I’m so happy for you that yours is going ahead too.
I can imagine you are happy to get that picc line removed. I never had a picc line! Mines all been given via canular & my veins are so thin & pulled in on that side now & painful. Not managed much sleep due to the steroids I never do the night before chemo.
Some of that could be excitement to finally have reached the end of this part of the treatment .
My appointment is at 10am! What time is yours. Can’t wait to ring that bell x
@shelbylou81 @pod123
So thrilled to read that today is bell ringing day for you both! It really is a major milestone to reach and gives you a real boost!
I’m getting over my last chemo but after 10 days of poor sleep, my body still wants to wake up multiple times in the night!! I need a reset button, it’s so frustrating and I can’t sleep during the day.
Next step for me is a CT scan on Tuesday, then they have 2 weeks planning time before I start radiotherapy-15 sessions over 3 weeks.
Have a great day!
Oh that’s great your is going ahead too My appointment is at 9:00! For once I slept ok. Only up once around 3 then slept right through. I felt really tired yesterday for some reason. I hope all goes smoothly for you. I can’t quite believe this is the last one until it’s over. Not looking forward to the next couple of weeks feeling rough. I’ve found Docetaxel worse than EC, but knowing it’s the last one will definitely help!
Hope you’re feeling better soon @pink66 . Have you tried white noise to help you sleep? It helps me sometimes.
I’ve got my radiotherapy planning appointment this afternoon so it’s all go today! I’ll find out if it’s definitely 15 sessions and maybe get a start date.
Not sure if I’ll ring the bell after chemo. It’s shoved in a corner beside the lift on the ground floor in our dept with just a tiny sign. I think they don’t like to have it in earshot of the treatment area as it can be upsetting for people on maintenance chemo who will never be finished treatment. I’ll maybe see if my dad can come in from the car and take a wee photo of me though. I think there’s a nicer bell area at the radiotherapy department so hopefully that’ll be more of a ‘thing’. Plus I’ll feel more like I have actually finished! Today I’m still facing a couple of weeks of feeling rough so it feels a bit odd to ring a bell
Congratulations! So happy for you. May the symptoms be mild this final chemo! X
Well done those bell ringers. Another few weeks for me - in the EC recovery doldrums this week then two to go.
think about treating yourself to something nice when you finish chemo
I treated myself to a bottle of Chanel when I finished chemo a large one
Shi xx