October 2024 chemo starters

@shelbylou81 @pod123

Hope your bloods are ok and you both get to have your final chemo on Thursday and ring that :bell: bell!
Iā€™m keeping everything crossed for you both.


Thankyou so much :sparkling_heart:

Is your chemo going ahead tomorrow @shelbylou81 ? Mine is, and Iā€™m more excited about the fact that theyā€™ll remove the PICC line straight afterwards!


Yes my chemo is going ahead!
Ahh Iā€™m so happy for you that yours is going ahead too.
I can imagine you are happy to get that picc line removed. I never had a picc line! Mines all been given via canular & my veins are so thin & pulled in on that side now & painful. Not managed much sleep due to the steroids :weary: I never do the night before chemo.
Some of that could be excitement to finally have reached the end of this part of the treatment :raised_hands:.
My appointment is at 10am! What time is yours. Canā€™t wait to ring that bell :bell: x


@shelbylou81 @pod123
So thrilled to read that today is bell ringing day for you both! It really is a major milestone to reach and gives you a real boost!
Iā€™m getting over my last chemo but after 10 days of poor sleep, my body still wants to wake up multiple times in the night!! I need a reset button, itā€™s so frustrating and I canā€™t sleep during the day.
Next step for me is a CT scan on Tuesday, then they have 2 weeks planning time before I start radiotherapy-15 sessions over 3 weeks.
Have a great day!


Oh thatā€™s great your is going ahead too :tada: My appointment is at 9:00! For once I slept ok. Only up once around 3 then slept right through. I felt really tired yesterday for some reason. I hope all goes smoothly for you. I canā€™t quite believe this is the last one until itā€™s over. Not looking forward to the next couple of weeks feeling rough. Iā€™ve found Docetaxel worse than EC, but knowing itā€™s the last one will definitely help!

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Hope youā€™re feeling better soon @pink66 . Have you tried white noise to help you sleep? It helps me sometimes.

Iā€™ve got my radiotherapy planning appointment this afternoon so itā€™s all go today! Iā€™ll find out if itā€™s definitely 15 sessions and maybe get a start date.

Not sure if Iā€™ll ring the bell after chemo. Itā€™s shoved in a corner beside the lift on the ground floor in our dept with just a tiny sign. I think they donā€™t like to have it in earshot of the treatment area as it can be upsetting for people on maintenance chemo who will never be finished treatment. Iā€™ll maybe see if my dad can come in from the car and take a wee photo of me though. I think thereā€™s a nicer bell area at the radiotherapy department so hopefully thatā€™ll be more of a ā€˜thingā€™. Plus Iā€™ll feel more like I have actually finished! Today Iā€™m still facing a couple of weeks of feeling rough so it feels a bit odd to ring a bell :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Today I rang the bell :bell: x


Congratulations! So happy for you. May the symptoms be mild this final chemo! X


Decided to ring it :bell:




Well done, you did it!

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Amazing!! :bell: :grinning:

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Well done those bell ringers. Another few weeks for me - in the EC recovery doldrums this week then two to go.


:two_women_holding_hands::heart::two_women_holding_hands:think about treating yourself to something nice when you finish chemo :heart:I treated myself to a bottle of Chanel when I finished chemo a large one :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Just thought I would see how everyone is doing? I had my CT planning scan this morning for radiotherapy which I start on the 11th March. So my last chemo was the 6th Feb so itā€™s a few weeks between me finishing chemo & starting radiotherapy!
Hope everyone is doing ok? X

Hi, I had my planning scan last Monday and it looks like Iā€™ll be starting on 27th Feb, so 3 weeks after the last chemo. At the moment my main problems are watery eyes and a very red, dry, tight face. Still a bit tired since chemo too but able to get out and aboutā€¦not that I want to be seen in public with this red face! Plus the cold weather is not helping my eyes nor my face. Iā€™ve just got a new cream from the GP to try on my face and hopefully the eyes will settle soon too. How are you doing physically since your last chemo? Mentally I think it feels a bit odd to be ā€œfinishedā€ that part yet still not really feel normal. Hope youā€™re getting on ok x

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I was supposed to originally have my CT Planning scan on the 13th Feb but I was away with my family at center parcs so had to have it today instead otherwise mine might have been a bit sooner.
My whole body hurts still especially my lower back & hips. Struggling with heartburn still aswell. Also my right eyelid keeps twitching all the time so thatā€™s annoying & Iā€™m still struggling with fatigue.
Iā€™m glad you have your plan in place. How many sessions of radiotherapy are you having? Iā€™m having 9 in total x

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That was nice that you got a wee break away with your family but Iā€™m sorry to hear youā€™re still sore. Iā€™m still taking daily lansoprazole which I presume is keeping the heartburn at bay. I think Iā€™ve got enough to last me to the end of three weeks post chemo. Iā€™m getting 15 sessions of radiotherapy so Iā€™m not really looking forward to all of the travelling. Itā€™s not very far away, less than 30 miles, but the city traffic can be really bad and the carpark is often full depending on the time of day.


Hey I just thought I would pop on to see how you are doing & if you have started your radiotherapy yet? Iā€™m starting to feel a bit better every day now.
Iā€™m getting very impatient with my hair or lack of should I say. Itā€™s really bothered me & although itā€™s started growing back I just feel
Like I want to wake up & a miracle has happened overnight. I know these things take time but it really has been 1 of the worst things for me x