October 2024 chemo starters

How are you doing so far? I’m struggling to sleep at all, also overdid it yesterday cooking and taking the dog for a walk so my temperature kept going up and down about the threshold yesterday evening. It’s so frustrating, especially with kids around, to just stop doing anything. Hope you aren’t suffering too much xx


I’m so frustrated; I’ve got an awful cough/cold/sore throat so my first round of chemo has been postponed for just over a week. I know it’s the sensible thing to do but I’m very frustrated. Hope everyone is coping ok. Thinking of you all. xxx


that’s so frustrating, I’m sorry. But it’s the right decision for sure. Feel better soon xx

Birdie, how did you get on yesterday?
Have been thinking of all you ladies due to start and hope you are all feeling as well as you can.
I had my first EC yesterday. Was absolutely petrified. Had a tear when my other half dropped me off. We aren’t allowed people in with us for treatment, but everyone, staff and other patients were so friendly.
I felt really well looked after and didn’t need to take the snacks I took as the trolley was continually coming round.
Felt tired and ‘strange’ when I left the unit. Then the nausea hit. I’d been warned I may really suffer as I had horrendous morning sickness. I couldn’t even get my head off the pillow last night as felt like the room was swimming. Took one of the stronger anti-sickness meds they gave me and actually managed to get some sleep.
Hoping that’s the worst of it :crossed_fingers:
And I keep remembering, that I’m one down!
Take care ladies xx


Morning all, I got my start date yesterday for chemo, 17th Oct. Best wishes to everyone starting in October! Xx


Good Morning Tracey and All,
Thanks for sharing. Hope your nausea is improving and you start feeling better soon.

I am starting my Chemo this afternoon-6 cycles of DC with cold-capping.
Will take some paracetamol and drink hot tea as someone kindly recommended.

Doing cold cap as well and decided to have my long hair cut to shoulder length yesterday- so I can donate it to the little princess. Trust. It was a sad moment at the hairdressers but good to know the hair will help a child who also suffers from this dreadful disease to get a free real hair wig…And still thinking I’m in with a 50-50 chance to not loose my hair. I am in Birmingham Good Hope Hospital and the nurses, Doctors and Macmillan Worker have been lovely.

Very scared like everyone and trying to stay focused on why I’m doing this and why it is a good decision to reduce the risk of recurrence and improve the prognosis.

I am wishing everyone an as good as possible week; let’s stay in touch - it helps to share stories and is great that we can support each other here. Much love and fingers crossed. Rose Xo :two_hearts::four_leaf_clover::sunny:


Thinking of you Rose. Let us know, when you can, how you get on.
I love that you’ve donated your hair. Such a positive and kind thing to do when you’re facing your own battles :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hi everyone, I was supposed to have my pre-assessment this morning in readiness for Friday’s start of chemotherapy, but I got a call to say the person doing pre-assessments is off sick and just come in on Friday and they’ll do the pre-assessment followed immediately by the treatment. I am wondering what usually happens when you have the pre-assessment, such as being given time to talk about whether cold capping is suitable or what to bring to help during the session. I feel that it is unsettling and will be a bit of a rush. Can anyone let me know whether they felt having a gap between the two was helpful?

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Jumping in from August group to wish you all luck.

@rosegarden1 I’m also at good hope. They are lovely there. I’m having my chemo at QE, but good hope are 10 mins from my house so I have picc flushed and bloods there. Wish I was having my chemo there too as it is so much calmer, better staffed and quieter. I’m 3 EC in and it’s docetaxel next.

First EC was hardest. After that, it was ok apart from steroid insomnia and tiredness.

Best wishes everyone x


Good luck this afternoon! What a beautiful donation to make as well. Hope the cap is okay, I found the first 10 minutes the hardest but manageable afterwards. The chemo room was so warm I think I was the most comfortable person in there! x

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My insomnia is bad…haven’t slept since Thursday. Does it improve after the first week? x

It will improve @phebe, but it is hard isnt it? I find after the steroids I have a couple of ugh days, but sharply improve. If you xan get out and walk. The fresh air and exercise help no end and will help sleep. No naps between 3pm and 8pm. If i wake between 3am and 5am, i rarely go back to sleep. So i either get up and do stuff or use ear pods to watch netflix or listen to audiobook or music. My kids are up by 6.30 for school.

Go with it, just a phase. Hoping it improves soon for everyone affected. Xxx


Do ring your unit back and ask all these things today rather than leaving it till Friday, or if they say no one’s available at the moment stress that you are due to start chemo Friday and you’d really like to have some questions answered before then :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Thank you, Shi, actually I will be going there tomorrow to get my blood test so I will definitely be asking them for information and guidance. I had been feeling quite prepared until today’s upset. It’s so easy to get stressed!


Hi Tracey80 - Was it yesterday you had your first one? Me too! Like you I had got into a bit of a pickle about it all but, as is often the case with these things, when it came to it, it really wasn’t that bad. We aren’t allowed anyone to stay with us either but, in a way, I found that better as there was no pressure to make conversation or be brave. We have a lovely charity that works in our Trust, called Force, and the ladies came round with hot drinks and biscuits, and then sandwiches at lunchtime - all for free! I was very impressed and had a lovely smelly egg sarnie!! I too felt odd when I got home, and have done so today - swimmy headed, like a really bad hangover without the fun! I also cocked up this morning and took all three of my Dexamethasone at the same time, so I think that added to my weirdness! Luckily for me, I haven’t felt too sick - definitely not quite right but not as bad as you, poor thing. All in all, it was a lot better than I had feared - guess we just see what the next few days bring us now! They have told me I’ll probably start to go downhill on Friday, so that’s something to look forward to!! I’m trying to work from home, but have been plagued with IT issues all day, which is not helpful! Hope you are feeling a bit better now xxx


Hi Birdie,
Yes, my first one was yesterday too. Feel so much better now I’ve got the first one out of the way: the unknown is always hard to deal with.
Sounds like we had such a similar experience, even down to the egg sandwich! I was still there at tea time when they brought more sandwiches round, although I declined a second helping!!
I actually explained to someone today that I felt hungover, but without the fun! T e nausea has been coming in waves all day but have been keeping up with taking my tablets.
Have managed a walk and a food shop.
I was told to take all 4 of my Dexamethasone in one go?!
I also start the injections tomorrow too. Do you?
When’s your next treatment? Mine is booked for 21st Oct xx


And I can’t believe you’ve even attempted work today… my brain feels foggy!
I’ve been signed off for the duration of my treatment: I didn’t want to be, but was told that working in a school is too risky :cry:
So I take my hat off to you! Xx

I guess all trusts do it slightly different - my steroids were three today, two tomorrow and one on Thursday. Yes, Filgastrem tomorrow evening :grimacing: you’ve done well today. I’m really happy to have one done now too - go us!! My next one is the 21st. Got picc line care on Friday and bloods the following Friday xx

I guess they do as I had to take 4this morning, 4 tomorrow and then 4 on a Thursday!
I’m dreading the injections tomorrow…
I haven’t heard about my PICC line referral yet. I do hope it’s before my next treatment as it took 2 people to get a cannula in me xx

Oh bless you - they did mine yesterday. It was a doddle! Is your next session on the 21st?