Meant to say ok !

Hi all, not been on here for a while. Hope you are all doing well. Just wondered if any of you are still getting pain as I’ve had painful boob for last couple of weeks - not shooting pains which I was told was nerve pain, but just general soreness and tenderness. I have appointment with onc next week so will ask then but just wondered if this is normal so far on from op. It’s almost six months since my lumpectomy now and a couple of months since my rads. Trying not to be anxious about this and hoping it’s just scar tissue. 

Hi Sharon, I have aching boob too and so have other people I’ve spoken to and I am 2 months post rads now.Asked Onc today and says it is part of healing,tissues repairing themselves so you get some feeling back where you had none.

Thanks Jill - sure it’s nothing to worry about - just needing some reassurance I guess! Hope you are getting on ok with work now. I have had days when I don’t think about cancer now but then I got a survey through the post to complete about my treatment and it all comes flooding back. It’s the emotional side of this which I didn’t expect to find so hard. At least I’m busy at work - this takes my mind off it! Got an appointment next week at hospital so hopefully they will be able to reassure me that everything is normal. 

I’m sure it’s normal. I got survey through too,can’t face completing it as yet.Really didn’t enjoy going to hospital today knew it was nothing to worry about but it just reminds you again doesn’t it that you have had cancer.

I am finding work hard going but getting there slowly ,back to normal hours next week but I only work part time.

Hi Dorice. I didn’t get your message. You could try changing your settings so that you can receive private messages, then I can send you details. Hope all is going well.

Good luck today Christine , hope every one else is doing ok x

Thanks Julie How nice not to be rushing about thia morning actually sat with my porridge and cup of coffee instead of walking round with mouth fulls platting Jasmines hair etc Ohhh the sure bliss of quietness x

Good luck Christine and Francine with your appointments .

Thanks Jill hope im in n out as fast as you were x

Good luck Christine for today? It will be over before you know it. Thanks Jill for the good wishes. Feel a bit like I’ve been summoned to see the Headmaster but am ready to go for it.

Here now sat with a coffee absolutely packed to the door looking like a long long wait Zzzzzzzzz

How did it go Francine?Christine glad you got positive response from Onc.

Seems to be pretty normal.How are you doing apart from that Monica?

Went ok all the pains are normal slow process of healing he said even though opp was in April x

I think a lot of us are struggling a bit mentally as well as physically.this certainly takes the stuffing out of you .It will take time to get anywhere near “normal”.2 holidays ,sounds good !!!