Found you Jo and friend request sent and accepted and an add to the group so hopefully got the right one lol!!! Love the name of the group, especially as mine is still blue!! :smileyvery-happy: 

Im so bloody common Christine!! Im in somerset, profile pic is me and hubs and cover pic my sons wedding x

Yep thats me julie xx

Have you found Francine Jo?

nothing so far Jo. I’m the rather lovely girl ,ha ha, with her head resting on her hands, green top, short dark hair. Have to say that I’ve a bit more grey hair since last year, wonder why?

Short brown hair with both hands under your chin??

Thunk found you

Im sure i have but shes not got my message x

Francine set your facebook profile to public so we can friend request you xx

I’ve found you Francine ,won’t let me add you so Ive sent you a message you should be able to send friends request to me and I can add you to group .

Slightly… well very off topic, sorry, but I’ve had my appointment through for genetic testing. I’m sure there must be thread on here somewhere for others that are going for this too or have been through it, just wondered if anyone knows the link or has had this and has any advice etc? Thanks all :smileywink: xxx

Hi Dorice. Yes, your boob keeps on cooking for a couple of weeks after rads end. Mine didn’t blister till after rads were finished. Will check with FB group as we agreed to do this but I’m v happy for you to join us.

Hi Julie. I’ve had genetic testing for the BRCA 1 and 2 genes and another which is specific to my family’s origin from Eastern Europe. All negative thank goodness. In my case it was just a blood sample sent away to a specialist lab. I did have some counselling before going ahead, which they should do, but I had already made my mind up that I would have it I needed to know for my daughters sake. The one thing you need to be aware of is that it usually takes several weeks for the result to come through as it takes time to carry out and I found the wait very hard. Just another thing you have to deal with during this journey but you can only keep going. Sending you hugs xx

Thanks Jill, found her and managed to find a post :smileywink: x


Glad you results were negative Francine, you deserved to get some good news after all you’ve been through. How are you feeling today? Better I’m hoping!! :smileywink: x 



Hi Dorice. Hope you’re doing OK. I tried to send you a private message but you haven’t got this option enabled. If you PM me your Facebook name and location, I’ll add you to the group.

Christine do you have Onc appointment tomorrow?

Francine I hope you are feeling more positive and that you are gearing yourself up for rads again.

Hi Jill mine is tuesday 9 35am was sat 3hrs last time so ive taken as a day off …good luck today with your oncologists appointment Jill x

Yes good luck Jill and all of you with appointment/ treatment x

Hi every one hope you all good luck today Jill and for you tomorrow Christine .
Julie xx