on being hit by a bus

Hi all

This thread has been started in the archive. So I have copied it and moved it here.

Take care




Can anyone think of something appropriate to say when the umpteenth person says to you “let’s face it you could go out and be hit by a bus tomorrow” As I have once said before. NO !! I will not be hit by a bus I am very careful around buses and give 'em a very wide berth, especially more since dx with bc as I am constantly told of the dangers of buses and of the likelihood of being hit by one. lol Love to all Eileen


I cant think of anything appropriate only un-appropriate, how about we all tell you the funny un-appropriate comments to help cheer you up (pity there is no swearing allowed on here), ha ha.



Getting hit by buses, cars etc etc is a bit more under our control (most of the time), that getting this nasty bc!!!




I live in the country and thanks to B Liar and his team, not to mention the council, we no longer have funding for buses so I would have to throw myself under the school bus as it stops outside our house at 08:00 and 15:40 each day and I suppose if I survived the event then I’d be up in court for having scared the little, and not so little, kiddies on board.

I am more likely to get hit by a tractor but no one has ever mentioned this danger to me.

I must say that in the scheme of things, over the past several months, I feel that neighbours, friend and colleagues are in more danger than me, in fact FROM me, due to the well meant comments, and prying questions - I really feel that it’s time some people were given a good smack on the mouth.

Sorry, I digressed from buses … I fell off my bike the other day!


Best and funniest response I got was while in hospital after my mastectomy, pen friend phoned me from New Zealand and said “does this mean you are now a one tit wonder?” They do say laughter is the best medicine!!! LOL


I think I’d have killed anyone who said such a thing to me, still would. Just goes to show, as if we didn’t know, how we all cope and respond so very very differently.

Glad your perspective is lighter than mine.

Sorry :frowning: Hope I didn’t offend anyone!

I agree humour is needed, it helped me through

another member of my family had BC the same time as me another had a hysterectomy her comment to me

was" between the 3 of us we could make another woman" i just laughed it was just so her type of comment

yet she really offended my other cousin who could not see the funny side of it at all

I think i will write and ask that they make the bus drivers driving tests a little harder. Infact i dont think i will get a bus anymore incase it knocks one of us poor BC victims over.
People can’t face the truth once ya had BC ya may well die of the darn thing.
I am thinking of starting a thread for ‘annoying things people say to us’


Oh bums…this is the sort of thing I say when people are saying how sorry they are and what a shock it all is…I tend to say stupid things like ‘well no one knows what is around the corner - you could be hit by a bus tomorrow’!
Closest friends have also made the rudest comments about boobs, or lack of one of them and they are genuinely funny. I would hate be be treated differently and have people tip toeing around subjects just because I happen to have BC.
To be honest, I would rather put up with the occasional faux pas than having the whole thing completely ignored and spending the conversation wondering if they know…or care!

You think thats bad…I get well if your not having chemo then you can’t have anything really wrong!!! Everyone has an opinion and most want to deny it is happening!

Hi Jossie,

Ooops I do the same because I too get sick of the look of tragedy on peoples faces when they don’t no what to say, but to be honest if, like eileen765, anyone said it to me I think I would bop them one. How contrary of me


Oh dear, that’s my favourite saying “you could get knocked down by a bus tomorrow”: its my way of saying nobody knows whats around the corner. Yes, most things I find funny and see the funny side but sometimes things get too deep and too controversial and it makes something that is very serious even more so. Cancer is frightening, there’s no way to get around that, but so are heart attacks, strokes, diabetes and such like. Once we have a certain ailment its up to us how we cope, if we go all out to do everything we can, eating, drinking, researching and feel that it is right then no-one else can criticise, the problem I have is when it is forced down my throat with lectures, tirades and statistics from all and sundry from all over the world WITH NO CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE to back it up. Its all supposition at the end of the day - noone knows for sure. Ladies, lets do what we can to help ourselves but what we as individuals is right for us, take all the advice, data, opinions and make up our minds what we would like to do. But most importantly, do not let this be all consuming, we have a life and lets live it.

Love K

So so sorry, I went off myself in a tirade here, this is meant to be chit chat and fun and that certainly wasnt. Many apologies girls, slapped wrists for me. Give me a telling off please.

Love K

Dear All

Seems to me that if it isn’t one thing it is another. Could be worse. I hear people moaning (just like I did) about the silliest thnigs. Does it matter? Life goes on whether you and I have breast cancer or not. Hopefully ours too! Lives that is.

Chin up!


Great comments. I know one thing when my rads are over and even though I’ll be on tablets for the next 5 years, when I return to work and people who don’t know ask me where I’ve been I am going to say "I HAD breast cancer.
Yes I know it could be lurking around or not ready to pop up again at some later date, but I’ll worry about that then- not now!

Onward and upwards ( who the heck said that?)

Love to all

My prognosis from my onc was that chances of my cancer returning are the same as my chances of being hit by a bus. When I told my friend this, she told me her gran on her dad’s side was hit by a bus. Ho hum.


I’m on holiday in Cyprus right now and there risk from quad bikes, scooters and ruddy pushchairs is far greater than any British bus!!!

Bah humbug!

I’ve just had my ‘end of rads’ pep talk and the BC Nurse re-iterated all the ‘what not to do’ regarding lymphodemia - knocks and scrapes are to be avoided … if the bus is getting close I will remember to turn my good arm towards it.

Where has all the recent stuff on here disappeared to? Have we been censored? There was more here last night!

It’s all in the archive chit chat & fun … the moderator copied most of it across but must have missed a bit… maybe her clipboard was not big enuff. Not to worry - it’s still in the other thread if you want to read it again.

I am conversing via email with a good friend of mine tonight - he’s just qualified as a bus driver in edinburgh, should I ask him if they covered hitting ppl with a double decker in is training? If I’m gonna be hit I want to know that the driver is up to date with the procedure he need to follow whilst hitting me!

My nephew was a bus driver for about 5 years. He didn’t run anyone over in all those five years but someone once leant on the open door and fell out. What are the odds on that?

they say “let’s face it you could go out and be hit by a bus tomorrow”

we say “lets face it - if you keep that up you could be hit in the chops right now!”

only joking! …
love FizBix

Or someone could fall through the open door and land on you! that sounds just as likely to me ( and my nephew)

Thanks for this thread - my day had brightened just by reading it!! Not laughed this much in a month.
Can’t believe I even used this line to try and reassure my 15 year old daughter - when she worried about me coming throught the first & second ops.

Will have to find another one liner!!

In fact I dont think I’ve even seen a bus recently - I do live in the sticks!!
will def keep coming back to this thread for cheerful laughter.

I have just been bashed into by a little terror on his tractor - does that count??