Hi all
This thread has been started in the archive. So I have copied it and moved it here.
Take care
Can anyone think of something appropriate to say when the umpteenth person says to you “let’s face it you could go out and be hit by a bus tomorrow” As I have once said before. NO !! I will not be hit by a bus I am very careful around buses and give 'em a very wide berth, especially more since dx with bc as I am constantly told of the dangers of buses and of the likelihood of being hit by one. lol Love to all Eileen
I cant think of anything appropriate only un-appropriate, how about we all tell you the funny un-appropriate comments to help cheer you up (pity there is no swearing allowed on here), ha ha.
Getting hit by buses, cars etc etc is a bit more under our control (most of the time), that getting this nasty bc!!!
I live in the country and thanks to B Liar and his team, not to mention the council, we no longer have funding for buses so I would have to throw myself under the school bus as it stops outside our house at 08:00 and 15:40 each day and I suppose if I survived the event then I’d be up in court for having scared the little, and not so little, kiddies on board.
I am more likely to get hit by a tractor but no one has ever mentioned this danger to me.
I must say that in the scheme of things, over the past several months, I feel that neighbours, friend and colleagues are in more danger than me, in fact FROM me, due to the well meant comments, and prying questions - I really feel that it’s time some people were given a good smack on the mouth.
Sorry, I digressed from buses … I fell off my bike the other day!
Best and funniest response I got was while in hospital after my mastectomy, pen friend phoned me from New Zealand and said “does this mean you are now a one tit wonder?” They do say laughter is the best medicine!!! LOL
I think I’d have killed anyone who said such a thing to me, still would. Just goes to show, as if we didn’t know, how we all cope and respond so very very differently.
Glad your perspective is lighter than mine.
Sorry Hope I didn’t offend anyone!
I agree humour is needed, it helped me through