Just wondering how many people are having peg/filgrastim with their Paclitaxel.
Like many I’m having a rough time with the jabs whilst I’m on EC, which has thankfully just finished, but my nurse mentioned I mightnt need the home injections with the 4 PACs cycles I have ahead.
Just wondered if this was common… ever hopeful!!
Hi Indigo
I had pegfilgrastim with paclitaxel. I tried to get out of it as I hated the stuff but no such luck!
Best of luck with it
I had it too as they wanted me to have my chemo every two weeks rather than 3. It allows your blood count to recover quickly. I didnt like them either even though the injection didnt actually hurt( nippy on 2 occasions in the last 2 weeks). Every time it took me ages to put that needle in!!
Speak to your cancer team. I have read on the forum of some ladies that go to the hospital/GP for theirs. Do you have a family member that could do it? Best wishes going forward. X
Hi there
I’m actually a nurse and the injection itself doesn’t bother me, it’s the dreadful after effects. I’m pretty sure the chemo would be almost tolerable without the jabs! A necessary evil because of sepsis but I was interested to hear that some oncologists don’t give it with Paclitaxel and there was a glimmer of hope that it wasn’t needed!
I didn’t have it with Paclitaxel. There was a debate as I had found the bone pain excruciating when I had had it with EC, we tried without, and my white blood cell counts remained fine.
You can request to switch to Lenograstim - they are a bit of a faff as not pre-mixed but the side effects were a lot kinder, for me.