Periods after chemo? Did they return and when?

Hi everyone,

To recap…my periods stopped mid chemo, during summer 2010, and i am coming up now to 2years post dx, I had assumed they had gone forever and my oncologist had said they were probably not going to return now. But today, 18 months after my periods stopped, I awoke to my first post chemo period!

I am pretty surprised. I’m not sure how I feel. Part of me is well chuffed as I hated thinking of myself as post menopausal at 38, and it’s a plus towards fertility of course. The other bit of me is wondering what it means treatment wise, as I am ‘vaguely’ ER +ve at 4/8, and I don’t fancy zoladex or ovaries being removed.

And I also had to make a mad dash to Tesco this morning as I was totally unprepared, and today has made me remember exactly why periods are such a pain!

Just thought I’d update the thread for people using it as a resource.

Anybody else who would like to share their experiences please do so as I think it’s really useful to have a lot of experiences on a specific matter grouped together in one easy access place for ladies who follow after us.



I know I’m a little late (excuse the pun!) in joining this thread - but just wanted to let some of the ladies know that there is hope.

I was 30 at dx (no fmaily but was/is def in my plans)- and periods stopped after 1st chemo treatment, they didn’t return at all throughout chemo and 17 herceptin, or indeed months after I finished treatment. By 18 month post dx I was assuming the worst and preparing myself for no children.

Due to the side effects I was getting on tamoxifen, my onc agreed to let me have a break - and YAY - my periods returned after 8 weeks! I now remember what a pain periods are - but what a relief to know that BC did not take that away from me along with everything else!

Carly x

Oh this is useful. i don’t post on here much now but stumbled in as 3 days ago I awoke to find I had a period and thought it really odd, given my situation.

I’m 47 and not had a period since first chemo in April 2010, so almost 2 years ago. I was pre-meno at dx, had 8 FEC-T (4+4) and a year of Herceptin infusions.

Am ER neg so no treatment implications.

Kinda odd, given my age. Plus have had several blood tests to check FSH etc, all showing I was producing less oestrogen than a man.

I have a tip for getting periods to return - book a romantic weekend away!! My Periods stopped in July, mid chemo, no hint of one since. Got up last month to go on my first break away since diagnosis last April to discover my period had started- lasted 3 days , the duration of my romantic break then stopped - wonderful!!
I am also only vaguely hormone positive, 4/8 I think, and was expecting oncologist to suggest the zolidex but he was happy to leave them because I’m only a bit hormone positive and he didnt think it was worth the possible side effects of the zolidex. I was quite happy with that as didnt fancy taking anything else, already on the tamoxifen.

Ha, that’s so typical! Mine returned unexpectedly the morning I was going into my children’s school to make 80 pancakes!

My oncologist said he doesn’t want me to have zoladex injections now as I am just 2 years out from initial dx, plus only vaguely oestrogen positive at 4/8, so the risks would outweigh the benefits. I think it would have been more of a discussion and grey area if I’d have been more oestrogen positive or they had come back more quickly after my treatment.

Hi there

Tors - Not great timing is it!

I was about to turn 46 when diagnosed and pre-menopausal. I’d had a hysterectomy so no periods but had had blood test prior to diagnosis for other health reasons to check hormone levels.

Post chemo I was definitely menopausal for a whole 18 months. My surgeon was convinced that was it and that I should be switched from tamoxifen to an aromotase inhibitor. My Mum didn’t have menopause until late fifties so I had a sneaking suspicion that my ovaries might kick back in. My Onc also didn’t see it as clear cut and so they agreed I could have bloods checked every 6 months.

Sure enough 18 months later showed that my ovaries had once again kicked in - oestrogen levels had risen and FSH etc not indicating menopause at all anymore.

Here I am now at 48 and still not in menopause and still on tamoxifen. My oestrogen levels aren’t that high though now so probably more like peri menopausal which I think can go on for years before actual menopause.

My tumour was 8/8 ER+ and 8/8 PR+ and I did query the need for zoladex or oophrectomy and told that tamoxifen was sufficient.

Elinda x

Hi I think I’m a little different here.
2006 DX:35yrs
Periods were very irregular prior to treatment, had gone as much as 8mths between periods( I had polycystic ovaries syndrome).
Had 3 fec and 3 tax + radio.
My tumour was aggressive and hormone sensitive.
I had no treatment to protect my ovaries from treatment.
Periods returned after last chemo and have been every 4 weeks like clockwork since then.I wasn’t expecting to go through the puberty I should have had 20yrs before, and I have to say my mood swings were fairly spectacular.
I noticed a a big change all round in terms of my periods and all that goes with them.
In April 2010 I came off tamoxifen in order to have my second child, 5mths later I was pregnant without any assistance. I was taken off the tamoxifen because of the possible damage to a foetus. It can be so radically different for each of us that whilst the docs can take an educated guess there is no hard and fast rule (I was told I would go through a menopause and my periods may never return).
I hope things settle for you and that the responses you’ve had from us all are of some use or comfort.
Nicci x

Hi All,
I am so glad i found this thread. I am just embarking on my chemo journey (i start tomrrow) having been diagnosed 6 weeks ago at 36. I’ve not had any children yet and do want some and i have been offered Zoladex during chemo - and i really dont know what to do.
Its nice to see so many ladies on here where there periods have come back. It gives me some hope - but i am in a proprer dilemma as to what to do re: Zoladex.
Why did my onc only tell me today when i need to decided tomorrow. Grrrr.
i am ER7, so i dont know how they will treat me in the future considering i do want to have little ones. Will wait and see, but seeing some of the posts on here i am glad to see my chance of being a mum may not be gone forever.

Hi Raechi

My friend had chemo twice & had zoladex to protect her ovaries & now has a little boy to show for it so I’d say go for it x

Twinky x

Hi ladies thought about this thread this week.I finished my EC chemo on oct 27th and had my last period (if you can call it that )the day after. When i started my rads i started hot sweats and sleeplessness and continued to have no periods. This week 6 months later my periods returned. Im 43 and hormone negative .
Sharon xx

Bumping up for Emily

Just wanted to say that I am 4/6 through FEC chemo - TN so no hormone issues and have family sorted so not worried about fertility issues - hubby had vasectomy years ago - but since my first FEC in Jan I have had three periods - no sign of them stopping - arriving as normal - I am 38 and my mum went through menopause at this age so I am quite surprised that they haven’t stopped - they must not stop in everyone?

Hello All

It’s been a while since I have been on here. A quick question. I was diagnosed at 45 (now 47) back in 2005. Had a lumpectomy, chemo, rads and now on tamoxifen. Periods stopped after 2nd chemo but have just returned today. I’m worried that my oestrogen levels are high again. Are there any other ladies out there whose periods have started again nearly two years after treatment? I was quite happy to have finished having periods as they were very painful, so I am dismayed that they have come back.

I am having my mammogram results meeting with my surgeon on Monday so maybe it is a question to ask him.



  1. How old you were at dx? 46

  2. Were your periods regular or not before? Crazy random heavy periods before, sort of controlled by Mercilon, thought it was premenopause but turned out to be fibroids

  3. What chemo you had, if any? 3 x FEC about to start 3 x Docetaxol and 12 months Herceptin.

  4. If/when your periods stopped? Stopped before chemo not had one since

  5. If you had hormone therapy and/or the injections to keep your periods away? No hormones as cancer not hormonse sensitive. Stopped taking Mercilon before starting chemo.

  6. If/ when your periods came back, and if they are regular now? Haven’t come back


Bumping up for El Kat x


Hi, I was dx at age 43 I had regular periods, had 6 chemo, 3 fec and 3 tax. My periods lasted into the 3rd chemo then stopped, they came back in April this year, 10 months after chemo finished and 7 months after rads. xxxxxxxx

Bumping for tazzie


Just bumping up to enable anybody new to put their story on here ie. What happened with your periods before, during and after treatment, what that treatment was and how old you were. This info is a good resource for ladies who are struggling to find any info out about what to expect or what is “normal” ( clue: there seems to be no normal!)