Periods after chemo? Did they return and when?

  1. How old you were at dx?

  2. Were your periods regular or not before?

  3. What chemo you had, if any?
    FEC x6

  4. If/when your periods stopped?
    Mid way through chemo

  5. If you had hormone therapy and/or the injections to keep your periods away?
    2 years zoladex and tamoxifen

  6. If/ when your periods came back, and if they are regular now?
    4 months after ending tamoxifen and zoladex.

  1. How old you were at dx?

  2. Were your periods regular or not before?
    Erratic (i have PCOS)

  3. What chemo you had, if any?
    6 cycles FEC-T (3 of each, 3 weeks apart)

  4. If/when your periods stopped? They stopped just after cycle 5

  5. If you had hormone therapy and/or the injections to keep your periods away?
    Nope. I will be having hormone therapy as i am ER+ve. I will have zoladex and letrazole

  6. If/ when your periods came back, and if they are regular now?
    They have come back 11 weeks after chemo finished. VERY heavy. My Onc now wants be on hormone treatment asap.

Hi ,
My dx was July 2010 at age 46. I was previously having regular periods. I had mx and FEC T Chemo for 6 cycles and after my first Chemo I have never had another period. I currently take Tamoxifen . When I last saw my Onc she says she will change me to Arimidex next June 2013 when I will have been post meno pausal for over 2 years. I hope my periods do not return in the meantime as I am desperate to come off Tamoxifen as it makes me feel so strange. I am 49 in November so I am keeoing my fingers crossed .
Love Tracy xxx

I was diagnosed in April 2010 at 38 ( nearly 39) and before periods were very regular. I had 3 FEC and 3 Tax then a year of Herceptin. Periods stopped after first chemo and have not yet returned. Have been on Tamoxifen just over 2 years.

Just bumping up for some new ladies who wanted to read it. X

Bumping for fonduegirl

Thank you tors this is all very interesting. Bumping for Jen

diagnosed at 35 just ha d second docetaxel (5/6) and at the end of my third period since chemo started. cycle has been a couple of days longer and the period lasts longer than it used to. but basically quite ‘normal’ periods. a great deal more clots than normal, but i think the clotting i had beforehand was abnormal anyway.scans i have had since dx have shown bulky uterus and fluid in endometrial cavity, but no discussion of what this mught mean. i have intense hot flushes and my onc said this was because of the effect of the treatment on my oestrogen, but as far as i can tell, my oestrogen levels must be quite normal? but i had less frequent flushing prior to dx anyway (which i linkef to CFS/ME?).

i am ER+ (5/8 i think), but worried that my periods havent stopped.

i have always been worried about the effects of hormones on my mind and body and had issues with postnatal and pms symptoms in the past. i requested a hormone test a couple of years ago snd my oestrogen levels were quite high. i alSo have melasma which can be linked to oestrogen. so im worried about all this, and how i will cope with hormone management regimes :(.
no idea about hormonal therapy later, but ive been told its likely, and perhsps ovarian ablation?

Diagnosed in Feb 2007 aged 43.
Periods were regular pre diagnosis.
Chemo 3 FEC 3 Tax
Zoladex injections
5 years on Tamoxifen
Periods stopped after first chemo and have only just returned 4 months after stopping Tamoxifen. Flushes have stopped and I am now frantic worrying about oestrogen production as i was Her2+.
Will call GP after holidays to ask to be referred back to Oncology.

Hi all,
I am confused about my fertility now because i am having a period after being told in April 2012 that i had gone through menopause! Doc said i’d never have kids (i dont have any either)after i had 2 blood tests a few weeks apart to confirm.My eostrogen levels were in my boots and so i have had to accept that i am through menopause and will never have kids but how come i am having a period now? The pain as well is like the worst periods i got as a teenager and i feel like hell.
I was 36yrs diagnosed with triple neg invasive duc cascinoma in 2009. Had chemo,masctectomy and radio. Periods stopped after first FEC. About a year after treatment i had signs of periods coming back and little bleeding and then nothing until April last year, i insisted on blood tests as i had migraines for 16days in one month when i usually get them 2-3 times a year! I knew it was hormone related which is why i insisted on the blood tests which then confirmed post menopausal state.
It is all so confusing. Periods are the eggs that have not been fertilised but if i have no eggs left how come the period?!!!
I don’t know how to get the best information about this or where?
I totally empathise with you all.

Hi! I’ve never posted but have been stalking the site for the 17 months since my diagnosis. I found all of the variations on this thread reassuring, so I thought I’d add my experience to the list for readers who follow :slight_smile:

  1. How old you were at dx?
    –>Practically 38 (37 + 50 weeks)
  2. Were your periods regular or not before?
    –>Had an irregular cycle my whole life, with 4-10 weeks between periods, but pretty predictable symptoms before & during. The first day was always a bit heavy and uncomfortable.
  3. What chemo you had, if any?
    –>FEC-T x8 from September 2011-February 2012 (then surgery, radiation & a bit of Herceptin)
  4. If/when your periods stopped?
    –>Periods carried on through the 4 FEC and stopped during first T (docetaxel)
  5. If you had hormone therapy and/or the injections to keep your periods away?
    –>I had 7 shots of Herceptin from February to June, then stopped.
  6. If/ when your periods came back, and if they are regular now?
    –>Once in mid-November and again in mid-December I had a couple of days of very light spotting. Yesterday (mid-January 2013, so about 11 months after my last chemo) my period came back with a vengeance! Heavy heavy heavy flow + normal abdominal pain. Sorry if this is TMI but when I say heavy I mean filling a mooncup or a mega-size tampon every 1.5 hours + big clots.
    I’ll try to remember to come back and update you on how it unfolds - whether it settles into some routine or stops or whatever - as I think it’d be useful to know not just IF it came back for people but how it’s been as time goes on.


Update to mine

  1. How old you were at dx?
  2. Were your periods regular or not before?
    –>random and heavy due to fibroids, sort of controlled by contraceptive pill
  3. What chemo you had, if any?
    6 FEC-T May - Aug 2012 currently still on Herceptin
  4. If/when your periods stopped?
    –>Stopped as soon as I started chemo
  5. If you had hormone therapy and/or the injections to keep your periods away?
    –>No hormone as cancer not hormone sensitive.
  6. If/ when your periods came back, and if they are regular now?
    –>First one just over 4 months since last chemo, no idea whether regular yet.

Squeakymouse xx

1- 42
2- yes
3- 4 cycles of AC
4- stopped immediately when chemo 14 years ago think I had probably only had one in first few months
5- no hormone therapy am TN
6- never returned

Wendy x x

Just to add my experience:

  1. How old you were at dx?

  2. Were your periods regular or not before?
    Yes, they were regular.

  3. What chemo you had, if any?
    6 x FEC-T

  4. If/when your periods stopped?
    Periods stopped halfway through chemo.

  5. If you had hormone therapy and/or the injections to keep your periods away?
    I am on tamoxifen, started at the same time as RT.

  6. If/ when your periods came back, and if they are regular now?
    I got a period just over four months after I finished chemo and they have been heavy and regular (had three so far). I didn’t miss them but at the same time it feels like my body might be returning to some normality, which is nice.

Thanks for continuing to post your own experiences ladies. This is such a useful resource and I’m so pleased to see that it isn’t slipping not the abyss of threads that fade…

Bumping itmup today for Hazza81. Hope the wealth of experiences on here helps you Hazza


im replying to an earlier discussion tha
im replying to an earlier discussion about having pms and stabbing n twinge pains in survivg breast. I also am experiencing that and had a mastectomy 6 weeks ago and i wanted to know if the pains in surviving breast were from the pms ? I know ive been feeling like my body is prepared to get my period and all the pms but nothing is happening.

  1. How old you were at dx? I was 33
  2. Were your periods regular or not before? Very regular and very heavy
  3. What chemo you had, if any? FEC T for 5 months and now on Herceptin (and radiotherapy)
  4. If/when your periods stopped? As soon as I started chemo periods stopped
  5. If you had hormone therapy and/or the injections to keep your periods away? I am HER2+ and ER- so hormone does not help me.
  6. If/ when your periods came back, and if they are regular now? Periods have not come back and its been 11 months now.

I also get terrible hot flushes which I feel sometimes are ruining my life, I have been put on a maximum dose of venlafaxin for this and they have more than halfed, instead of getting about 50 hot flushes a day I only get about 20.
I really hope my periods come back because I really want to have children. I just got married 3 weeks ago.
All the best to all of you lovely ladies xxx

I’m 33 and my periods didn’t stop during chemo. I realise this is not normal, has this happened to anyone else?

  1. How old you were at dx?
  2. Were your periods regular or not before?
    –>irregular and often fairly heavy
  3. What chemo you had, if any?
    –>6 x Docetaxel and Herceptin (May to September 2012) currently on Herceptin and Zometa
  4. If/when your periods stopped?
    –>Last one was before starting chemo
  5. If you had hormone therapy and/or the injections to keep your periods away?
    –>No, hormone treatment contraindicated and cancer only weakly sensitive anyway.
  6. If/ when your periods came back, and if they are regular now?
    –>Not returned as yet (5 months post chemo). Lots of hot flushes & night sweats instead.
  1. Diagnosed aged 29
  2. Periods were very regular before, always got very bad period pain the first day or two, fairly heavy, but nothing out of the ordinary.
  3. 6 rounds of FEC-T chemo (3x FEC and 3xTaxotere). Cancer was triple neg, so no hormone treatments or continuing drugs.
  4. Periods became irregular during FEC and stopped completely after first Taxotere.
  5. No hormone treatments or injections.
  6. I’m now five and a half moneths post-chemo and no periods yet. I was getting quite a lot of hot flushes and night sweats, but they seem to be subsiding a bit. Whether this means my periods will come back, I don’t know. My GP said to wait 6 months after chemo and if I’ve still not had a period they will do some fertility tests.
    I feel lucky that I’ve never wanted to have children, because the fact that chemo could make me infertile was never mentioned to me prior to treatment. It wasn’t until I read through the info sheet that I found out and brought it up with them. They also said it wasn’t standard procedute to offer egg harvesting or IVF before starting chemo. I was very shocked that none of this was even mentioned to me, considering my very young age (29) and the fact I didn’t have any children yet. Like I said, I’m just glad that even if it has made me infertile it wouldn’t affect my plans. I really feel for those who are childless and want babies, or were planning on adding to their families. Like we need any more heartbreak after everything we go through!