Please help very scared

Hello im Laura and ive started posting on here im 28 in aug and in april i have just started checking my breasts they have always been quite lumpy. bear with me im a very big worryier and I have got myself in a state.
In march I had a Miscarrige at 11 weeks and into this time and waiting for my next period my boobs were very lumpy, been to the doc she said they were cystic changes and I had nothing to worry about (she knows I worry)
Well I have been worrying even more looking on sites and infact im breaking my heart now because I so scared.
I went a different doc on mon and she scared the hell out me, so my mam dragged me back down to see the surgeon at the doctors who also worked in the local breast clinic in newcastle I was crying my eyes out he gave me a full examination and on touching this tiny lump he said beign straight away and that he was sending me to the clinic to put my mind at rest, he was goin to give me a sedative to calm me down I have been that bad, now im thinking he has just said that infact I dont know what to think, he said age was in my favour and not to waste my money going private( and not to cancel my holiday) as I was going to do this to, I have gone back to work I cant concentate and i havent ate at all, all im doing is feeling this thing, I dont know what else to do
any suggestions
Thanks Laura

Hi Laura

So sorry that you have got into such a state over this. You have obviously gone through a lot in the last few months and as such this will be making the matter a lot worse for you, especially if you are a worrier by nature. I would seriously warn you against doing too much research o the internet at this stage - there is so much information available and some of it is very frightening, I would hate for you to read the wrong stuff and scare yourself even more. If the doctor who has referred you has had experience at the breast clinic then I would say he has a good idea of what he is talking about … chances are there really is nothing to worry about and the referral is more to put your mind at rest than anything else.

You might benefit from calling the helpline number on this site - I’ve not called for support myself but I kow others have and they have all reported back on how wonderful the ladies are and how much it helped them.

Do you have any idea when your appointment will be?

I have been ringing and ringing and I think i have sickened them to i feel ill with it all,
he said about 3 weeks but he will do his best to get it earlier, i did visit the breast clinic on monday as i was in such a state i had a private appointment made for today and my doctor said not to go ahead with it, he reasured me at the time and now im back to square one!

I had the advantage of having private medical insurance at work so I used it rather than wait for an NHS appointment. Phone the clinic and ask to be put on the list for a cancellation, it may get you a quicker appointment if you are able to get there at short notice, but the fact that the doctor has said there is no pressing need and advised you not to pay for private appointment is a good sign.

Has the GP given you anything to help with the anxiety? If not then it might be an idea to see him/her about prescribing something just to get you through the time between now and the appointment.

Hi Laura

I also want to say as Lilac has, one of the worst things you can do is look at all the forums and research until you know exactly what’s wrong. You can’t possibly second guess what your lump is by looking on here and it is very very scary at times. I am not a worrier particularly but there have been times on this forum where I have read something and scared myself witless for a few minutes, until I calm myself down and put everything into perspective. You must at the moment hold on to the fact that the surgeon is certain that your lump is benign and probably only sending you for tests as you say to put your mind at rest. I know you will hear where doctors get it wrong and they do some of the time, but it is only a very very small part of the time. Unfortunately, what we dont hear is how many doctors do get it right. So the chances are stacked in your favour that it is nothing and looking at the very worst scenario, if it is something, it is very small and therefore treatable. I think your recent miscarriage has left you very vulnerable and will make you far more anxious than normal, which I am not surprised because it a horrible thing to go through.

Good luck


Hi Laura

A cyber hug to you luvvy.

Listen, you have been through such a lot in the last few months - your emotions and hormones are all over the place for a reason. I had a miscarriage many years ago (my children are 10,10 and 8) and a miscarriage alone sends your body in to free fall because you have pregnancy hormones and a mini baby blues when its all done. To add to that you have all this worry about lumps and bumps in your boobs. Have you had time to sit and talk to someone about how you feel? Maybe a chat with a female doctor at your surgery would be a good start just to give you a chance to get your head straight. The other place to get help is via the breast cancer care hotline - they are absolutely wonderful.

Remember that you are normal but your perspective has just got a bit out of sync at the moment and it needs some tlc to put it back on track. Also try if you can to think about facts. Focus on these rather than unknowns. Unknowns are unhelpful to you at the moment so if you start to dwell on them then do something positive to distract yourself.

You can get through this time. Your mum sounds wonderful so make sure you talk to her about your fears too. Talking helps.

Take the best of care my love and remember you are not alone. Find the help you need and use it.

love Ruthus. xxxx

I was fine when he said it was beign then ive came home alone and started again i wish i never seen the doc and just carried on
I do have bad anxiety i have spoke to everyone there is to speak to and everyone has said im low risk but it doesnt sink in when im reading things i feel like im going to crack up! i want tocancel my hol incase i need treatment , my boyfriend is up the weekend i dont even want him here i just feel so low

Thanks Rufus i just feel ill with worry I have 3 docs feel my boobs one an ex breast cancer doc whos said its beign and im still worrying maybe I should have got a sedative off him after all!

Thanks cathy59 its just so hard my mam was with me yest and she has told me to stop being stupid, i have to have something to worry about she said, my period has been late because of the stress I have put myself through! my doctor is a good doctor and untill an hour ago I was feeling positive untill i seen the young womans forum!

Oh sweetheart,
Try not to worry to much, i know thats easier said than done, but it sounds like you have done the right thing and have had the lump checked , doctors and especialy surgeons wouldnt tell you a lump was benign if they though there was something suspicious about it, . Its good that you are being sent to the breast clinic as it will confirm what this lump is and will put your mind at rest. Try and remember 9 out of 10 lumps are benign . We can get many other lumps which are not harmfull like Cysts/ fibrodeomas, if the clinic confirms it is a cyst they can drain it for you and it will disappear.When is your appointment for the breast clinic ?
Do make sure you try and eat , i know its worrying for you .
All of us here know what its like to find a lump and im sure youll get lots of advice from the ladies on here very soon. This is a brilliant site to get advice and support so dont feel you are ever alone,
Please let us know how you get on
Take care
Lindiloo x

Sweetheart, maybe you need to speak to someone about how to get calm rather than all the jumble of stuff that’s going on in your head. You sound like you need some help now. Can you go and see your doctor now?

No its closed now, I feel selfish for worrying when theres other people worse off then what I am! I was only at the docs yest and I felt great on leaving, its just now im on the net and reading again!

Don’t cancel the holiday at this stage - if and when (and I sincerely hope it is when) you get the all clear the holiday is going to be just what you need to get you refreshed and revived after all the stress.

It’s so easy to let your mind rush off to worse case scenario when you are alone. Like cathy I am not generally a worrier but I found my lump on a Saturday morning and was alone the whole weekend, in my mind the damn thing grew an inch an hour and by the time I got to see the GP and he asked how big the lump was I replied ‘about the size of Edinburgh!’ … in reality it was about the size of a pea and was early stage so it was extremely treatable.

As Ruthus says you are not alone and your reaction is normal under normal circumstances, the recent miscarriage (and my condolences on that, I know it is a hell of a thing to deal with) means that you are physically, emotionally and hormonally at a low ebb so this coming hot on it’s heels is bound to knock you for 6.

what was your lump lilac? and are you ok? x

There must be an out of hours service. Don’t worry about being selfish as you need some help and you should get it. Try and call them and tell them how you are feeling. I suggest that you try and get an appointment this evening. Tell them everything about how you feel.

Get on the phone and let us know how you do.


They know how im feeling everyone does i feel like a total drama queen i cant help it maybe i should chuck this computer out!

My lump was a 16mm grade 1 ductal carcinoma … basically in real ppl’s language that means it was early stage breast cancer. I had the lump and 7 lymph nodes removed on 25th January - did not need chemo as there was no spead to my nodes, radiotherapy mid march til end of april and now on hormone treatment for 5 years. Now - the main thing in all of this is that I am fine - I was back to work 2 weeks after my operation, I worked right through my rads treatment - I have a few niggly side effects from the hormone pills but they would have arrived with the menopause anyway. My prognosis is excellant and I can honestly say that since all of this started I have never actually been ill, in fact I have felt worse in the past with a heavy cold.

I was 40 last year and I did have a history of bc in the family so the odds were stacked against me slightly.

I hope this information has given you some hope rather than scared you further.

I would agree with Ruthus that your feelings of anxiety are due in a large part to your miscarriage. Have you been able to talk to anyone about this experience, it sounds as if it must have been quite traumatic. the holiday sounds just what you need,


hi molennium i cant even look forward to the holiday incase i have breast cancer!
just so scared x

Oh huni, your working yourself up to a right state, Please calm down,Ive just had a Fibrodenoma removed last thursday,and phoned today for my results but was told I have to ring back in a weeks time as it was too early.Im like you,as soon as I discovered it was a Fibro 21mmx21mm I was straight on the computer googling and looking at forums, Yes it does fill your head with doubt,But thats the last thing you need.Im sorry to hear about your Miscarraige, Have you ever had Councelling for this,I too had a miscarriage back in 1999, and lost my little boy at 16 weeks pregnant What I did was bought a special plant and named it Sam, and I sit and talk to him all the time,Itts really comforting.You certainly need a holiday You need to get away from everything and just forget about it.Im sure you will be fine,Take care x