Post surgery blues

Hi Cla46 and everyone else too. I’m new to this site but am finding it very helpful reading the posts and words of support and kindness . I also had second WLE last week plus a SNB too. I’ve started getting shooting stabbing pains and feeling very low, more so than after first op mid July and very teary but have to keep a brave face on for the kids. I’m nervously waiting results next week to see if I will need a 3rd op (hope not) and will then be waiting to hear about radiotherapy. Big hugs to everyone going through this x

Thank you for kindness as always. A day I shall be ready to say goodbye to I think! Helen I hope you can miss no.3 and big hugs to you xx

Morning ladies, yes the second surgery was to get a clear margin and now hoping wont need any more surgery (ax clearance) keeping everything crossed for that outcome. I’ve woken up to read your kind words and reassurance the stabby pains are normal and I will be ready for them if they dare return again during radiotherapy. Feeling my fighting spirit returning today and going to tell bc to clear off outa here. Thank you so much for the welcome and glad we have each other to talk to on this site. Xx

My results were really positive today I don’t have to have any more surgery ? I was so relieved it’s like a huge weight has been lifted. I’ll have 3 weeks of radiotherapy when I’ve healed and we’re going to discuss tamoxifen when I get the histology results back. The consultant did warn me I’m at a high risk of it reacurring in the future but today I’m feeling better about things xx I really hope your results all good too Janey & Helen xxx

Woohoo Cla. What a relief to not have to go under again. I hope you’ve all had good days. A day in the garden made me feel grounded again - well that and lunch out. Still waiting for choc to be handed over Rubycat! Xx

That’s wonderful that you don’t have to have any more surgery and you can now let your body heal before the next step of your recovery. Maybe have a glass or two of something nice tonight, or chocolate :slight_smile: as each positive result is something to celebrate. Thanks to threads on this site I feel ive got a better idea of what to expect with rads and am assuming that mine might start october sometime…wonder if we will be around same time? Also Janey i hope you feel a bit better today. The waiting in between appointments and results is bad enough without then having agony of them changing the goal posts .I will be wishing the week goes really really quickly so you get your appointment & hope your results are good. Big hugs to all xxx

I did have a small glass of wine while watching British bake off ? My rads are due to start in October Helen as long as everything heals without any problems xxx

Well done you, wine and bake off, perfect :slight_smile: when you get a date for your rads please let me know. Ive got to get results of this op next wed & then take it from there but hopefully next stop rads for me too.Take care Cla & sleep well xx

Hi Janey, just want to wish you good luck for your appt tomorrow, I will be thinking of you. I also have an appt for my results tomorrow too so fingers crossed to both of us. Take care H xx

Can’t believe I missed your post Rubycat - especially one so wonderfully chocolate related- in fact I missed lots of threads - I’m so addled! Thank you all and Helen I shall think of you tomorrow too. One more sleep, a clean house, now where did I hide the maltesers … big hugs to all xx

Thanks Charys - I wish we could post pictures on here. I had a great card from a friend I’d share xx

Thanks Charys & Janey , might have to go to shop on way out to kids footie training tonight to buy some choccies in hopefulness of good news tomorrow :slight_smile: keep asking dear kids if they’ve got any goodies stashed away but sadly they havent. Choccie should be given on nhs dont you think, ha ha. Big hugs to all xx

Good luck with your results everyone ? I have everything crossed for you ? Xxx

Enjoyed with thanks Rubycat, what with the cake on another thread, I plan to wobble into the Oncology appointment tomorrow! Good luck to all tomorrow and next steps (and more chocolate!) x

Sending you all virtual chocolates today. My Oncotype score was 17 - huge relief and I will be starting rads on 3 October - 3 weeks and a booster week too. Helen hope you’ve had a good appointment. I went straight from oncologist to CT and planning. Big hugs and thank you for helping me get this far xx

That’s brilliant news ?I’m so pleased for you ??

Thank you. I think it’s been a mixed day waiting hugs to all xx

Thank you Rubycat - I shall look forward to that chocolate very much! Xx

Hi Janey , glad your appointment went well and got date to start your rads, I was thinking about you Wednesday . I was very happy to hear that my lymph nodes were ok so not got to have another op, hurray. Next step waiting to see oncologist and discuss rads…a friend bought me a lovely big box of my favourite choccies that she told me to put in fridge coz they last longer!!!..they make take longer to melt in the mouth but the box disappears just as quickly, fridge or no fridge :slight_smile: hugs to all xx

Hi Helen, I was just thinking of you and wondering how you’d got on, that’s really good news ?It seems we’re around the same time scale I’ve got my first oncology appointment on Tuesday to discuss rads and tamoxifen and I’m a little nervous about it all ! silly really . I love the chocolate fridge theory ? Everyone gets me flowers so I think I might need to start dropping a few hints. Have a lovely weekend everyone I’m going to have a small glass of wine tonight ,watch Strictly and toast us all on our next positive steps ???