Post surgery blues

Hi Cla, hope you enjoyed strictly and your wine. I had call from hospital late this afternoon saying my first appt with onc will be next thurs 29th so we are around same time. I too have got to discuss rads & a drug, guessing tamoxifen so please tell me how you get on on Tuesday. I too am nervous about it but just think it’s part of the road to recovery. I was out tonight but looking forward to catch up on double helping of strictly tomorrow, with a few chocs of course :slight_smile: night night sleep tight xx

Hi everyone, strictly was fab but (and I do mean this seriously) I had a really bad reaction to my wine ? I only had a little glass of my usual rose but I felt awful after I drank it, I started coughing had a really tight chest and generally felt unwell! I feel fine today . Has anyone else had any similar issues with drink or food ? I’ve had a really poor appetite since I was diagnosed and have to make myself eat but no reactions to anything until this ? I’ve only had surgery so far , rads / tamoxifen start in a few weeks. Xx

Hi. Sadly wine doesn’t like me now I’m menopausal (swell up, hot flushes etc etc), so I’m sticking with my friend gin! I lost my first reply but wanted to say I’m channelling my inner Anastacia to fight BC, so I had better root for her in Strictly. I think she’s giving her fee to BC charity too. Just back from a break in the camper. After all the delicious food, I dare to put any chocolate in the fridge! Xxx

Having a bad day today everything seems to be going wrong! My scar is healing but it’s a bit sore and itchy and I think I can see a lump by my nipple. I can’t stop crying I’m fed up with having this take over my life. Every lump, bump, rash, pain or odd feeling is going to send me into panic forever! I don’t know what medicine I can take along side tamoxifen it’s all so unclear. I feel overwhelmed by what I should eat, drink or use on my body? Today is just to much :frowning: sorry I just need to get it out and I feel my family / friends are fed up with me too. Thanks for being here xxx

Sending a hug and an extra one for a better day tomorrow. Rotten days seem to come from nowhere and is why this Forum is so wonderful xxx

I’ve just got back from the hospital and I’ve had 10mls of seroma fluid removed and I’ve got a slight infection :frowning: no wonder I felt rubbish yesterday. Have a lovely weekend everyone love and hugs xx

Thank you xx it’s definitely a roller coaster ride isn’t it xxx

Hi Ladies, (previously posted in radiotherapy - revised)

Having been in the complete doledrums it helped to read ‘the blues boob blog’ - sounds like a good song title!!!

My recovery has been interrupted by the onset of an infection which put me back in hospital for 4 days. Came out yesterday after IV anti-biotics - continuing orally at home. They havn’t been able to determine the site of infection but breast care team visited me everyday and are happy with wound - still waiting on skin swab results and an ECG. So am 1 week+ on from op but still in bed - but, going to finally get to have a hair wash!!! Starting to get dreads!

The infection presented as: day 2/3 generally feeling unwell; day 4 vomitting and high fever (this is the point where GP called ambulance). Had anti sickness injection before leaving for hospital; which thankfully worked. Once in hospital I had continuous headaches which were helped by IV paracetamol. Blood tests showed definate infection. Had chest xray - fine. Temperature continued to spike until IV anti biotics. Am slightly worried that, when treatment is finished it will all start again. Breast care team said that infection will ‘look’ for any weak points i.e. the op site so need to keep am eye on it.

So - I should be able to be feeling better by now but not happening!!! In the scheme of things I’m going in the right direction as I couldn’t have typed this 3 days ago! Oh and I’ve started actually eating the chocolate that I’d been given as get well gifts (not like me to not want chocolate so definately improving!!)

Best wishes to you all, I hope things are improving for you. I wil definately be taking up radiotherapy can’t be doing with all this again. And yes, thank goodness for regular mammograms it could have been a whole different story as I wouldn’t have known. Follow up should be Friday but myhospital notes sy 2nd Dec. Will check.

X Jak60 virtual choc all round!