
Age 52
Dx 9th July
WLE 23rd July
No Lymphs No Margins
Rads & Arimidex
1Daughter 22yrs old
Stepping Hospital & Christies
Start rads 2/8/08



Age 49
Dx 9th July
WLE 15th July
2 Lymph nodes affected Clear margins
Chemo, Rads, Tamoxifen
3 daughters 24,23,18 and grandson 7
Leicester Royal Infirmary and Glenfield hospital
See Oncologist 19/8

Age 47
East Dulwich, SE London
Found dent in May/June…went into denial for 2 weeks. Ref then v fast to breast clinic.
Dx 06/07/08
WLE and SNB 05/08/08.
Results 12/08/08 - Grade 2, 2.1cm and sentinel node involvement - now awaiting full node clearance in next 2/52 and chemo in September.

2 dogs, 2 cats, 1 horse (Harry - bay Thoroughbred and incredibly handsome of course with a spoilt boy temper to match)
no children but 1 very beloved daughter of friend who spends much time with me and makes up for not having any!



48 years old but lie about my age
not sure if I still have a partner - he is finding himself…
No kids, lots of elderly relatives who act like kids

Diagnosed July (forgotten date) following realisation that a dent was worth investigating - had it for some time and did not realise it could be serious.
WLE and SNB on 6.8.08
not got brand and flavour results yet - due this week!!!

aged 41 (40 at dx)
dx 17th Jan 2008
WLE & node sampling (7 taken) 25 Jan 2008
IDC 16mm grade 1
no lymph nodes involved
intermammory node affected
her2-, pr-, er+(5%)
no chemo
29 rads (25 to 4 target areas and 4 boosters to tumour site)
rads finished 29th May
tamoxifen since mid feb

surgery Kings Park, Stirling
oncology - Falkirk Royal
Rads - Beatson, Glasgow

bone scan 2nd July - GP referral due to back-ache - scan results clear

monthly check-ups at present with promise of moving top 3 monthly check ups if I behave (I’m trying my best!)
next appointment - surgeon early sept.

1 son - ages 19
1 pretend daughter (20) and a pretend grand-son aged 4
no pets
work full-time as accounts clerk

very intrigued by your ‘pretend’ family lilac!

Age 44 (43 at Dx)
Diagnosed 30 June 2008
3 lumps (3rd only found after MRI)
Mastectomy advised after 3rd lump found and opted for immediate LD recon
Surgery 23 July 2008

  1. Tubular 1.3 cm grade 1
  2. Tubular 0.5 cm grade 1
  3. Just a few malignant cells
    Er+ 6/8
    No nodes involved
    Tamoxifen only for 5 years

Happily living with OH who is is very supportive,no kids (just him!)

Work in same hospital I had my surgery!

Warwick, Midlands
Age 40
Diagnosed 8 April 2008
IDC 27mm Grade 3
No vascular invasion.
WLE 7 May 2008 with node sampling - 2 nodes sampled - no node infiltration
PR+, ER+ (8/8), still awaiting results on Her2
Half way through FEC chemo
Rads due to start after chemo
Tamoxifen for 5 yrs

Happily married and have a 17 yr old son and 13 yr old daughter and lots of pets.

My hubbie found my lump.

Isle of Wight
41 (40 at DX on Fri 13th Jun 08)
WLE + SNLB - surgery done by Mr Sainsbury
1.8cm total ( 1 area grade 3 DCIS and 1 area grade 3 medullary carcinoma(classed as invasive ductal carcinoma for treatment sake)
No lymph node involvement
Chemo - 4 Epi + 4 CMF(TACT 2 Trial Arm 2)(Started chemo, awaiting 3rd Epi)
3 weeks Rads- to start after Chemo
Awaiting result of HER2 to see about possible Herceptin

Married, with 1 son(21)

Diagnosed by chance April 2008 at appt to have cyst checked
IDC 10mm Grade 2
5 nodes sampled - no involvement
ER/PR ++
No Chemo
Just finished 15 rads + 5 boosts
Tamoxifen (been taking for 3 months)
Zoladex (just had 2nd implant - oh the joys of menopause lol)

Dx early May 2008
WLE +SNB on 6 june
Grade 3 invasive lymphovascular
No nodes involved
RE-excision 14th july
ER/PR negative.Still waiting for HER2 result
Havent seen onc yet (still waiting to get appointment!!}
No treatment plan until seen Onc!!
Getting desperately fed up of waiting!
2 sons aged 19 and 16
Very happy in 5year relationship with wonderfully supportive man x

Dx Feb 08
WLE and radiotherapy
Intracystic papillary carcinoma insitu
no nodes
no idea if hormone positive or otherwise as never told
Churchill Oxford
married to Ian with two sons, 20 and 16
two dogs, a chocolate labrador and a retired ex racing greyhound

Live in Kent
aged 42
happily married for 9 years (second marriage) to a very supportive man
18 year old twins, one boy and one girl and lovely labrador retreiver whom we adore
dx April 08
just about to finish chemo and then having lumpectomy and breast reduction around Sept. followed by rads (unless this changes following hospital appt. next week)
Treatment at Maidstone Hospital.
Don’t work, as suffered rheumatoid arthritis for 18 years
ER/PR Negative
loving this site

Living in North Yorkshire
age 50 (ok 52!)
married for 25 years - no children only one mad terrier and 6 chickens
dx 1st July
double mastectomy on 23rd July
7mm invasive ductal in right grade 1 and 4 nodes out
7.5cm invasive lobular in leftgrade 2 and 3 nodes out
starting rads on 5th September at Leeds

5 chickens - one got run over this morning

Catherine -
35 year old single mother to a 15yr old daughter, and 1 crazy cat.
BRCA1 Gene indentified in 2004
Dx 18th June (34 at dx).
3cm, IDC, Grade 3, ER+, WLE & node sampling (10 taken).
Clear margins & no node involvment.
Starting Chemo on the 14th August (4xEpi & 4xCMF)
The rest of plan - rads and tamoxifen.

Shirley - Sorry to hear about your chicken.

Living in Lancashire
age 39 (40 in october)
married for 1 year(second time) - 6 children between us ages 13,16,16,18,24 and 27. One cat(Ollie) 1 year old, the baby of the family
dx 11th February 2008
2 surgeries;
5th march 30mm grade 1 removed and 5 nodes
30 march all nodes removed
Chemo, half way though - Blackpool Hospital
Rads start in October in Preston

living in Johnstone
age 48 years young and getting younger by the day
In a relationshio that started 1 month before discovering lump he saved my life
i have 6 kids 14,18,21,24,27,29. 5 grandkids and 2 on the way
dx 9th April
lumpectomy 25th April
1 lymh node removed and positive and possible spread to other lymph node and bones
4xEpi 8xCMF then rads and Tam just finished Epi
Hickman line
Beatson hospital glasgow