Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

I hope you enjoyed the healthy coffee cake option!. A good sponge but could have done with an extra shot of expresso - although it will help with reducing hot flush later! I enjoy coffee time on here! Xx

<Empty imported post>

I’m going to have to check my PR again. Magic, there was definitely a slice for you. xx

See!! Told you that Charys was cheeky xxx

Delly you may have some jelly - spiced damson to go with your savoury virtual cake - I can’t sit still for preserving things! Thank you you lovely people for helping preserve my sanity today and making me smile!! Xx

Hey no - Thank You all from li’l me.

I’m in a horrible black hole at the mo’ and it’s been such a pleasure to share and enjoy a bit of light banter. Sooo see sweet Janey and et al, you’ve all helped bring a smile to JellyDelly too.

Just let us know how you do tomorrow - or else i’ll come and throw a custard cream pie in your face - Capische woman?

Loadsa xxx’s 

Capische! Xxx

Ha Magic, 

I failed to mention that I was a dentist (not). My handbag fluff is a sure bet to gain extra business, cos of it’s extra stickability.

Where on earth did I come up with “handbag fluff” ??!! I’m either a total numpty, or an absolute genius. It’s the kind of thing that our beloved late Victoria Wood would have talked about!! What a major loss to the comedy world. But . .  ‘I’ am truely wasted on here. don’t you think Magic?? xxxx

Magic - have just read the info link you gave us.

Mmmmm - coffee cake for thought (as oppo to “food for” - come on, do please join in panto wise girlies!).

Seriously tho’, interesting. Has made me feel I need to regen up on my hormone knowledge from A level Human Biology days. But basically Progesterone, with regards to the female reproductive cycle, has the opposite effects to oestrogen. . . .  naa will have to do that genning up on.

See you all soon


Oh no we won’t … that floss is behind you … nope, I shall have to gen up on panto. Although with dreadful lack of sleep last night I do look like the back end of a panto horse or Jack’s knack**** old cow!! Xxx

Well. Jack’s cow has swerved chemo! Hugely relieved and can’t believe pleasure at being cooked for a month instead. Packet of Anastrozole put into my sweaty palm and a start date of 3 October for rads; 3 weeks plus one week of boosters, not sure why they don’t just say 4 weeks! I now have my tattoos but can’t really see them. You should all take up writing - I reckon you were all pretty magical yesterday. My Er and Pr high, so I hope that article was right. My Oncotype score was 17. Xx

I just hit the threshold for Oncotype. My surgeon was suggesting chemo and oncologist not, so the test helped!! When I run out of positivity, I’m coming straight back here - will bring enough cake!! Xx

More fluffy cake - and a savoury one for you Delly - come on out, its best warm from the oven! I hope you’re doing something wonderful on the third this year Magic - there must be some magic in all those 3s?! My partner looked liked he had had his bits released from a vice when we heard today - now he has the joy of a more hormonal me to brighten his life!! Charys, not only am I a painted lady. I was given a sky blue gown to wear when I come in for treatment - and was told I can use any deodorant!! Xxx

Hey girlies

Can I just say - You’re all looking AB-FAB tonight. I know, I’m such a flirt. (well . . I am a lover of women! and have made this fact known on other posts)

Janey - you really didn’t need to go to the extent of having my name tattooed on your boob. Really!!! I’m touched. But I’m much more pleased you aren’t having to go down the chemo route. Have I got that right?? YOU don’t EVER need to bring cake. It’s truely is the least I can do. So can I give a massive WHOOHOO ref your appointment results today??


Oh Magic - what is this Linux Accelerator? Is it something that can produce/give an income??! : ))  Sorry for your somewhat nasty anniversary.


Yeh, lovely Charys. I got your message and I thank you for it. You are far too flattering to me and I DO truely appreciate what you say. No, I’ve never thought of writing for magazines.


I lost the very last member of my family 2 weeks ago. Chloe, my cat. Had her from 6 months, for 21 years. She had a stroke, her back legs suddenly became paralysed. Had to have her put to sleep. It was the most effin awful experience I’ve ever had to go through.  experienceI stayed with her through the whole procedure, to her last breath. And d’ya know what? She PURRED right up to her last breath. My own BC can basically go do a doodoo??. That cat had been through sooo much with me. I don’t have a partner, children or any family left. She was the last

It goes without saying, that i know the importance of human life over animal.

I’m sending this NOW, because there’s a “time out” issue message wise on this 'ere Forum

Loadsa love for now

Dellywellyding dong xxxx 

Well only if I try and smuggle it out when I go for first treatment - under the voluminous top I’ve been given and we crowd sell it to fund cakes. Delly, so sorry to hear you’ve lost Chloe. Devastating for you I’m feeling totally Ab-fab this evening, but yawning a lot. My daughter is very disappointed the tattoos are so small - maybe I should join the dots?! Xx

Oops PS definitely not private hospital but brilliant support so far - in Exeter xx

B***er. That’s that plan out the window then x

Can I join this fun chat room?  I love cake and can supply wine by the bucket.  Talking of joining the dots (tattoos). I spent about 5 minutes the other day trying to squeeze a blackhead on my chest only to discover it was my tattoo!

Thank you for welcoming me, and big yes to the hormonally challenged!  Spoke to my BCN this morning for the first time since I was diagnosed to check if I could have injection in left arm (BC left side), answer no.  She asked how how was coping having come off hrt after 13 years and going straight onto Anastrozole.  Told her about horrendous continuous sweats all night long.  She came up with a few suggestions, none of which I can take due to another medication I’m on.  Said to discuss with oncologist at my appointment Monday.  Unfortunately cake and wine were not mentioned but I’m going to persevere and hope they help.


So sorry to hear about the loss of a loved pet.  I still cry over the loss of my beloved dog Myrtle, and it will be 7 years in January.  I can remember people saying things like they’re like part of the family and I wanted to scream at them, she wasn’t LIKE part of the family, she WAS my family.


looking forward to lots of banter, chats and mutual support.  Have to say that now I’ve finished my rads and most on my monthly thread have stopped posting I miss the daily virtual get together xx

Welcome Lesley (hic)

Thanks everybody for your shared sympathies over lost pets (Hic).

Not sure if your offer of wine to add to the coffee and ckae was a good one - see I’m having truble shpelling with it.

What were the suggestions your nurse came up with for night sweats?? I could do with knowing. But I think i may have hit upon a major discovery to cure cancer, munch munch - I’ve been eating Magics meal worms she put out for her Robin. Yummeeee. Trouble is, I’ve started sprouting what look like feathers on my arms and legs. Ahh well - saves shaving - and thats just my arms!!

Loadsa xx’s

Doolally xxx