Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Flip Charys - how did you change the title of this thread?? Maaarvellous woman.

We’ve had a load of interactions on Benchland. I proposed!!! but you’re sadly taken. You’re so sweet and appreciative to me, thank you. But you give me too much credit.

Lesley - I’m not hormonally challenged - just mental and mentally challenging - defo


Maybe it should be “birds of a feather” if you keep sprouting them! Have I got to the party late? How much do I need to drink to catch up?! Fruit cake today - nope Delly, not you - ready for an escape to Dorset in the camper. I’ve baked extras - with fluff. You’ve cheered me up no end on return from a bad hairdo day! At least on here I can pretend I look glam!! Lovely catch up with one of my team over coffee at least. Lesley you made me laugh with your blue blackhead. I’m going to catch up with last night’s Bake Off. I saw a funny on Facebook saying Mary has told Channel 4 to stick it up their soggy bottom! Xx

<Empty imported post>

Speechless again?!?! Xx

Whoops, I did it again, did a Britney!!

Janey - Used to live in Dorset. Bournemouth for 17 yrs. Got to see much of it and Devon through my love of walking. Also part owned a campervan in more recent years. Loved it. Scotland was the best. They don’t have loads of no overnight camping signs all over the place, and we preferred to wild camp as opposed to campsites, so it was great. Made for it, AND v v beautiful and quieter than the South. Try the W coast sometime if you haven’t already, along with the Islands - Arran etc. Tell me where you’re going, and what type of camper do you have??

All this furore (good word) about the “Bake Off”. Nobody beats yours though Janey - cake that is.

RUBYCAT - hi if you’re there. It was so good to hear from you that I forgot to ask how you are. Are you doing okay flower? and thanks again for your sympathetic message.

Lotsa xxx’s Dellywelly 

Janey didn’t change the thread, I got it changed…in honour of the tangent it has taken. It’s a good tangent ( also a good word, like yours) and I like it. 


Yes, ladies, I can confirm that Delly did propose to me in the past on another thread…but she isn’t that fussy so you will all be on the waiting list. Beware and be READY.


We are all glamorous ALl the time on here!!! I’ve specially dressed for the occasion by taking off my marigolds. 

Definitely want to do Scotland one day. We haven’t got away as much as we wanted to (I wonder why?!) this Summer. We live in Devon, so not too far to go. Staying in between Golden Cap and Westbay (broadchurch off the telly!) and will be parked up overlooking the sea (bliss!). We very sadly had to say goodbye to old VW high top and now have a VW van conversion. Very comfy but quite miss the idiosyncrasies (I haven’t had enough wine yet, so could spell!) of the old lady we replaced. Looking forward to walking what hasn’t collapsed of the coastal path. Xx

Ooooo - lovely. I’ve walked Golden cap and Westbay. There’s a little place, I can’t for the life think of the name now. Begins with B and it has a really nice pub called The Anchor Inn. Burton Bradstock I think. Well worth a look. I’m dead jealous. Even more to hear you live in Devon. My most favourite county. Where abouts?? We had an old Nissan Hi-ace high top - 1987 reg!! Nelly. No loo or shower - just a bucket and chuck it system (thoughtfully). Scotlands a long treck from you, but well worth it. 2 weeks on the West coast with a bit of island hopping - Arran and Mull are to be recommended. Arran has EVERYthing - high fells, river valleys and beautiful coast stretches for walking. Interesting castle at Brodick and whisky distillery with lovely restaurant on the N of the island at Lochranza. The Scottish are very hospitable, freer with their countryside, fantastic food, tasty meat and wonderful seafood. Please GO. But avoid May/June midge season or you’ll be eaten to death and, like me, end up looking and feeling like the Elephant Man with numerous nasty bites.

Enviously Delly xxx 

I definitely wouldn’t know how to rename a thread, but would like to be able to post a cartoon of two “support bras” saying you can do it! Xx

Do you ever come up to the Lakes janey??

Charys - I’m blushing and I’m VERY fussy. Haven’t recovered from your refusal, but bigamy can be a bit dicey. Though I really do need adopting and can relocate at the drop of a hat. Well done on the change of name to you. How on earth did you do it.

xxxx’s Delly

Charys - just remind me where Start Point is? Isn’t it somewhere between Dartmouth and Salcombe? xx

Evening all,  no, haven’t replaced darling Myrtle for lots of reasons, mainly because of husbands poor health, also having just given up work after 45 long hard years I don’t want the tie and I don’t have anyone to leave a dog with if I go away and couldn’t bear the though of kennels (Myrtie slept in Bed with us). These days I sleep (well, lay in bed anyway) alone in a pool of sweat, husband is banished to another room for both our sakes.


welI, know my eye sight is bad, but not that bad yet, my tattoos are black not blue, looks like I’ve now got a permanent blackhead on my chest, very attractive, not!


Bake off won’t be the same without Mary.  She lives very near me.  Though Ive never bumped into her I know lots of people who have.  Couple of years ago my friend saw her in the local branch of Wallis buying a jacket which she then wore on an episode of Bake off.


BCN came up with several drugs to help with sweats/flushes and joint pains, unfortunately none of which I can take because of drugs I have to take because of chronic daily headaches and migraines.


getting ready for bed now, chillow and cooling pads are in freezer, tonic water in fridge (not sure it helps but I’m swigging it down anyway) it’s a right old slog lugging it all up the stairs, oh for the old days when I could just make sure I had the patch on my bum!




Yeh, thort so. The Pig and Whistle at Slapton. Am I right?  Awwwww, Salcombe is my MOST favourite place in England. Was of ALL my family. Incredibly beautiful. Still have their ashes to scatter there, along with my own wish for my own to be. Incredibly expensive. Not quite as Sandbanks, Poole, but close.

Relocating - no prob. That’s part of my current prob at the mo’, I don’t feel I belong to anywhere, anyone or anything - totally and utterly lost. Whilst Chloe was alive, I was at least a Mummy in the respect that I belonged and she to me.

So where do you live in the South then, as you know Devon so well?? And don’t worry, I’m not stalking! just interested. 


Hi again Lesley.

I asked you before what tablets your BCN suggested for night sweats. I know, as you said before, you can’t take them youself, but I’m interested for myself lovey.

I don’t watch “Bake Off”, but what!! You actually saw, or knew of, Mary wearing a jacket on tv she’d been seen buying in Wallis. Good on her and even more of a loss to tv for it, that she was down to earth. Do ya think.

Lotsa love Delly xxx 

Lost out on you Ruby, due to miss timed texts. Thanks “babe”. Humph, you swimming at Lulworth - fandabidozee.

What are you saying - other half says there’s plenty of room to fill?? Is that an/THE invitation I’ve been/AM waiting for?? To be adopted!!

None of you are taking this or me seriously.


Morning all, in a bit of a rush to get out so this is a quick one - so sorry Delly, can’t remember the names of the pills BCN mentioned, but I know at least one of them was an anti depressant, one was antitrip something that I’ve seen mentioned several times on here for muscle pain - none of which I can take.  I’ll take a notepad and pen to the oncologidts and take notes on Monday.


Bar of soap? I’ll try anything, I’ll look that one up. MM, your story sounds very similar to mine, so I’ll stick with it and hope in time it gets better.


All your talk of camper vans and beautiful places makes me feel like packing up and just hitting the road and becoming a traveller.  Problem is, I don’t drive and husband has just had to stop driving due to health problems, Life has suddenly become very limited.  Maybe I’ll run away and join the circus instead. Xx

Ps, yes, flaxseed is a no no.  Heard sage supplement is good, but some oncologists don’t recommend some say it’s ok - spent lots of hours researching before I found this site in my dark lonely hours xx

Morning Glories! Incorrigible is my word for today, as in incorrigiblydelly! Citalopram and amitriptyline are the two drugs. The former is an anti-depressant newly licenced in the States for menopause, at which point the price went up b******s!
We had a wonderful week in the Lakes a few years ago I. The old camper. We are lucky to live slap bang in the middle of Devon, so get our puck of the beaches, although North Devon is hard to beat. I was given some gin and tonic soap for Christmas, so will give that a try under my feet … hope you all have cool and comfortable weekends. Not sure about tinternet access, so hope to come back to more LOLs! Hugs and off to Dorset xx

Oops pick not puck and forgot to say I had progesterone but pre endometrial cancer to try and solve bleeding (tmi). Luckily it didn’t work/made me ill, otherwise would not have discovered the cancer! Xx

Oh dear Charys just the mention of clotted cream in our house leads to cream tea wars - chicken and egg has nothing compared to jam or cream first!! Xx