Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

hi helena,
They told me! At biopsy I was told about this & that apparently, I had ‘younger active’ breasts, so oddly, quite flattered really! I also had an mri for this reason & for a query about lobular bc.
Anyway, since tamoxifen it feels like they’ve gone to sleep now!
ann x

Helena, my consultant told me I have dense teenage breasts, my hubby wasn’t impressed when I burst out laughing.
Moijan is that true that rads keeping working for years I thought the radiotherapy lady said it’ll keep working for a few more weeks after finishing?
I cried today at work because they brought me flowers and the children made me a welcome back card. I’m uping an hour next week with another review in a couple if weeks and strict instructions to go and see my boss if I get to tired. He spoke to my teacher and said to keep an eye on me too.
Now all I need to do is keep myself in check and not get frustrated with myself. I’m looking forward to glass of wine and some nibbles tonight lots of love xxx

Now I feel i feel offended on my breasts behalf as I didn’t have boosters!  Now, I’m not boasting, but as I’ve never been pregnant/given birth my girls are still pretty perky and I can get away without a bra though I’m 63, still wear a bikini too.  Think I’ll make a complaint about the oncologist who insulted my boobs.


Well as it’s Friday the 13th i was filled with dread on returning from my shopping trip to find the results of my lung scan waiting for me (they found nodules in one of my lungs).  I unpacked shopping, made a cuppa and looked at the envelope for a long time before plucking up the courage to open it.  Hurrah, they’re benign.  The consultant has said they don’t need to see me again.  Such a relief, more tears from us both again.


Left the house this Morning in a snow storm, by the time I got into town it had stopped, sun came out and wind got up.  It’s freezing cold but think that’s the end of the white stuff for us round here.


Helena, I wouldn’t increase your hours at work until you’re a couple of weeks post rads, you carry on cooking for two weeks after so you don’t know how you’ll feel.  I think you’re amazing that you’ve carried on working all through having them, you must be made of stern stuff even though you’re a Lady of fine breeding xx

Aw, thank you ladies, isn’t strange, Ive told you lot the good news first, Havent even told my sister yet or any of my friends yet, Not that many of them knew, only my closest ones.


Rubycat, love Jack, even though he’s old and fat, he’s just got so much charisma.  Anyway, my boobs might not be thst perky really,  my eyesight is going and it’s Himself that’s always telling me so.  He always says, you’ve got a better figure in your bikini than most of the 18year olds when we go on holiday, BUT, he’s eyesight is really really bad, and of course he loves me so would think that.  I don’t care anyway, as I said, Im growing old disgracefully, tight jeans, bikinis, and unless someone wants to pay my bills for me it’s none of their business xx

NHi ladies 


still not a snow flake here - think I can put the tennis rackets away for yet another year! Bitterly cold though but with gloriously blue skies. 

Hubby and I went to the funeral of my brother in laws nan lunch time. A lovely lady of 85 who had battled with cancer for many years. Packed out church and I must admit I found the whole thing incredibly emotional today.  Guess it’s to do with the reality of my own mortality now. Never aware of it until my diagnosis and I suspect I’m not alone in thinking that I was invincible up until that fateful day. 


Re boosters - I was told I was having them as its routine to give them to ladies under 50yrs. I was also told that parts of my breasts were dense and ‘young’! Why some parts and not others!!! One of surgeons told me that the denser the breast, the more difficult it is to mammogram as things can’t show up as clearly. On the mammogram, dense breasts show up as more white, less dense are clearer and any abnormalities stand out. The doctor was excellent as she showed me exactly what the issue was on my mammogram, even pointing out the young parts ? I guess that other than what is given as routine with the rads, each treatment plan is tailored to us individually and the type of cancer, size, grade and location is all taken into account hence some over 50’s have boosters and some don’t. A friend of mine who was treated at the same time as me didn’t have boosters, she was 54. It’s all so confusing and we must just put our faith in them that they know what they are doing, no matter how hard it feels.

as much as it was painful and sore, I’m glad I had the boosters as it just feels like extra security - or belt and braces as they called it. 


Hope you are all ok there out in ether land. 

Love to you all





that is really fantastic news. I am so very pleased for you and I bet the relief is immense. 

Little drinkie in order tonight to celebrate!!! 


So so good to have good news!!





i thought I’d be ok today as she was a lovely lady who’d lived a full and happy life to the age of 85 but the moment the men of the family carried her in, the tears started. Hubby found it difficult too but I suspect it’s because it’s only a year since we buried his dad. 

I just about held it together through Abide With Me and sang my heart out but it was hard. I kept thinking whether I would make it to that age? Hard day. 


Im glad you’ve started the ball rolling about counselling. It’s so very worthwhile and to be able to talk about whatever you like is very cathartic. There’s a few of us on here seeing one and I think we have all found it beneficial. I hope it works for you too - the trick is to open up and not put on a brave face. 


Big hugs to you 


Oh gosh Beth, Abide with me always reduces me to a weeping mess.  Deliberately didn’t have it my mothers funereal for that reason, was difficult enough to get through as it was.  


Clair, that cartoon, is Lovely, and so true.


Just finished an early dinner as haven’t eaten all day, plus it meant I could have a glass of vino to celebrate my good news.


Now thinking of Sue and wondering how her appointment went today.  Hoping it all went well and her and Delly are now sharing a bottle of bubbles and chatting and laughing, and talking about all of us and bigging us up naturally lol  xx

Just catching up with today’s posts. Thinking of you Sue and hope those bubbles are drunk in celebration today.
I shall raise a glass of tonic to you Lesley - will have to wait for the gin until Sunday when antibiotics are all done.
Oh my poor saggy and aged boobs - inactive? I think not when I move quickly - it’s like an episode of Miranda with all the clapping!. My marathon running sister has dense ones and definitely more pert! Actually if I attempted the dance in your pic Rubycat with the ridiculously un underwired bra I have to wear, I would break my glasses!
Beth you’ve had a tough day, so a big gentle hug for you. Helena I agree do take it easy after rads finish. It was only then that my head started to catch up and the fatigue get to me. I have to say I wasn’t too questioning about treatment, although I’m starting to be now. Off to find that tonic xxx

Hopefully Sue and Delly are too busy having a lovely time to log on and making the most of the real time rather than virtual time they have are spending together.


Our little bit of snow has now completely gone.  Hope it now stays away as walking into town tomorrow with my friends, breakfast, mooch round the shops then walk back giving Fitbit something to clock up.  It’s been pretty idle since last Saturday on the mileage, mind you, it works pretty hard during the night logging my restless nights.


Enjoy your tonic Janey.  I still have a glass every night before I go to bed as it was recommended by someone on this site for helping with the hot flushes.  Don’t think it makes any difference but it’s become part of my nightly ritual.


Hope everyone is enjoying their evenings.  I’m going to do some more of my jigsaw now, life in the fast lane!

I was thinking the same thing



im ok. Tired but good. Been bit of a day. 

How was the first booster? Xx

Gosh, it’s very quiet on here tonight, hope all you lovelies have found something good on TV and  are enjoying a relaxing evening.

I’m feeling so much more optimistic about things, I have my new prosthetic which tucks into my normal bra and stays there, and I feel like I’ve got my mojo back. It’s very silly that this has been an issue for so long, my BCN said don’t get a prosthetic till after rads, but it just meant I’ve spent two or three months hiding away feeling self conscious and disfigured. And it was Christmas, I had events to go to, so I wish I’d ignored her and done this as soon as it became an issue.

Anyway, it may just be for tonight, but I’m feeling more optimistic than at any time since I was diagnosed, almost seven months ago. I had been feeling I couldn’t move on till after the last operation is done, but maybe I need to concentrate on the here and now and not think about the operation.

So I’m counting my blessings tonight, such a lot to be grateful for in the end.

Just four left now! It’ll soon all be done and dusted. I remember with my booster that they wanted my arm up just a little bit higher and it really did make my shoulder ache. It was a tiny bit higher but enough to feel it. Did you say you were moving to a different machine today? I used to find that a bit unsettling (who knows why)

We’ll be ringing that bell soon! How’s your skin holding up? Xxx


we had a funeral today and i didn’t handle it as well as I usually do. A big reminder that I’m not immortal anymore! Xxx


I’m so glad that your happy with the prosthetic in your bras!! That’s great news. I think the BCN tell us what they think is the best, especially as rads can change the shape of what we have left but the psychological effects are equally important. You definitely have the right way of thinking - concentrate on the now, not the what ifs or when’s. 

Im still,waiting for my mojo to reappear- it’s coming!! Xxx

Dizzy. That’s such a great post, so glad it all fits properly. We are having a romantic evening in front of the box and just laughed our way through Not Going Out. Hugs to all of you and hopefully a check in from Sue and Delly soon xx

So pleased you got your hampster booby sorted Dizzy, must make all the difference to how you feel.  New year, new hampster booby, onwards and upwards. 


Hope youre feeling ok Beth.  That must have been very difficult for you today.  I’m sure we all feel the same about our own mortality after this.  I know you sorted your wills out.  Ive been searching for ours and can’t find them.   It’s stupid, it’s not as though we’ve got a huge house and there’s only a couple of places I keep paperwork and they’re not there.  Also trying to de clutter.


Off to bed soon, up early (ish) in the morning.  Find it difficult to get up these days as flushes usually stop about 6am then I manage to get some sleep in and don’t want to get up.  When I was on hrt and got quality sleep I was always up with the lark.  The dark mornings don’t make it easier to get up. Xx

Time to say nite nite. Catch you all tomorrow. Hope you all get a good nights undisturbed sleep - with no flushes!!


It will come back Beth, you really took a beating over the rads, it takes time to recover when you’ve had side effects like that.

I don’t ever do well at funerals, I could cry at the funeral of someone I don’t know. They’re just sad in themselves. But at the moment I cry really easily. Like you said, we’ve all had a bit of a brush with mortality, it knocks you off balance. I had times when I was convinced this wasn’t going to end well. Ànd times I’ve felt really sad about the disruption to our lives and our plans.

But all of us, we’ll carry on with our lives, even if it’s in a new way, and we can make new plans, it will happen.