Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Sue I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow and sending you lots of love and hugs xxxx
Hugs for Delly too xxxx

Clair, you are so right, so this one is especially for you 



Blimey! My first job was as an interpreter/translator for an East German agency. I had a pen friend in Hamburg, went to uni at Heidelberg and was in both the East and West for work. When I was later asked the reason for leaving last job, I would write “reunification of Germany”! I have a wonderful friend in former East Berlin who had to chose between her partner with whom she was expecting in the West and her mother in the East. She chose her mother. She had a tough time for many years.
What a lovely friend and boss Helena. When I first went “sick” some of the women at work arranged a supper before my op. Instead of flowers they all brought either a book or DVD they’d enjoyed.
I love that picture Lesley, I may pinch it for Facebook! Xx

Pinch away Janey.  What an interesting life you’ve led, interpreter, sheep farmer, makes mine as a stripper, pole dancer and private eye look dull in comparison.  I have also been a spy but I’m not allowed to talk about that.


Three lots of painkillers today and head still thumping, think I might take the big guns migraine meds before bed tonight even though it’s not a migraine, only so much a girl can take.


Sue, if you tear yourself away from Delicious Delly’s company long enough to look in on us, want to wish you good luck for tomorrow, you know  you’ll be accompanied not only in person by Delly but by all of us in spirit xx



i remember having a conversation with Boots about my brand of tamoxifen. I said that I wanted to stick with the one I have and they said it wouldn’t be a problem to order it in if needed. Wonder why they gave you so much grief today? I’ll have a look on Google to see if I can find something about what they can and can’t offer. 


Must say im loving this program on BBC just now - Spy in the wild. So cute!


Rubycat, my local chemist I use said they can’t guarantee I’d get the same Teva brand because of cost but I’ve been lucky do far.
Oh Beth I’m in tears over the monkeys grief
:frowning: but it is a brilliant programme xxx

I was born and bred in north west London but have visited Malaysia, does that count?  I stayed in Kuala Lumpur with my friend, then I did have fresh sheets every day, my clothes washed and ironed every day by her maid, and was driven around by her chauffeur.  lived the millionaire life style for two weeks and loved every minute of it.  Xx



ive been able to find out that Boots offer a ‘medicine Check up’ as a free NHS service. Part of that service is to find ways to minimise side effects - that’s exactly why you want a particular brand. Might be worth asking and making an appt to meet the pharmacist and at least that way you can speak to someone other than the gatekeepers on the pharmacy/prescription desk. I’ve set mine up so Boots sort out the repeats and drop me a text when ready. 

I found the info on the boots pharmacy website. Worth having a mooch 

hope that helps a tad 

Beth xxx

Clair, yes, someone did suggest a private Facebook page for us.  I’m on FB, but have no idea how to set up a private or I’d do it. Whose the IT bigwig that knows how yo go it? Xx

I’ve had a look at FB and it looks relatively easy to set up a closed group. However, I think one of us will need to join another’s FB first as you need to add members before it will let you click forward to set security settings.  

Apart from that, I don’t think there’s anything else to do. 

Forget who it was that wanted the snow!  Well we have plenty here…I’ll send it over,  brrrr!


hope all of you are warmly tucked up under the blankets…if you have finished the  ‘tossing project’ haven’t sussed that one out, but dont worry…im not curious! ( maybe to do with shrove tuesday?)


Wonder if Dellywelly is snowed up in Brighton? Hope she is warmly curled up with Sue’s brushed cat!








Morning lovelies, I was so excited to see my car roof covered in snow I didn’t realise that’s all there was at first! Oh well it looks nice for a bit but blimey it’s freezing. I’m off for my meeting in a bit and I’ll let you know how it goes.
Helena have a safe journey to toss away todsys rads xxxx.
If any one wants to pm me your fb details we can.become fb friends :slight_smile: I’m quite hard to find as I have my settings quite tight.
Lesley I hope your heads better today sending you a gentle massage.
Love to All you lovely girlie’s have a fab day xxxxxx

Just heading out to town and it’s snowing…


Re FB, we need to decide on a name, any suggestions?


Re number of rads, my friend in Spain had her last one of 30 on Tuesday.  I was really worried when I knew she was having 30’ I thought how the heck is she going to survive that many, so I asked the question on here. Apparently it used to be that many, but a few years ago they doubled the dose and halved the time.  They are now apparently considering doing the same for men with prostate cancer as they currently have 32.


Catch up with you all later.  Hoping I don’t get snowed in in the town, can always walk back, but frightened of falling, Not very good balance these days, especially on slippery stuff.


Helena, hope roads ok where you are for today’s tossing xx

Re Rads…Boosters! How are they explained to you by the radiol?


Not sure why they would be given as rads keep workng for a few years after and how would they know one needed a booster?


if anyone feels like explaining…would be really interestedxxx


Yep…doubled the dose and halved the time…yeah that was it. They are now considering doing the same again…with some countries already doing it. Moijan I was told the boosters had been shown to be effective in women under a certain age I. E. Younger than 50, but I don’t think that is entirely the case as ive seen older women on here have them. Not sure why some tumour ‘beds’ seem to need them and others don’t ?

Moijan the booster doesn’t do the whole breast, just the very specific marked area of the original tumour.

Ooooo hold on…is it something to do with tissue density…the younger the woman the more dense the tissue? Therefore it boosts the local area if the other rt hasn’t been enough ? Purely guess work here.

I think I squeezed in at 51! I wondered if I had boosters, as they had to go in twice to get better margins, or perhaps because I was borderline chemo? All I know is that I was told 15 sessions and then told it was 20 when I arrived for the first one long wait for bloods to be taken, thank goodness for 3G! If someone can set up a group, the name could be the same as the thread?! Xx

Thank you Charys,


i asked for armpit rads due to initial spread outside the L/n was told one margin not sufficient, but dont know if it was the mastec…but hold on, prob was the armpit…so glad now that I had rads there…even with lymphoedema!



hi all,
I must admit I’m a bit puzzled about when boosters are indicated, in view of your experience, Helena. I had the standard 15, 55 years & dense breasts - anyway, just querying out of interest, really. But I just did what I was told!
cheers all
ann x