Radiotherapy January 2015

Hallo Ladies

Back from session 2 and the radiologist told me that if like me you are also having rads to the clavicle area it is really important to moisturise the back of the shoulder too. Apparently the rays to the clavicle go right through the body so the skin on the exit site can get damaged too. Glad to have the E45 on prescription!

Not long to go now Pedal999 - hope all goes well.

Lah and Kitt- hope your machines are working OK.

Jannie -despite full movement in both my arms I do find holding the position really uncomfy . I hope like you the sessions get shorter as keeping still for 15 mins is a long time for me!.

Big queues all around Guildford today so horrible journey - stressed from the word go !!!

Have a good day, Gill x

Hi Lesley, seems like that’s Beatson policy about deodorant, doesn’t it . Guess you could ask if it’s to protect your skin or if they think it affects the treatment. If it’s about the treatment then best follow the advice but if it’s about your skin and so many other centres obviously allow certain types then that would be your call, wouldn’t it?
Anyway, good that your sessions are back on track & hope today goes well.
Kitt x

Ha ha - maybe you’ve stumbled upon their cunning plan … keep our minds occupied with whiffy oxters and we’ll forget about the big stuff ! Well done so far lovely ladies !

Lah - you did make me laugh ! Maybe if you wave your smelly armpit (although I’m sure it’s not! ) around the carpark when you get there people might clear out of your way and parking spaces won’t be an issue! I’ll be leaving off the deoderant and trying that too on Monday!!

That’s one week over for me too. Little bit pink and itchy but nothing too bad. Happy to have these 2 days off though as had enough of the 8 am early starts and it’s nice to have a lie-in .

Kitt and Cas - good luck for next week. On Friday this coming week I’m going to the centre attached to the hospital for a session of meditation and also a lymph drainage massage so hopefully that should be a pleasant experience.

Enjoy your weekend ladies,

Gill X

Hi Lesley, no , I got my appointments changed - most of them are 8.30am (or 8.48, 8.54, etc. … very precise!) for my regular sessions and 10.30ish for my boosters. It’ll mean early starts but hopefully I won’t need to resort to chemical warfare to secure a parking space ?.
I haven’t explored the options available at Maggie’s at all. I haven’t needed to go through nearly as much as most of you brave gals on here so I think I’d feel a bit of a fraud…

Hi Ladies

Having found 99% Aloe Vera Gel bought from the hospital very soothing I bought some today in Holland and Barret. Their own brand is 99.9% and you can buy one for £6.99 and an additional one for .01p . Love  a bargain and it’s wonderful how it stops any itching when it’s been in the fridge.

All the best, Gill x

Thanks, girls - you’re right, I guess “be kind to yourself” should be our mantra, shouldn’t it! Maybe i’ll have a look!
Hmm … aloe vera on toast … Delia’s got nothing on you, eh?!

Hi ladies, mind if I join? I’m day 5 of my rads. 14 more to go, yay!! I know lah from October chemo group, I notice some other ladies also go to the beatson for their treatment. I travel through from Stirling each day. Treatment room c, all appointments 11.48. It’s been ok so far. Parking is so stressful though, I’ve used the train a couple of times just so I can chill a bit. I’ve also been across to the maggie centre. Did try for the drop in relaxation class last wed but couldn’t get parked so missed it!! Might try this week. I’ve also booked in for the look good feel better class there next Monday so looking forward to that. I never fancied it much when I was going through my chemo but now I’m thinking about returning to work and still hairless, thought I’d give it a go. And to the lady who felt a fraud, we’re all unfortunately in the same boat, doesn’t matter what treatment you’ve had for it, what size/grade your lump was, so go and have a look and see what’s on offer, you deserve a little you time xx

Seems most ladies need to travel for their rads, I think that’s probably why it’s so tiring, I’m so knackered when I get home, not fit for anything much.

Just off to watch broadchurch then off to bed. Driving tomorrow so need to psych myself up for the parking frenzy xx

Good to have you join us Murphy. I had no. 6 today and finding my clavicle is getting a bit itchy so slathering on the Aloe Vera! I went on the Look Good Feel Better course a couple of months ago and it was briliiant.Good fun playing with the make-up and a huge bag of goodies to take home. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it next Monday.

As you say the travelling / parking can be a nightmare and I can feel the blood pressure rising just thinking about it !

Will catch up with Broadchurch another night- watched Silent Witness instead.

Hope everyone OK,


Hi Murphy - same treatment room as me ?. I’m starting on Thursday but earlier in the day than you … I’ll try and leave it clean and sweet smelling for you ?

Haha kittkatt, as long as lah21 isn’t in before us with her whiffy oxter, we should be ok :slight_smile: girls are lovely in our treatment room, they’ll put you at ease and it’s over in no time at all. Good luck xx

Hehe lah, you know I’m only kidding. I’ve kinda been looking out for you, I know we’re round about the same time. If you see someone pulling out what little hair they have driving about in a tatty grey lancer, trying to find THE parking space, that’ll be me!!! I’m driving tomorrow as I need to get home extra quick so fingers crossed I can off load my car. I was actually told by someone at the maggie centre, if you get a ticket just rip it up. Even when they start sending letters just ignore them. Seemingly they said under scots law you can’t be prosecuted. I’m not going to test it out though!!

Murphy - can you tell me … letter says to report to Radiotherapy Reception which I assume is the same as the one for planning scan, but Beatson website says for treatment rooms A,B,C,D & E to report to Tom Wheldon Building reception … is this in a different place?

Ive finished…do have some skin breakdown as expected but managing with painkiller and dressing. I did have throbbing and intense pain which turned out to be infection caused by rads…rare apparently but if you do get too sore ask them to take a look girls.
Bras are continuing to be an issue as the ones that fit are rubbing the skin break and the others are rubbing lower down…someone needs to make soft cup big bras without seems or that horrible foam padding…

Thanks Lesley, I hope all that snow didn’t make your journey too stressful today! Planning to set off by 7am tomorrow to allow for traffic, parking and finding the right building! I can’t picture a separate entrance but will go and explore.

Hi kittkatt, you should go to the reception in the tom wheldon building. It’s in the same building but using a different door. It’s at the drop off point for the ambulances going into the beatson. Treatment room C is right next the that reception. Hope all goes ok for you tomorrow xxxx

Morning Ladies

Hope everyone is doing OK and how are all you girls North of the border coping with the snow? Farnborough has completely escaped it so far thankfully!.

Kitt - I imagine you’ve had your first treatment and that you parked and found the department without too much stress. Hope the rays were kind to you.

Lesley- you’re TV itinery sounds very similar to mine!! Broadchurch sent me to sleep so will have to re-visit that one. The review nurse advised me to take Piriton for the itching and I reckon that sent me straight off to the Land Of Nod. It did seem to ease the itching though within a few minutes.

Jannie - happy for you that you’re done now - just the SE to cope with. In my half way review yesterday the nurse said he would discuss with oncologist today about my poor, bright pink tender boob as it shouldn’t be at this stage at this time, so may be an infection. As I’ve had a couple previously I think it may be the case. Came away with a bucket load of free samples of Aqua Max emollient cream and Medi Honey barrier cream. Wonder if it could do something for all the new wrinkles on my face!!!

Murphy - you made me laugh in an earlier post about missing your relaxation class 'cos you couldn’t find somewhere to park! I think they need to add an “anger management class” specifiaclly for us BC ladies . I’d even pay good money for that one! One car yesterday had even parked/ abandoned it -  virtually blocking the ticket machine - I had to do some very tricky contortions just to punch my car reg details in to get a ticket issued - reminiscent of the game Twister !!!

Jannie, I have struggled to buy bra’s all through this as my scar runs along the underside of my breast where the bone of a bra would be. I have now found sainsbury’s soft bras at £5.00 or £6.00 are perfect if you buy a very large size.I am normally a 38D but I bought an XXL and it doesn’t rub one bit as it 's so soft with wide straps.

How’s it going with you Cas ?

Terrible winds here last night but everything looks intact so far,

Good luck all today. My session is last appointment of the day so could be late home!

Gill x 

Hi Lovelies! Finally underway with my first appointment this morning. Parking was a skoosh (ok so I’m compulsively early and I was there at 7.45am … guess I’ll fine tune my journey!) . Snow all gone thankfully but blowing a hoolie out there!
So boob feels hot - didn’t expect that after just the one session … is that normal? Hope yours feels better with your new recipe, Gill. Do they just have to keep going with your sessions as planned?

Hi ladies, hope you are all fine. I’m starting to feel a bit down with all the travelling back and forward each day. I only had day 8 rad today but I’m starting to get really tired and like you lah, I’m looking forward to the weekend for a couple of days off. I know I shouldn’t moan, I’ve been through a lot worse than this, but I will anyway!!! Booby feels a bit tender today too, told you I’m just going to moan, moan, moan :wink:

On a nicer note, met my daughter in glasgow after my rads for lunch. Nice pub lunch, good company, what better way to spend a wet and very windy Thursday afternoon xx

Hi ladies, I finished my rads in October - treatment room C at the Beatson. It can be tough going some days but I kept on telling myself it’s temporary and it’s true. My burnt and blistered skin has healed, I’m not as tired and have started back at work. My boob was hot after rad 3 and by rad 6 I could have made toast and cheese on it, so they gave me aqueous cream, which worked well. If you get burns and blisters as the nurse for micro pore dressings and hydrogel - it works really well and I got new skin under my arm but still don’t have any hair! Parking is a nightmare, there are some side streets the other side of Great Western Road, it’s a bit of a walk but easier to park and less stressful. Take care ladies xx