Radiotherapy January 2015

Good evening girls.

Another one bites the dust! I do agree that it gets more tiring as it goes on and I suppose that’s because the effects are cumulative.Think we all need to listen to our bodies and rest up as and when - if possible.

 Boob still very pink and the nurse I saw for my review yesterday said he hadn’t got around to talking to a Dr about it and he would tomorrow! Can’t be that serious then  I feel. The piriton def helps with the itching.

Glad your session went well Kitt but I can’t remember if I found it hot right from the start I’m afraid. Hope the parking stays as good for you - it makes such a difference. I didn’t get out til 7.10 tonight as was the last appointment of the day. Got a chinese takeaway on the way home  as couldn’t be bothered to cook by the time I got home! Yet more calories!!

I agree Murphy - roll on the weekend, a lie-in and no clock watching.

Cheers, Lah, enjoy the vino. I’m also a “get there early” person too. I cannot bear to be late for anything, much to husband’s amusement. He’s the total opposite and it drives me crazy!

Gill X

Ha ha - ingrained in me from my granny “to be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late and to be late is inexcusable” … luckily my husband shares the same philosophy but we do find ourselves driving around blocks a lot when we’re to early to be polite! ?
Hope today goes well for everyone and you all have a good rest at the weekend.

Aw Cas - I might make you even more jealous when I tell you that on remarking on my hot boob I was told I’d always had 2 hot boobs?. You’ll be less jealous when you hear that came from my sister, not my husband ?. Ah well, take our compliments where we can, eh?!
Warning to the Beatson Babes - some very heavy snow showers around Glasgow and traffic at a crawl.:snowflake::snowman:

Went to clinic today infection improving but they are wondering if i have lymphodeama of the breast…great…
Skin is peeling i have been given large sheets of foam dressing that is padding area under bra…its the biggest they have and not quiet big enough so feeling freaky.
Bras are a nightmare causing rubbing and construction. Have found a 38gg sportsbra that is too tight around band and a 40ff that is loose enough but squeezes breast too much so going to try to order a 40g and gg…and hope i can try them on without a dressing leak. At £38 a time i better be careful…dream of the £6 smoothly fitting me but it like a d cup trying on a training bra. Feeling very low as nobody else seems to be in pain and im popping codine just to get up. Spent last night holding my boob off my chest…hate them

Oh Jannie , that sounds awful! I have no words of advice, I’m afraid, just a big hug ! Gently!! One side only!!!
Hope you get some sleep.!

How is everyone getting on this week? I’m just home from session 4 - Beatson car park is still an ice rink so Beatson Babes get your skates on!

Well done Lesley! Shame the next Winter Olympics aren’t until 2018 - I reckon your new found skiing skills might be a bit rusty by then?!
So who is the review with? What sort of things are discussed?
Were you expecting that to happen today? Always good to be prepared with questions, isn’t it…
Glad to hear things are going well for you.

Hi ladies, 12 done and 7 more to go - yay!!! My boob is looking a tad red today, I hope it holds out.

Lah, I also had my review yesterday and like you it was the best meeting so far, not having the chemo and all that it brings, hanging over you, I had a great chat. I also had a few questions I thought I would have to leave till I seen my oncologist in April, so it was great to chat and get some things off my chest. My big worry was having to stop the chemo early (I know you did too lah) and I just needed someone to tell me yet again, yes it was the best decision to stop in the circumstances.

Beatson babes, I got a parking space right next to beatson today. Was soooo happy, I was in and out in no time at all. I’ve taken to parking at the pond hotel, it’s only £2 for two hours, so if you’re ever stuck you know it’s there.

I had my looking good, feeling better class on Monday at the maggie centre and what an enjoyable wee session. The goodie bag is unbelievably generous. If you’ve not been ladies you really should book a session.

I change to the booster sessions next week, new room to find (room J). I’ll miss my treatment room C ladies!!!

Love to all xxx

Hi Ladies

Arrived for my rads today and the fire alarm was ringing. We all had to wait outside in the freezing cold until someone took pity on us and we huddled in one of the corridors as they told us they always have this problem when they install a new machine! Firemen arrived accompanied by much whooping and cheers - mostly from the staff. So glad I hadn’t got there 5 mins earlier or would have been in my robe! Luckily it only delayed appt by 30 mins but radiographers p****d off as they then had to play catch up!

Collar bone and boob very tender now but only 2 more to go. Have appt with oncologist tomorrow so may have results of bone scan which was only taken as I am on Letrozole which can effect your bones apparently.

Will probably catch up with 2 Silent Witnesses tonight, cold flannel on boob, but I agree with you Lah that it’s quite ridiculous. I hate the way they constantly mock the police and find the time in their jobs to investigate cases, make visits to interview suspects,  know absolutley everything ,have a social life and solve cases where everyone else has failed through being idiots - preposterous!! I’ll still watch it though!

Murphy, I did the Look good feel better course and loved it. As you say the goody bag is amazing although my younger daughter sweet talked her way to claiming a fair bit of it! I do tend to wear the same make-up I’ve worn for years although the eyebrow lesson was great as mine are now growing back in a pathetic way - sprouting at all angles and quite a few are grey or white. Like you Cas, loss of nasal hair came as a shock and at times an embarrasment. How come leg hair grows so rapidly when head hair is so slow!

Kitt, hope you get to have a review and get some reassurances. I was given a lot of free samples of aqua gel and medihoney during mine as I was saying how red and itchy I was and that the E45 didn’t help that much.

Jannie, how are you holding up? Hope you’re in a lot less discomfort now.

Have a good evening girls,

Gill X

Thanks for asking about reviews Lesley. I don’t really have any concerns at the moment so will see how it goes.
So I’m confused about boosters … I’d assumed, since we change rooms for our boosters, that it was a different type of machine but apparently not if Murphy is moving on to Lesley’s regular room for boosters. What is it that’s different about boosters ?
Well Gill, no cute firemen to cheer up your day?? We can live in hope!
Enjoy your evenings.

Hi kittkatt, my mistake, I’ve just checked and my booster sessions are actually in treatment room F and not as I thought in J. So yes, It must be a different machine they use, as this is the same room lah is moving to. My appointments are all 11.12 so we might cross paths lah xxx

Ah right - yes, it’s F for me when booster time comes.

Guess it must be difficult for them to get it right for everyone. On some other threads on this forum some ladies really object to being expected to change in the treatment room. I honestly don’t mind it - the girls are setting up whilst I’m changing so it’s not delaying them and its a time for a bit of a chat which humanises the whole process. As for the modestly bit of tissue - whilst it seemed daft the first couple of times, actually it strangely works . Maybe now that half the western world has seen our boobs we have new standards of modesty! :relaxed:
Hope everyone has a good day today .

Hiya, re changing in the treatment room, I know we have our treatment in the same room kittkatt, and I was told on the first day there is a changing room if I wanted one, but you had to take your robe off and leave it on the chair that we get changed on anyway, so it made no sense. I am a trained midwife and I can assure you, once you’ve seen one persons bits, you’ve seen them all!! Like you say, half of the world has seen our boobs now anyway :slight_smile:

Hi Gill, I guess with so many moving parts of machinery with the bed moving in/out, sideways and up/down, then the gantry revolving around the bed and the radiotherapists having to move in and out of the room several times a session it must be important for them to keep the room as clear as possible. Hopefully your staff will have the skill to put you at your ease. To be honest I even forgot to pick up my piece of paper this morning ! A strange new normal, eh?!
Hope your rads are going well.

Hi lah, I did have a pink hat on. Where did you see me? I always look out for you, even tho I don’t know what you look like :slight_smile:

Had a quick in and out at rads today. Popped into work this afternoon with my sick note and stayed for 2 and half hours. It was so great to see everyone. I cannot wait to get back and think they are looking forward to me coming back too. I’ve a meeting in a couple of weeks time with my boss and hr to discussed my phased return. Canny wait :slight_smile: xx

Hi Ladies

Curious about your tissue paper as  we aren’t given anything like that .Just take off your  robe and climb aboard table to be marked up and radiated.It hasn’t bothered me as, like yourselves, I’ve exposed these boobies to all and sundry for nearly a year now! (whether they wanted me to or not !!! )They must have to take the tissue off you to mark up your breasts for the rads so is it just used for modesty before they do this?

Saw oncologist today and he’s given me some hydrocortisone cream for this poor, pink breast and clavicle. Good news is that after the last one tomorrow I won’t need to see him for a couple of months so no more parking nightmares for a bit! He did say that the side effects of the radiation peak about a week after the treatment stops and to make really sure that the skin is kept thoroughly moisturised.

Hope everyone feeling OK. You Beaston Babes should make a date to meet up and celebrate once you’re all done . I met up this week with one of the ladies on our May chemo thread and it was lovely to chat face to face. 

Have agood evening, Gill x

Ha ha , who wouldn’t want to see those boobies, Gill??!
They just slide the paper down to line up then back up before they leave the room. At least in my case it covers the spare tyre!
Fantastic that you’re finished and still in such good spirit!

Hi Girls,
Hope you are all enjoying a relaxing weekend! Remember it’s RSPB’s big garden birdwatch - great excuse to sit gazing into your garden for an hour whilst being brought coffee & cake.?(pretty sure chickens don’t count but I can’t find any more bird icons).

Hallo Ladies,

Seems I was a bit early with my Burns Night wishes - 2 days in fact!!! Apologies and enjoy your celebrations tonight xx

Hope everyone well and happy. I will be counting the birds this afternoon for the Great British Birdwatch. The cat will be brassed off as she’ll be banned from going out!

Hope you’re all enjoying some sunshine

Best wishes, Gill x