I’m starting radiotherapy next week and having 15 sessions. I wondered how soon do people notice they get side effects especially fatigue.
I finished my radiotherapy on 23/12/24 and the tiredness has just hit me. I had my treatment over 5 days, 26 Grays in total. I saw my oncologist last week and he said I was about to peak, how right he was. I feel drained so taking it easy and resting a lot. During treatment I felt fine other than soreness and itching, Aloe Vera and antihistamine really helped. xx
Two weeks after treatment finished (5 days) I had a weekend where I was completely shattered. Lots of rest and it soon passed. Hope everything goes okay for you. x
I had radiotherapy in May last year. I had fifteen sessions in total. I worked throughout and drove to and from my appointments. I was ok for the first week or so, but after that I had a nap when I got home from work. I think that carried on for a couple of weeks. I didn’t really suffer with any skin problems, though I did get a funny tan. I was moisturising three times a day minimum.
Good luck with your treatment
My experience is that it hits you a bit later on but I never found it overwhelming. I think one of the things is that the tiredness is as much a product of the fact that the sessions come one after the other and for many of us involve considerable amounts of travel. Also, as it often comes after other treatments and is pretty much a walk in the park, compared to chemo and surgery, there’s a sense of disease fatigue. Yes, you will be tired but it really is no big deal as long as you look after yourself
Hello Rosa, wishing you well, with your radiotherapy treatment.
I had 15 rounds, it can be quite tiring, however sometimes they start the treatment midweek, my hospital didn’t carry out treatments at the weekend so you get a couple of days break.
Be kind to yourself, rest if you can, also drink plenty of water and use lots of cream of your choice some are better than other, the nurses will guide you through.
Health and happiness going forward, lots of luck for 2025
well done for getting far
biggest hugs Tili
I had 25 treatments and after the final one, I slept all afternoon. Maybe they gave me an extra zap!
Also worried about fatigue due to the travel involved…it’s a 3 hour round trip for me and I’ve got to drive myself. I’m having 20 sessions…people who have been through it, is this doable? I’m really worried about driving so much if I’m feeling exhausted