Recently diagnosed with BC and terrified...

This is my first time here… Not really sure what to say… I I was diagnosed with BC on 24 November and I still feel like I have been hit by a bus. I have my op on Tuesday afternoon and I am finding it hard to cope with the anxiety…  Although I have family and friends close by I live alone.  My head is thumping and I have aches and pains all over my body, neck, back,  arms…itchy skin… I am sure it’s the anxiety but I am terrified… Can anyone help please? 

Hello AnnCann,

I’m so sorry you find yourself on here but you are in good company. It is utterly shocking to get that news but it’s good that you are going to be treated. You will find the early weeks waiting for test results etc. very hard. We all do but everything will be done to get you better. It is so common to feel all these aches and pains - it is all stress related. As soon as you have a treatment plan you will feel much calmer and you will find that these symptoms will magically disappear. I promise it will get better. I didn’t believe it myself but it’s true. You can come on here and ask anything or say anything - we are all here to help and support you. Try not to worry (although I know you will), you will get through this. Sending you a hug and let us know how you are doing when you feel able.  Best wishes xx Lily

Hi anncann
I was diagnosed with bc on the 4th November and had my op wle sentinel node biopsy and reconstruction last Thursday. .yours is very quick from diagnosis to operation…I’ve been struggling also trying not to think about it to be fair…pop on here anytime there’s plenty of us in the same position

Hi Ann…you’ll be amazed at what you can do when you have to.Glad you’ve got good friends to support you- I love alone too and I know how important that is for me.It doesn’t seem like it now but time will pass and you’ll cope and come out strong.I was diagnosed with bc and then 4 weeks later with kidney cancer too and if I can keep going, anyone can:)Talk as much as you need to, it really helped me.x

Hi Treeze, thank you for your message I felt quite good last night and this morning, now all of a sudden I am wobbly again. all the body pains are returning… so sorry to hear your news… I feel I just need to know what I am up against once I have that information I know what I am fighting then I can soldier on. Also I am planning on having my treatment in a hospital near my family once I am advised what treatment I need I will be referred. My family will be close by and will not need to travel 250 miles to take care of me which they will do if necessary… I am going for my preop assessment this afternoon and op tomorrow. ?

Good luck be thinking about you x

Hi AnnCann,


Good luck and best wishes for tomorrow.


Ladies, been for my pre-op assessment which was fine… decided to go for dinner with my friend afterwards… as soon as the food arrived I started to become anxious and very unsettled… just managed to get home… am now preparing myself for the op tomorrow. Once again many thanks for your support ladies it’s appreciated?Xx

Hi Strudel, the anxiety is crippling me… it’s reassuring your consultant told you that you would be ‘suffering’ with all the aches and pains… but it still happens… what can we do!! Anyway I will be thinking of you tomorrow Strudel… before they knock me out… ?.. and thank you lily for your good wishes… Xx

Dear Ladies, I had my lumpectomy last Tuesday as planned. I am recovering well despite spending 2 nights in hospital. I hope to have a clinic appointment on Thursday this coming week for the results. The anxiety has set in again now that I am recovering from the op… Strudel how did your op go? I hope you are recovering well… I am not sure what happens now… I am still in a daze… my elderly parents are looking after me which is nice to have them around… ?. Hope all you lovely ladies are all doing well. Ann

Thank you Helena. Will do. ?


Hi Anncann - it’s lovely to hear that you are ok.
How are you today?

Sending you big hugs & hope your news is good news on Thursday.

Thanks stru, time seems to stand still at the moment. Had a call from my bcn this morning to say results not back but will be by the end of the day and she will ring me 1st thing tomorrow.

I’m waiting to find out how helpful my OH is going to be lol! Think we might have a weekend of Chinese take away and chips ?

Thank you ladies for your best wishes, support and hugs. Had a bad day today … anxiety again… Strudel: I don’t have any info just yet. I will wait until Thursday. My parents are with me until then. My sister is coming with me to the hospital for the results, expecting the worst hoping for the best. I hope that once I know what I am up against I will come to terms with it and then fight it. Despite my anxiety I am eating and sleeping (strange!). EmilyT: thank you so much for your ?. My op was Tues late afternoon and I booked an amenity bed at the hospital as they were saying they were short of beds… basically a private room with en-suite although you receive NHS care. They decided to keep me in overnight as it was late in the day and my sister stayed with me. Next day my consultant’s team did not like the colour of the blood draining (it was too red) so they kept me in another night. I was glad to get home seem to recover far more quickly at home than I did in hospital… it took a while to get used to the drain but I am ok with it now… think it may come out tomorrow, nurse told me today?. Hope this helps you EmilyT…I will be thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way in Thursday

Silver lady: thank you for your continued support and best wishes…

Good night all xx Ann

My best wishes to you all…

Thank you ladies for your best wishes, support and hugs. Had a bad day today … anxiety again… Strudel: I don’t have any info just yet. I will wait until Thursday. My parents are with me until then. My sister is coming with me to the hospital for the results, expecting the worst hoping for the best. I hope that once I know what I am up against I will come to terms with it and then fight it. Despite my anxiety I am eating and sleeping (strange!). EmilyT: thank you so much for your ?. My op was Tues late afternoon and I booked an amenity bed at the hospital as they were saying they were short of beds… basically a private room with en-suite although you receive NHS care. They decided to keep me in overnight as it was late in the day and my sister stayed with me. Next day my consultant’s team did not like the colour of the blood draining (it was too red) so they kept me in another night. I was glad to get home seem to recover far more quickly at home than I did in hospital… it took a while to get used to the drain but I am ok with it now… think it may come out tomorrow, nurse told me today?. Hope this helps you EmilyT…I will be thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way in Thursday

Silver lady: thank you for your continued support and best wishes…

Good night all xx Ann

My best wishes to you all…

Hello Ann Cann


your results are back quicker than mine - had my op on 2nd December and results will be back for 16th. I know what you mean about anxiety coming back - I was on a high a couple of days post surgery but then came back to earth with a bump. Hope your recovery is going well - my breast seems to be more sore now 10 days on than it was initially, but whether that’s because I’m doing more I don’t know.


Em - my husband has never really cooked but I’ve just let him get on with it - my appetite has really gone and he keeps asking what I fancy and I don’t really fancy anything!  He did a good casserole last week with only a little instruction, and he does a good poached egg on toast!


Jane x

Hi All,
Sorry about the repeat message. Lol. Not sure what happened there.

Jane, I am so pleased with the speed of my treatment so far… my consultant has been amazing. I was diagnosed in 24th Nov and operated on 5th Dec with a couple of changes and clinic appointments in between. I have heard that some can wait up to a month from diagnosis to op… my boob not too bad but still on the pain killers. I also was on a high after the op feeling very calm… hope all you ladies are well… ANN xx

Thank you Helena xx

Hang on in there EmilyT. ?

Emily T, hope all went well with your op last week. I got the results of my op 17 lymph node removed only ONE was positive. I am pleased but still worrying about that one… CT scan planned for this Friday so anxiety up again and seeing the oncologist in 29th Dec… hope all you supportive ladies out there are doing good and looking forward to Christmas. ??. Hugs