Recently diagnosed

Morning all and sorry to see you here Sam x however as the others have said this site really helps (my new Facebook) good luck with everything and feel free to rant cry laugh etc as you need to x we get it ? xx

Hi Sam,
Obviously you wouldn’t want to be here, but glad you found us, you’re not alone here. As Wf says, there are others who are a similar age to you & loads of support from everyone else here.
Do come & chat or vent whenever you need to & when you start treatment, do look at the going through treatment board where you will be able to chat & get support with others at the stage you’re at.
The main BCC site has lots of useful information on everything to do with this & there is also the helpline if you need to talk things through.
Sending hugs
ann x

I’m actually ok about the diagnosis now as I went through a lot of anxiety in the past 3weeks due to the unknown ( which is a horrible waiting game ) I’ve got my head around it! They will make me better and I will live my life ,it’s the chemo that’s worrying me? I don’t want to lose my hair x

Yes they said lump removed and lymph node as 1 is affected then 18weeks of chemo,do the wigs look stupid or do that actually look like ur own hair? I’ve got some eyelashes and I will draw on my brows x

Sam I love my wigs doing brave the shave 9th October before I start chemo I made sure I went to a wig shop specialising in hair loss rather than just s shop that sells wigs. Private consultant andbin s private room plus good after care. They said wig will fit differ once my hair is gone so they will change them/cut them if I need it and all part of the package xx

We’re are they based? X

I went to one in Birmingham but lots of specialist places where are you? X

Blackburn I’m sure my nurse mentioned a place in Blackpool but yesterday was a bit of a blur with what’s happened,can I ask as I’m abit worried ? I’ve to wait 4 weeks for my op then chemo after,could this not spread before then? I’m such a panic again! I woke up fine but think the anxiety is kicking in again xx

I was diagnosed on 21st June and my 1st surgery was 8 th August because I chose to go ahead with my holiday that I had already booked my consultant assured me that a few weeks would not be detrimental to my health x it is natural for us to worry and some days will be harder than others x but concentrate on getting through 1 day at s time x everyday I try and find just 2 thing to laugh/smile about as my general gp told me laughter is a fantastic medicine x ??? big hugs to you xx

SueW Thankyou for putting my mind at rest and helping through this,I can be happy ? and try and forget for the sake of my daughter ( 15 ) and partner,but then I find myself sat there thinking the worse for a few moments,yes my life has changed in the space of a few weeks,will I ever get that life back? Xx

Everything you are thinking is ‘normal’ but after diagnosis we have a new kind of normal and believe me I still have bad days as well as good this weekend happens to be good but come Wednesday before s surgery Thursday I am likely to be extremely anxious. I have bought my wigs and I am doing brave the shave as I am determined to take a little bit of control back. Chemo will make me lose my hair but I am losing it on my terms if that makes sense? I am sure nothing will ever be quite the same again however after reading all the positive posts from other people we can move on and come out the other side xxx

Butterfly ? would you post a photo of you in your wig if you feel comfortable in doing so I am just mega nosey and like to put faces and names together x if you not comfort doing so don’t worry. On Monday I am having my last real haircut and I shall post a pic I am going much shorter and having colours too ?Xx I will post a wig pic too when me and my sister do the shave x she is doing it in support or me and has over £350 in sponsorship xx

Thanks to you both,good luck with your surgery,I’m going to focus on our family holiday next July x

I’m going to look for a wig in the next few weeks,I’m going to try the cold cap to incase it saves my hair x

Looks fab butterflyflyfree x

That looks really good thank you for sharing xxx

It does help doesn’t it Jen ? X

Hi Sam.
I am 41 diagnosed on Aug 8th with grade 3 IDC with lymph node involvement. I am having chemo before surgery. Waiting on a start date. Got a ct scan on Monday. X

Hi happygolucky208 I’ve had no ct scan I’m booked in for op 2nd October then chemo? Not sure why I’m not having any more tests x

I want a wig with some colour my hospital don’t issue wig vouchers but have a wig lady comebin so I am hoping when I meet her I can get something suitable to go alongside my ‘sensible’ wigs xc