Recently diagnosed

I am sure she can ? Will wait for my free wig to try it on lol x

Morning,having a bad hour again ? As I’m booked in for op 2nd October and every1 seems to be having tests? Scans done before hand but my surgeon hasn’t mentioned any of this to me? I’m sure he should do it now and after what if it gets worse? Feeling scared again xx

Sam big breath Hun I had my first op on 8th August they thought no lymph node involvement BUT cancer in 4 of the 5 lymph nodes removed hence needing a 2nd op which is 7 th September for lymph node clearance I have had to have the ct scan to check if cancer has spread. Please try not to panic and get hung up on your order of things different authorities and consultants may work differently but try and remember we are all unique and our cancers are all different hence individual treatment plans. Originally I was just rads but will now be chemo then rads x I wish I could wave a magic wand and make you, me and everyone else less anxious but human nature makes us panic x big big hugs to you x

Sam I didn’t have any scans but they do like to spring things on you -letter through post for scan etc .You could ring up breast nurse and ask about it ?

Thanks I have 1 lymph node cancer they are removing that when they remove the lump,it’s under my arm x

Honestly Sam you need to trust they know what they are doing some ladies will have lumps or cells removed and never need scans or additional treatments if their bc is not invasive xx keep talking to us x

They all seem to do things in a slightly different order .

Thanks just having a bad day today,due to some idiotic person asking if I was dying last night ( due to having cancer ) so that’s playing on my mind to xx

Blooming heck what a ridiculous comment to make !!!

You are bound to have good and bad days Sam - it will get easier .

Sam no wonder you are upset x was this someone you know well if so you don’t need that kind of negativity right now and if possible ditch their insensitive @ss x

Yes you may find you have to ditch some less than helpful “friends” during this .

Yes someone I knew,I will beat this it’s going to be a hard few months but I’ll do it xx

Well I would definitely keep them at a distance -very insensitive person .Do you know what treatment you are having Sam?

I’m having lump and 1 lymph node removed on the 2nd October and then 18weeks of chemo that’s all I no,and it’s stage 3 x

Sam I am under no illusion that anyone’s battle is easy however we can support each other and listen to each other’s moans and highs as well as lows and fight with everything we got xx

Sam also my gp said the BIG C has been downgraded to a c because of medical advances x

Thanks everyone for putting my mind at rest,it was such a horrible thing to say,I’m going to ring my nurse tomorrow and find out more info as I’ve seen people say they have HER2 I’ve no idea what that is lol,all I no is I have cancer lump in breast and 1 affected lymph node x

Sam they don’t always know if your cancer is HER2 positive til after surgery it is a kind of protein in the tumour .As you are already having chemo the only difference is that it would mean having another medication called Herceptin over about a year to help stop it coming back .It is hard to take it all in at first .Its like a different language !!

I had a lump and one cancerous lymph nodes taken away too. I start chemo tomorrow but I haven’t had any scans.
I’m sure if you needed one they would tell you. You need to trust what your BC team are advising you. Alternatively why not ring your consultants secretary of BC team and tell them your worries?xx