Well,i had a left mastectomy in Sept. 2009, was fitted with a tissue expander at the same time. This was replaced in June 2010 with a permanent implant.
In March this year, i went to have the nipple reconstructed, got to the table and says surgeon says skin is too thin, the implant will burst! So he doesn’t perform the procedure.
I am referred to the plastic surgeon at another hospital and he then tells me that the skin is about to break on the reconstructed side, as it has been stretched so much, the implant must come out, the scar is in the wrong place (it sits at the side of my ‘breast’, it is wrongly positioned and the uplift that was done on the other side is also badly done!
Now i face further surgery to sort out the mess…
My file is being transferred to the new hospital and i am seeing the new plastic surgeon in 6 weeks.
I want to take action against the hospital…how do i do this?
You may have a clinical negligence claim. You may not, they can be hard to prove. First, you’ll have to see a decent solicitor. If you are in a trade union then go via them as you will get it free and they will have good firms that they will send you too. If not, research a decent firm and ask for a free initial interview with a clinical negligence specialist. Pm me for details if you want. In the meantime, take some photos now of the surgery as it is and start writing down everything you have gone through to date with the failed reconstruction as its easier to remember things when they are fresh in your mind. What checks have you had, who by, how frequent, did they never spot the problems? Have you suffered pain or discomfort, when and how much? Was you warned about these possible problems at the outset? Etc etc etc
Clinical negligence claims can be very stressful, you might prefer to go down the complaint route at your hospital maybe? You have 3 years from your date of knowledge that they were negligent to start your claim at court, but best act sooner rather than later.
Dont worried! The World is wide! Me did my mastectomy in other country and reconstruction also will do in Latvia. My surgerist can to do everything - mastecomy, lympectomy, and all reconstruction (from-to)
I think if you use gowerment favours surgerist can to decide just between few kinds of implants.So it is not many implants kinds! I went to Latvia for 20 pounds by Ryanair (from Stansted), did my surgery for 200 pounds and will do my reconstruction for 2000 pounds(espanders and implant). My doctor studyed in Manchester, but working in Latvia (Baltic Republics)I am keeping with him contact VIA internet.In Germany is more expensive 4000 pounds.
I just wanted to say that the our state does not usually cover the best of implants and once the problem is neither the hospital nor the doctor nor the patient. So I am looking for a country in which it can be done cheap and good quality, but not for free.
This is just my opinion. Not suffer from the nervous system also. If you want you can spend your time, energy and money in this procedure.
May be need to do this.
I am sorry,i still do not understand what point you are trying to make.
I need all my recon re-done, having had surgery already - very traumatic for me!
Dear Naz so sorry to hear your story.
I can’t imagine how upset and resentful you must feel…
I’ve not had reconstruction since my mx as it is a truly huge decision to make…
I really do feel for you.
Sending you a very tight hug. You must be so devastated.
Really hope you find the strength to fight your corner!
Good luck with your new p.s. Do hope your new hospital treats you well and can understand your plight.
Following on from what Tors said earlier about getting legal advice from a solicitor another option might be to do it through your house insurance legal cover. Most house insurance policies include it and it isn’t limited to legal matters related to the house - so check your policy, assuming you’ve got one!
I am so sorry to hear about this after all you have been through. It’s appalling and I am so sad to hear of yet another woman for whom reconstruction has gone wrong. I too have had this happen, short story: mx and LD with implant recon Autumn 2008, muscle would not settle so had twitching, jumping and painful implant. Eventually, managed to get referred for revision in Feb 10, despite the best efforts of the BCN and the Surgeon who did it to encourage me to live with it, sent me to a pschologist who completely missed the point.The PS was able to sever nerves to make it settle - cosmetically it is a big disappointment as the repeated surgeries (had WLE as well) have left the skin in poor condition. If I knew what I know now I would never have agreed to mx.
You sound like the recon is really important for you - I think you probably need to focus all your energy on getting the right kind of recon for you - maybe put your energy into exploring what that might be. with regards to a legal case, solicitors etc - my friend has had a case ongoing for years as she was severely disabled by a botched recon and I suspect Zigzab is trying to say do not underestimate the emotional turmoil of a legal case.
Finally, nearly three years on the recon started in 2008 is still not finished although the end is finally in sight now. The fact it takes so long in itself takes a toll, I am sick of feeling half finished so I have just called it a day although it is not very breast like (dents,odd shape, scars etc)despite the PS’s best efforts. I feel like those people in DIY programmes who run out of energy to finish their houses so they live with falling down walls - would never have thought I could be like this! I guess what I am saying is you only have so much energy and you need to figure what will give you most reward - sounds like getting the best cosmetic job needs to be your priority.
Zibzab,sorry if i came across a bit stroppy in my last post, i guess i am very bitter and angry at the moment.
Cheshire cheese, yes i am looking at the household insurance and legal cover, i think we are covered, which is something isn’t it…
Thanks Welshgirl for your supportive comment, they do mean alot at a time like this i can tell you! xx
Jane, it’s a nightmare ! I cannot believe that this has happened to me to be honest. I went through two general anaesthetics last year for nothing! Not to mention the emotional trauma and physical pain recovering from the ops.
The sheer thought of even having blood taken,turns my insides, as my veins are so fine and feeble now!
I am also very sorry to hear that you have had a bad time of it too…it is indeed very draining on the mind and body.
Having a good cosmetic result is very important to me, as i struggle to deal with the loss of breast, it has really affected the way i feel about my body now.
It is hard Jane and i feel for you, i really do…xx
I need to gather energy to sort this now,so here goes!
Dear Jane and Naz,
I hope your stories can provide some ‘comfort’ to both of you as this whole nightmare you’re going through must be so isolating!
Knowing other women can have a positive experience of reconstruction must destroy you both!!!
You don’t want to feel so angry but I can well understand why you must want to ask, ‘Why me?’
I really do hope you find the energy to continue this fight either through legal or medical routes (or both!) You both deserve to have a positive outcome from this nightmare. I hope your medical team can offer you realistic support and counselling.
Thanks Welshgirl, I so hope it will all be sorted out too, as mentally, it is very draining to deal with afer everything that has happened over the last 18 months or so.
Naz, think you are wise to focus on the most important thing and work towards getting that sorted first. I hope the PS gives you a result which at least you can live with or even better feel good about! word of caution though - try to do some research on the PS as there is a variation of skills even among experienced PS.And use that energy to advocate for a good result - pour it into being assertive! I find that families can tire a bit of all the surgery, drugs, campaigns when they drag on and support sometimes vanishes so you need to focus honey.
Welshgirl - you are a sweetie! But don’t worry, I don’t feel bad when other people get a good result, I am genuinely thrilled for them. When I meet someone who says she is pleased with the result I am delighted as let’s hope this becomes reality for more women after mx. I am not so bad now - faith in doctors and medical types still nil but this recon is still for me better than the alternative of nothing there, though I respect everyone who feels they don’t want or need recon. I get by, reminding myself that I agreed to all this, I signed that consent form so I only have myself to blame.
You are so right, i do need to focus this year, and i will definitely be doing my research, as i am not consenting to anything that i have little knowledge about.
I think that most people other than my immediate family are already tired of me and what has happened to be honest. No-one really undertands what it is to go through this, how could they, unless they have experienced it themselves, but i am quite shocked yet again, at the lack of empathy people have at the moment, they could not give a damm! Few people have taken the trouble to ask how i am or how i am feeling, it disgusts me to be honest.
You are not to blame for all that has happened Jane, people have let you down, people who should have been able to give you a good result!
Feeling totally fed up at the moment!
Just feel that NO-ONE cares about how i feel regarding this mess of a recon that i have had.
What is it with people, they seem to have had an empathy by-pass!
Going to draft my letter of complaint to the hospital next week…phase one!
Sorry to hear you are feeling like this, have you given the helpline here a ring? If not, give them a call when they’re open again on Tuesday and have a chat about your situation, it may help.
I have written and sent my letter of complaint to the hospital. It has been received and it will now be forwarded to the relevant department.
Just waiting for the paper work from the house insurance now, as we have legal cover. There may or may not be a case, who knows until the solicitor has had all the info.!