Been to GP again today. Been referred to clinic as one breast “feels” different to the other. Can’t explain how it feels I just have a sensation that it’s there. No lump though and it hurts. Not got appt until 6th may which is 3 weeks away. Feel sick with worry.
I feel the same. It’s 2 wks since I saw my GP and I still have another 2 wks until I go to the clinic. It’s awful, the waiting is exhausting x
Does anyone know if you can go to magnolia centre in York privately.
Ring the centre.and ask chuck. They will be able to tell you for certain. You will still need a referral from your doctor though and if this has already been sent it could end up being longer if you now try and go privately. I went to the magnolia centre. It was 19 days from my gp visit to my appointment date. The waiting is horrendous and I can totally get where you are coming from wanting to go private to speed things up.
I considered going private but was put off when I read another forum members comment saying that if you needed treatment via NHS then you’d still have to wait. You’d just know a lot sooner. It’s a double edged sword. It’s 2 weeks since I saw my GP and it’ll be another 2 weeks before my appointment at the Magnolia centre. The waiting is horrendous x
Ring them daily to see if they have any cancellations. That may be the only option.
I agree the waiting is awful. I lost 11.5lb in 2 weeks.
Good luck to all. I know how scared you all are and wish there was something i could do or say to help you feel better.
1 bit of advice would be to stay away from Google. I scared myself senseless by reading things on there. Out of date info and some things that are just plain wrong. If you need any advice or reassurance use the bc helpline. xxx
I have private health and have spoken to them. They are ringing me tomorrow. Can’t believe how busy the magnolia centre is. Shocking really.
I have rung them and they’ve put my mind a little bit at rest. The main symptom I have is pain, no swelling or lumps just pain. That is not usually a sign of BC but still panicking - you only to read some of the stories on here.
I rang on Monday but they had no cancellations. I was told that any that do come up are offered to newly referred patients x
I feel like I’m being pathetic. I am sooo scared - just keep bursting into tears.
Hello jh16 you are no way being silly I don’t know how many times I have burst into tears I’m sending you big hugs xx I have my appointment tomorrow I am so scared too so I know how u feel I have been having armpit pain and shoulder blade pain and i found a little lump in left breast xxx
Thanks everybody. It’s horrendous. Haven’t eaten all day. It’s the best diet ever. I keep prodding and poking the area and still can’t feel a lump. My husband says that’s probably why it hurts so much. Just spoken to my sister who had similar pain and actually had a lump and hers was all innocent. But feel no better.
I keep prodding to I’m driving family crazy try and keep your chin up easier said I know xx
Think I’m driving my family mad too. Have health anxiety issues anyway so this is really not helping.
Good luck for tomorrow sweet pea x
Thank you xxx
Have used husbands private health and managed to get an appointment on Thursday which is only a week away. Good job as never slept last night and can’t eat.
Good luck to you too ??
Wish I could stop prodding and poking the area that aches. Am sure I am making it 100 times worse. Thursday cannot come quick enough
Hi jh 16
you just can’t keep your hands off can you? I didn’t have a lump, two doctors tried to find it and couldn’t but that didn’t stop me trying. It’s like trying to get a child to stop scratching a spot…
you need mittens until thursday.
good luck and take care