Secondary Live Chat


Just a reminder that secondary live chat is now open and will be until 9.30.

Please do come a long and chat with others.

Sam, Facilitator

Hello everyone

Just a little reminder that this weeks secondary livechat is on tonight instead of tomorrow night.  The time is the same, 8.30 - 9.30.p.m.

Here is the link, hope you can join us

best wishes


Hi Sue

Yes Secondary Live Chat is on tonight instead of tomorrow 8.30-9.30

Take care
Lucy BCC

Hi Bev

Don’t worry, I forgot day too and asked for help from LC team so it’s not just you!!
Any problems logging in tomorrow do let us know

Take care
Lucy BCC

Hi I am trying to log in to live chat but keep getting a message saying unrecognizable login or password but I know theyre correct.
Bev x

It says my username and password are already taken…that ive already registered x

Still cant join :frowning:

Ive done that as well thanks Julie. Looks like I’ll miss out again this week ! Xx

Still trying…still telling me I am already registered ! But still cant login x

Thank you Sam x

Oh no…a repeat of last week. Wont let me login to live chat again. Says wrong details and when I try to register again it says my details already exist!! Can’t win :frowning:

Hi chocolates

Sorry Helen would have meant to say Tuesday! The general one is held Thursday so sure she has just got slightly muddled

Best wishes
Lucy BCC

Thanks Helen…I’m being cautiously optimistic for next tuesday lol! x

Sorry I cant join tonight…I normally use my daughter’s laptop but she’s gone out and not given me password to unlock it! Cant access on my Samsung tablet ?

Hi dawn
Here’s the info about the live chat sessions to clarify:

Our current programme
General breast cancer discussion: Join us weekly 8.30 - 9.30pm on Thursdays. This session is for anyone with a diagnosis of breast cancer but it is mostly used by people with a diagnosis of primary breast cancer.

This session is only open to people with a diagnosis of breast cancer. If you are worried you might have breast cancer but don’t have a diagnosis, please call our helpline or use our forums for support instead. Anyone who doesn’t have a breast cancer diagnosis will be asked to leave the session by the facilitators.

Secondary breast cancer Live Chat: Join us weekly 8.30-9.30pm on Tuesdays. This session is only open to people with a diagnosis of secondary breast cancer, that is when the cancer has spread to another part of the body. Anyone who doesn’t have secondary breast cancer will be asked to leave the session by the facilitators.

Best wishes
Lucy BCC

I just hope they get it sorted before I die!

Hi catlady
Sorry, not set up to use iPads as yet, we will inform you as soon as this becomes possible

Best wishes
Lucy BCC

Hi I intend to post every week until I die asking the same question!!! Also can bcc in the spirit of transparency to your users/finders tell us on what date did you start to address the tablet issue? I don’t actually believe you’re doing anything to address this as I have no evidence or reassurance such as a date you are aiming for? I hope none of you are ever in my incuravle position and waiting on the countries biggest breast cancer charity to address the issue. Ethel

Dear All

We do acknowledge the frustration everyone feels about not being able to access any of the live chat services via mobile devices, we too feel that frustration.

With regards to transparency, it is not always an easy balance to make. I feel sure that you don’t want to hear of the daily challenges we face with balancing multiple projects, budget availability, staffing issues etc, but all of these do have an adverse effect on what we can achieve in any time frame. We have been spending the last 6 months investigating and trying different live chat systems that support mobile devices and have found very few that fit all the requirements we have, specifically that of confidentiality. We feel that we have possibly found a system that may be suitable as an interim measure and are at the moment carrying out testing. We have not issued any dates as to when it will be launched as until we are sure that it works safely and securely we do not wish to raise any false hopes or expectations.

Again, we acknowledge and echo your frustration and can only assure you that we are working diligently behind the scenes.

Best wishes


Hi what’s the news on iPads and tablet access? Oh let me guess??? Nothing doing. I’m going to be dead before you invest in it ! Ethel