Hi I am starting radiotherapy on 1st sept would be nice to hear from anyone going through this at the same time help support and share advise good luck to everyone Jackie xx
Hi Jackie. I’m starting on 12th September. Still suffering from last chemo
This is so hard isn’t it. Regards Mel x
Hi Jackie, hoping I might join your sept rads but might end up Nov. Not sure yet. See tomor.
Sue x
Still hoping to get going and hoping at least by the end of Sept xx
Hi guys. I’m starting on the 13th September. So decided to go on a last minute family holiday before it starts. Good luck to everyone. Really can’t wait for all this crap to be over xx
I have my verification/oncology appointment next week and, all being well, am set to start radiotherapy on Sept 5th x Had a clear week with no treatment or appointments and it has been so good to be ‘normal’, even went back to yoga x hope everyone is doing ok x will be on here during radiotherapy as you are all brilliant at support
Welcome to everyone lets all help support each other through this hopefully last hurdle good luck everyone Jackie x
Hi, glad you’ve got your start date. Not sure when mine will b yet. You mentioned yoga. I am going to hopefully start swimming a bit soon as I’ve missed chilling out at the pool. Also thought of trying a session of reiki. Like you say, it’s nice to have a bit of normality again. Sue x
Hi all I have my planning appt 7th September with follow up 19th and first treatment 20th. On day 11 post final chemo so looking forward to my good week and no more side effects. Too be fair compared to some I got through chemo relatively lightly. Hoping radiotherapy goes to plan and I can start looking forward. I have worked from home during chemo and am returning to the office on Tuesday which I am really looking forward to. I cold capped throughout FEC T and retained enough hair to not need a wig. My thinning bits are starting to grow back albeit I have eyelashes and sparse brows. My lovely hairdresser cut my hair today so it looks tidier still dry and brittle from treatment. I use hair fibres to fill in the thinning bits. Hope Rads is kind to everyone . Hi Helly we meet again . Lou x
I’m starting tomorrow morning eeek
Good luck tomorrow Pluckducky ,it’s over in minutes ,just gets a bit boring and tiring after 3/4 weeks .
Thanks x been offered some spa treatments after my rads so actually looking forward to that
Thanks everyone xx had a terrible night, I’m normally a stress free kinda gal, but couldn’t sleep at all last night. Had rads at 8:30 so first session all done now feels a bit weird like you’re in a photocopier or something but otherwise fine. Good luck to anyone else starting xx
Sue, at this rate we can set up our own thread! Xx
Fingers crossed meds will kick in quick and you’re soon on the mend. Xx
First week nearly over. It’s been absolutely fine. Place where I’m getting my treatment offers spa treatments so have had a couple of massages too which is lovely . Hope you’re on the mend Kary.
Well first session of rads over with don’t know why I was so worried !!it was absolutely fine nurses explained what would happen and if I had any questions I didn’t feel anything only issue I had was holding my breath for 20 seconds at a time which is quite hard but should get easier the more I do it no side effects but I am prepared thanks to the advise on this forum thanks everyone more of the same tomorrow.
pluckyducky well done and the spa treatments sound heavenly where are you I think I will move to your area so I can have some.
Kary hope swelling gone down and you are feeling better so you can still go for planning on 8th
Sue any news of your start date??
Best wishes to everyone lets keep fighting by sticking together Jackie xx
Hi Jacks. Yeahhhhhh first one done glad it was OK for you. I wasn’t told to hold my breath. Are we supposed to? I finished first week of rads today ? I’m in Scotland and being treated at the Lanarkshire Beatson. Three spa treatments this week after my rads, two booked for next week and two for week after. It’s a great service they offer I go home so relaxed. Enjoy your weekend xx
Day 2 rads over with again don’t feel any different no probs whatsoever hurray hope it carries on like this. I had to hold my breath as I had surgery on left breast so radiotherapy can be close to heart so have to hold breath so chest rises and lifts away from heart it’s quite easy once you practice.pluckyducky how are you feeling?wish Ilived in Scotland so I could join you for spa sounds great have a good weekend everyone Jackie x
I’m a left boob too. Must ask about the holding breath thing on Monday or just do it! Hope you’re all having a good weekend x