Good morning ladies
I can see now our posts are very similar! We are jelping others when we need suppirt ourselves and we really do need to concentrate on ME!!! Ive always wondered whether extra stress does trigger things off yet how do we avoid everyday people and life? We cannot live in a bubble. I just find when I hear bad news or see an argument etc my heart beats faster and then I need to do breathing exercises.
I aslso get etchy when people say stupid things to me, which I posted under a different thread!
This week it was ’ Has Chemo stunted your growth?’ from a stupid idiotic woman ’ Then to say’ Its great to see someone smaller than me!’ Omg, I said ’ Can you say something nice??’ She was a customer but clearly putting me down or simply no fecking sense!!!
Yesterday I had a toffee apple and I have a sore at rhe corner of my mouth, so I cut the apple up! My cousin said’ That defeats the object!’ So I replied, well would you rather my sore open up again for the sake of biting into it?’ Although shes got a heart of gold my cuz does say some of the most stupid things sometimes!
Then the woman at the cancer care centre telling me to take my hat off Erm, I would if I could but I wasnt confident at the time. She was a volunteer and you would expect her to know that there is a reason I am wearing a hat!!!
I got a call on my mobile from a call centre and they said ‘I hear you have had a car accident’ Im sorry but in the past I just put the phone down and blkcked but this time I said ‘No, but you will be soon if thats how you try to geberate business’ I know shes trained to say that by her boss, but then they should learn to use another opening line!!!
But, I have also found that by mentioning my condition it has helped me in certain situations e.g Vodafone rang me to say I have subscribed for something and gone over. I havent and I dont so I asked him to look at my history and also tjis happened at my diagnosis so I may have pressed on something…he got it all credited! I just tell people Im chemo brsined and they do sympatjise…but its true! Appatently this Docetaxol can give you loss of memory for a shjrt while but I also think its because our minds have been taken over by thhs BC and treatment.
I have a MacMillan book ’ Talking with someone who has cancet’ Even though Im the patient it might make me a bit more tolerant and patient, how I was before all of this!!!
Whether it be mum, man, friends, customers, family, they will all say things without meaning any harm but it really rubs me up and then we have to react without trying to being too harsh on them! Its difficult!
Cathysid, regards the mistake, similar to my vodafone one but we are chemo dazed, what can we do? Persevere my love, 2 more to go.xx
Shi, diprobase ointment emollient has done wonders for my scars and the GP will give you a large tub which you can rub all over your body like a moisturise…and you get it on prescription.x
What a good man! Just be you! I only dsacked mine because he was too weak for me and decided he had depression so I need to be aeay from that. Hope bloods ok today for treatment.xx
Get them tears out and I think you are right, stip waiting for the SEs! Try to carry on but right now I do need to rest. 3 nigjts of crsppy sleep from steroids.xx
Chas n Dave
Too right, we do need our own space and people should understand this, especially immediate family. We need to deal with this in our own way, nobody elses! The longer my journey, the more harder and selfish I have become.xx
How are you? Ive had first GCSF inj for tjis cycle and then stsrted Herceptin on Tuesday. Along with bloids I think we all have pur fair shsir of needles, not forgetting cannula! I went shopping yesterday but realised I had notjing to buy. Usually Id be out Christmas shopping and clothes shopping but really not feeling it, just a few cards. My last chemo will be on the 19th December, so will be shattered but that will be the only prezzie I want this year andthen 4 werks til op.xx
Even though its difficult, we do need to be grateful that we can be mended and count our blessings that its been found. It will now be at the back of our minds forever but its here, so we must do our best to deal with it and find ways to make our lives as smooth and easy as possible…and ME time.xx
How are you today apart from getting pampered?
I woke up at 2.30am from 11pm am then went to sleep at 6am to 9.30am. Now chilling with TV watching GP behind closed doors…of all TV!!!xx
Mrs Meow
Wow, Everest! Amazing! I always admire those who do tjis! I never had that kind of courage! Bot of a wuss! Prison names sounds about right! I feel I am at the moment as confined to what I usually do! For someone who is on the go all of the time it really is a change…but Im kind of enjoyng it and have an excuse for saying no!!!xx
Right ladies, time to take injection out of the fridge!
Have Aunt Sally cheeks but temp ok! Just ordered 10kg of Epsom Salts off Amazon £11.99, will arrive in 4 days but still have my 1kg Magnesia flakes at £10???(was in need) to use up. I reckon I will have a soak every day to ease the aches and pains from injections and Docetaxel! Can feel aches in legs already! Then Im going to do some Chi Gung breathing exercises and hopefully nap afterwards.
Lots of