September 2018 Radiotherapy

Sorry pressed post too quickly… I shall remember that bit too !! ?

First radio today!
There’s definitely an art to the breath hold…I thought I’d cracked it at home, only to discover on the machine that I naturally arch my back when breathing in :slight_smile:
A pain free experience, but surprised to be a bit pink and sore after the first session.
Does chemo make skin more sensitive?

Sarah x

Good luck to everyone starting this week ?you all get through without too much discomfort. 

My Herceptin injection was fine and I had a lovely busy weekend away in Oxford - no time to think about treatments so feel quite refreshed. Taking the opportunity of the rest of the week free to do lunch/coffee/dinner with friends and family before starting rads next Monday. I am taking note of all the tips to help me. 

Have a good week everyone x

Hi everyone I had my planning appointment last Thursday and have just received a letter with my first appointment for radiotherapy which is September 26th, I’m lucky in that I’ve not needed Chemo, I’m just looking forward to getting my life back I seem to have been in limbo since I was diagnosed in June but reading about everyone’s experiences on here has been such a big help to me
Sue x

Hi Sue. Knowing the treatment is arranged is quite empowering…

Anxious Sole - nearly there. 2 more sleeps !!! We can do this ?

Anxious sole- ???. I am caught up now too… must find something else to binge watch xx

Anxious sole … good shout ! I will force myself ??

Gosh I hate radiotherapy. Just had session 6 of 15 and cried while strapped down for the 3rd time. I never expected to feel so vulnerable. I’ve had 8 rounds of chemo and a diep reconstruction and I’ve nanaged those really well. This is totally knocking me !

Hi TMede08 I have been told I don’t need hormone therapy, hope all goes well at your planning appointment
Sue x

Hi Anxious-soul, good luck starting your treatment today
Due x

Hi Aliand so sorry you are having such a bad time with the radiotherapy, I’m not sure what to expect everyone keeps telling me it will be a walk in the park it’s only 10 minutes treatment a day but these are people who haven’t actually gone through it, it’s a 40/45 minute drive each way and I’ve been told I could drive myself because at my age (55) I will feel fine after it so any worries I’m having about it all I have kept to myself because I don’t want anyone thinking I’m making a fuss about nothing!!
Sue x

Hi Sue, I’m not feeling affected by tiredness. I’m not sleeping well anyone as I’ve got quite severe carpel tunnel syndrome at the moment. But the radio isn’t affecting it. I’ve only a 30 min drive each way. I don’t think anyone knows how you will feel until it happens
I think sometimes friends who’ve not been there tell us it will be fine and we are doing great because that’s what they want to believe. Very few people really want to know how crap this all is. I hope you find it much easier than me. I find being undressed one of the hardest things. It may not be a big issue to you xxx

Hi sue and Alliand Sorry your are feeling it a bit and are anxious of your rads. Remember it is the last bit of this journey we didn’t choose to be on and as Helena says it is the bib and braces part and making sure all is cleared and zapped. If you are feeling vulnerable during your treatment do speak to your team on how you are feeling. If all goes well you can be in and out in 15/20 mins but this all depends on how the machines are behaving in the day. I drove myself most days. Just take a drink with you. The biggest problem I had was parking and had to be there a good 45 mins prior to app just to park. Seems to be a hospital thing. As you say we are all different and react in different ways but the rads for me were a breeze. It was afterwards for me and others. Take a look in our thread first few weeks after rads as there is some interesting reading i there that might just help you both. You will get there ladies and the light is at the end of the tunnel. Take care both.

Hi Alland. Coffee shop sanity indeed !! I often sit and look around and try to second guess why everyone is there… a bit of conspiracy theorising or storytelling takes my mind off everything else for a few moments at least … I call it cake contemplation !!! Keep going your doing great ?

Hi, I have recently finished 23 sessions of radiotherapy and had no problems, other than slightly swollen and pink. A week later and it is very sore around the nipple and the scar area where I had lymph nodes removed. I have been using organic coconut oil all the way through but it’s not bringing me any relief. Does anyone have any advice on what to use, thank you 

Hello. Friends have used AVEENO cream through various types of radiotherapy with really good results - might be worth a try.

I start tomorrow so have been using it all this week

Hope you get relief soon

Anxious sole. Tomorrow ?. Will be thinking about you xx

Wombat Woo & Anxious Sole - good luck tomorrow, I’ll be thinking of you.

Klondu I’m using Aveeno and washing with an organic bar of soap (purchased in boots) from ‘the little soap company’ and I’ve no skin side effects, yet, after 12 sessions. I’ve used no deodorant on the affected side. It might be worth calling the helpline for advice too.

Maggie x

Good luck tomorrow Wombat Woo and Anxious Soul xx

Aliand must be tough for you thinking about your son going away as well as going through rads - sending you big hugs ?- hope you manage to get through it OK. 

Im starting next Monday - I’m not too nervous atm, although people do keep telling me this is the easy part - I’m hoping they are right but I think you have to wait and see how you feel - just because the process is straightforward doesnt mean it doesn’t affect you. 


Aliand. Hope you are okay totally understand your comments about wanting to get out as quickly as possible. Are you having your treatment at Fazakerley?. I finished my Rads there 3 weeks ago. It’s up and down this journey but you will soon be at the end of this part of treatment and it’s another milestone to tick off the list. We have a thread called first weeks after ringing that bell. It might help you to take a look at the comments on there as we have all been on the same road as you. Sending you best wishes and hugs Chris.