Hi @plum1 , must be a huge relief knowing you’ve finished the EC sessions. Sorry your’e having to have monthly injections. Can’t even imagine what this must be like .big hugs to you for getting it done xxx I know what you mean about family help. Sometimes feels like we are helping them to help if that makes sense! Good for you managing the cold cap for so long . I wish I had given it a go , as I was on a Look Good Feel Good course recently that said cold capping can help with the regrowth. So even if you lose a lot of hair , it should benefit you in the longer term , so fingers crossed
In terms of food and taste @annemanc , I use a lot of Sweet Chilli Dipping Sauce, elevates most things to ok status I’m sure I won’t be ever able to look at it once finished chemo! xxx
I find herbal/fruit teas good but you have to try a few to find what you like. Also fresh lemon, ginger and honey in hot water.
I find citrus drinks better than anything fruity they all taste sickly.
Also find I crave crisp especially salty or chilli flavours. In a cancer care package got a packet of herbs and chilli oil and that helps perk up the flavour of some foods.
Also still in hospital, temp is down and finished iv antibiotics now on anti virals as have the biggest cold sore that has now spread. I told the straightaway but they said wait and see, you need to treat cold sore as first tingle or blister. When I’m down they always flare up. This is massive. I asked for tablets rather than cream. Waiting n clear bloods as temperature normal and hopefully home today.
Find those Zovirax coldsaw things you stick over it helped use a few and don’t peel off when they get loose they come off on their own worth a try and quite a few of us got coldsaw’s from chemo sending Shi xx
Sorry you’re still in hospital @naughty_boob. I’m thinking of you. I got a cold sore yesterday and my gp gave me antivirals aciclovir which I started today. So annoying they didn’t sort you out fast. Hope you get home soon xxxx
I’m prone to them when unwell and mentioned it to my team in the very beginning but they just said wait and see. I’ll look into them. Good idea to cover them so less likely to spread, I’m so careful and mine have spread quite a bit.
Well I’m going home tonight as my inflammatory marker had reduced. Unfortunately my liver test was not good, it’s been fine since I was admitted on Sunday.
Dr spoke to consultant who believe it’s a mix of antibiotics and aciclovir high dose tablets trying to be processed by my liver. My kidney is fine. I’m not yellow, no confusion, no unusual bleeding or bruising or pain in too right stomach. Said I can go home as long as if any of the above happens I call the helpline. I’m in clinic Tuesday so they will do extra blood test to double check this. Fingers crossed it will all resolve. They have swapped tablets for cream as it’s less harsh on liver with everything else going on.
One of the antibiotics and aciclovir can cause nephrotoxicity which is normally your kidney according to NICE website.
I’ll be pleased to be at home and see the fig and sleep in my own bed.
Hi @plum1 I am also on Phesgo. The injection is indeed very stingy. I have had all sorts from it. Rash on cycle 1 and really sore leg. Cycle two stinging but no side effects so was really sad that the sore leg is back for cycle three. They alternate legs so maybe next time no effects again. A girl can hope eh!
Like you I can’t be bothered with the wigs. I have no hair left to speak of now but am super grateful that my eyebrows and eyelashes are largely hanging on in there. Hats all the way for me.
Think you should ask your parents to bring you a tesco takeaway so no one has to cook. I am very lucky that my partner does it all on the weeks I am ill. I try and help by bulk cooking on well weeks and filling the freezer so he can have some easy nights microwaving. He is hilarious though. I think he sometimes forgets I made the original meal and asks me how it was as though it was all prepared by his fair hands. Good luck with the parents and if they really aren’t helping just say you are too tired for visitors. Love to all. Another day closer to being at the end.
@naughty_boob So sorry to hear you had to go to hospital. It is just another level of stress on top of stress. It sounds like you might get home soon though and the body is amazing at recovering so hopefully in a couple of days all those markers will be better and a nights sleep in your own bed will definitely be a relief. Big hugs.
Wow its so refreshing to read this thread and know I’m normal!!
Had 1st DC last Friday and had awful bone/limb pain all week. I’m in bed dosed up now. It’s so debilitating and hard to describe
Everything tastes nasty to me,i literally eat bread and butter and ice cold water!!
To the lady who said about the cold cap, please dont regret giving up or not trying - i tried and managed one session but the head pain after lasted 2 days, i just wesr soft hats all the time
Sending love to you all, we will get there xx
I’m home and slept in my own bed and had a relax in the bath with Epsom salts with my PICC arm covered and on the side.
Slept really well and feel so much better. The hospital bed and upright chairs do nothing for my back. The bed mattress feels lumpy from being tilted up and down.
@Craftyj no I’m afraid not. They have warned about peripheral nerve damage do you think it might be that. Have been told that just means treatment slows down for a bit. But sadly I think you may need to call the chemo centre for that one.
Hope you feel better soon @Craftyj . Are you on docetaxel? I’m on day 10 of it today and still don’t feel like I’ve shook it off. Took the kids to a birthday party on the tram yesterday (probably too ambitious) and felt totally wiped out. Each day I do feel marginally better though. Hope you do too xxx
@annemanc that is seriously ambitious! On day ten i feel pleased if i have pealed myself off the sofa and done some housework. Each day is a little better though. Small wins. How many cycles do you have to do?
Ah you’ve made me feel better @frazzledmcsazza ! Three cycles in total so got two to go. Taking the kids to Flip Out not one of my brightest moments. They were battering each other, as kids do, and jumping on me and I just felt awful! Am def realising I need to slow down a bit more than when I was on EC. Keeping strong by remembering it’s not forever xxxx
I 'm sure the kids enjoyed it even if you didn’t , yeh Doxe nasty and day 10 I’m just turning the corner. i did some Christmas shopping yesterday with my daughter and came back exhausted. Paying for it today! Sofa and rubbish tv it is xxx
Hi all, so hands and fingers are now affected, saw doctor and its Palmar-Plantar Erythrodysaesthesia (PPE) or Hand Foot Syndrome - should go after treatment finished
Walking is painful now so just resting and crafting - hence my username
Ive been making Breast Cancer baubles to support the charity who gave me my ‘Hug in a Bag’ at Birminghams QE Hospital - hope you like them!!